862.00/9–2249: Telegram

The United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy) to the Acting Secretary of State

top secret

2474. Acheson from McCloy. We note in your report on conversations with Schuman and Bevin (Deptel 1576, [September] 161) that consideration is being given to removal of Berlin issue from Security Council agenda. Following considerations should be taken into account before decision is made:

Soviets have not lived up to their agreements in many respects regarding Berlin (see MG report for July);
Critical situation exists regarding payment of West sector workers of Stadtbahn in West marks and definite action along one of following lines may have to be taken very shortly:
Real threat of break-off of “normalization” talks in Berlin due to failure to meet agreement on Stadtbahn;
Possible legal, action to impound West mark receipts of Stadtbahn;
Possible physical action to take over West mark receipts at stations in West sector as a last resort to enforcing Soviet agreement on Stadtbahn.

If one of courses in (b) above becomes necessary at same time or shortly after item is removed from agenda, situation could be most embarrassing to Allies. Also, removal of Berlin issue from agenda, might be used as argument against making any of above steps even though vitally necessary.

Realize that Soviet or satellite member might request removal. However, if Soviets make this move they open up subject which they maintained not in jurisdiction of Council and are open to charges of violation of agreement.

Request that any action taken on Berlin issue in Security Council be made only after thorough check on your part of actual situation existing in Berlin at the time. In short we should not be under any illusions that situation in Berlin is now normalized.

No word yet from Chuikov as to whether he will return call. Expect be Berlin Thursday evening through Saturday evening.

  1. Not printed; it transmitted a résumé of the Foreign Ministers’ talks on Germany, September 15, in Washington. With regard to the Berlin question on the Security Council agenda, the Department of State felt that it would be more effective to reintroduce the question, if it should arise again, than to merely reopen discussion. With regard to the possibility of another session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, there was general agreement to avoid at an early date any meeting on Germany. In other sections of the telegram the problems of German participation in international conferences and dismantling were discussed. For documentation relating to the latter subject, see pp. 594 ff.