865.014/12–1649: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Secretary of State


4999. Clutton, African Department, yesterday made following comments re Italian Colonies:

Foreign Office has recently received note from Italians urging UK intervene with Ethiopia to prevent further bloodshed in Eritrea. Clutton believed US and French received similar notes. This and other recent representations from Italians have been replete with anti-Ethiopian propaganda and in some way Italian attitude bears marked resemblance to 1935 when Italians built up propaganda case emphasizing backwardness and ineptitude Ethiopians. UK doing everything possible deal with situation and to protect Italians, but Italian Government [Page 611] not helping by engaging in such deliberate anti-Ethiopian propaganda. Clutton also critical of Italians “acting as if they were administering power in Eritrea.” Foreign Office regards current terrorism as locally organized and inspired and as representing understandable if regrettable anti-Italian reaction, causes for which lie deep in past association between Italy and Eritrea. Foreign Office has no evidence to support Italian contention that Ethiopia encouraging current terrorist acts in Eritrea. Most that can be said is that Ethiopia is doing nothing to discourage such acts and British Government has made every effort persuade Ethiopian Government use its influence to endeavor stop present wave of assassinations. Clutton said UK reply to Italian note would be firm.
Re Somaliland, turnover to Italians will begin before TC draws up terms of trusteeship. While this may not be in accordance with letter of resolution, British consider it to be compatible spirit, since it is intention resolution that UK would be relieved of its responsibilities as soon as possible. Moreover, turnover will not be completed until after trusteeship agreement concluded. If commencement of turnover were delayed until after trusteeship agreement drawn up, monsoons would intervene and it would not be possible complete turnover until December 1950. UK anxious to avoid this, both because they wish to be relieved of financial and military responsibility and also because they increasingly feel that they are holding hot potato.

Clutton stated that UK has proposed to Italy that in taking over periphery (Embtel 4933,1 December 12) latter occupy to line established by agreement with Ethiopia time British withdrawal from Ogaden. In other words, Italian forces would occupy territory which British now occupy under Anglo-Ethiopian agreement. When we expressed our astonishment at this proposal, Clutton indicated he was in personal disagreement with it, but that decision had been made over his head. Reasoning behind suggestion is that since UK anxious relinquish control territory, there must be some borderline from which Italians take over and this is only agreed line. If Ethiopia and Italy can agree on another line, this would of course be welcome, but he thought Ethiopia would only be willing to agree to a line on condition Italy give up its claims to Eritrea. In reply our question, Clutton stated UK has not yet told Ethiopia that this suggestion has been made to Italy. He added that although no reply has yet been received from Italy to suggestion, he thought Italy would turn it down because of possibility complications with Ethiopians.

Department please pass USUN New York.

Sent Department 4999, repeated Addis Ababa 20, Rome 234, Paris 1022.

  1. Not printed.