862.00/10–2649: Telegram
The United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy) to the Secretary of State
3448. Reference question raised by Adenauer October 2[20] in connection German participation Council of Europe. Bonn telegram 25 October 21.1
[Page 489]It appears he did not propose to send delegates to November 3 Paris meeting of Ministers but raised question of advisability of Federal Government’s making formal application for membership before that date. Implication is he intends in this way to take initiative and force the pace, provided he can have some assurance German request will be favorably acted upon by the Council of Europe. He wants High Commissioner’s approval of proposed action as well as some indication as to Germany’s chances of being admitted. As far as [re] presentation on Ministerial Committee is concerned Adenauer stated he realized that lacking foreign minister Germany could not at first be member of that committee and that he would be satisfied with seat in Assembly.
I assume Department favors Germany’s admission to Council of Europe. Is there any objection to Adenauer’s proposal to apply at once for membership? Can Department or Embassies Paris, London give any indication as to Germany’s chances being admitted to Council? Reply to these questions urgently needed.
While Adenauer did not raise question of admission to [of?] the Saar, this is matter on which we should also like to have guidance. Understand French up to now have not changed their position that the Saar would also enter the Council and at same time as Federal Republic. Unfavorable repercussions Western Germany if Saar given such recognition as politically separate entity self-evident. There is also question whether French or Council of Europe should be permitted without US Government’s consent to make decisions which seriously affect political status of the Saar. Department will also want to consider possibility that Adenauer’s proposed action may have effect of forcing French hand on Saar membership issue. Such development not viewed unfavorably here.
Repeated Paris 260, London 225.
- Not printed; it reported the decisions taken at the meeting of the High Commission on October 20, and summarized the discussion of the High Commissioners with Adenauer following it. As the last item of business the Chancellor had asked whether Germany could send delegates to the Council of Ministers meeting on November 3. (740.00119 Control (Germany)/10–2149) Regarding the discussion of the status of Berlin at these two meetings, see footnote 4 to telegram 3376, October 24, p. 426.↩