800.00 Summaries/11–2549: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1


Infotel. We are informing our GA delegation we wld prefer not have American as UN Commissioner for Libya, although if strong sentiment in that direction shld develop in GA we wld not oppose it. We believe most important consideration is that Commissioner be acceptable to UK, in view its responsibility for administering territory. Meanwhile, UK FonOff official, commenting on means by which UK cld legally conclude long-term treaty with Cyrenaica, stated formula under discussion here, involving declaration independence by Emir, UK recognition and assumption UK’s responsibilities under res by Emir, wld assure UK rights for next two years, but leaves in doubt situation after Cyrenaica adheres to united Libya. Emb London stated our expectation that united Libya wld emerge under Sayid Idris, who cld assure continuation treaty re Cyrenaica. UK official remarked he by no means sure Emir wld be able assure this, but added UK might extend treaty engagements to Tripolitania as well. However, said Bevin continues oppose this on grounds expense and concern re effect on relations with Ital and Fr. UK official said Italians recently offered cooperate with UK on advisory council for Libya, which he interprets as Ital offer cooperate with UK re Cyrenaica in return for reestablishing Ital influence in Tripolitania.

  1. Sent to diplomatic offices at Paris and Rome.