840.20/3–2340: Telegram
The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices 1
At press conference today, Sec State commented as follows:
“During the drafting of the North Atlantic Pact, we were aware of the possibility that our formal expression of serious interest in the security of countries in the North Atlantic area might be misinterpreted [Page 244] as implying a lessening of our interest in the security of countries in other areas, particularly the Near and Middle East.
In my radio discussion of the North Atlantic Pact last Friday night,2 I tried to make clear our continuing interest in the security of areas outside the North Atlantic community, particularly in Greece, Turkey and Iran. I will repeat the portion of my speech bearing upon this subject: ‘In the compact world of today, the security of the United States cannot be defined in terms of boundaries and frontiers. A serious threat to international peace and security anywhere in the world is of direct concern to this country. Therefore, it is our policy to help free peoples to maintain their integrity and independence, not only in Western Europe or the Americas, but wherever the aid we are able to provide can be effective. Our actions in supporting the integrity and independence of Greece, Turkey and Iran are expressions of that determination. Our interest in the security of these countries has been made clear, and we shall continue to pursue that policy.’
I think that should speak for itself.”