740.00119 Control (Germany)/2–949: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State
509. At Foreign Office request Holmes saw Kirkpatrick this afternoon to receive following communications:
Inner Cabinet had been giving active consideration to entire German problem and has decided to press for consolidation Western position in Germany as rapidly as possible. British are now convinced there is no hope that Neutrals Committee will produce acceptable solution of currency problem Berlin and there is little hope that blockade will be lifted in foreseeable future. They feel that we should not delay introduction of West mark as sole currency Western sectors and propose March 10 be fixed as date such introduction. They realize this may mean indefinite continuance of air lift and have decided on several administrative measures to improve British share of lift by establishing more permanent administration regularizing and prolonging contracts with civil chartered carriers, substitution of “heavier machines” for C–47’s, et cetera.
Foregoing has been communicated to French and their agreement to introduction West mark March 10 sought. Robertson has been instructed to confer with Clay and Koenig concerning above.
Sent Department; repeated Berlin 98, Paris 92.