501.BC Kashmir/7–2148: Telegram

The Chargé in India (Donovan) to the Secretary of State


595. From Chairman UN Commission Ind–Pak for President SC UN. UN commission India–Pakistan during official conversations in Karachi was informed that three brigades Pakistan troops are inside Kashmir frontiers. India has not been notified of this. Indian representatives strongly insist these troops be withdrawn as essential condition cease-fire with which commission concerned. Commission is informally sounding both governments concerning various solutions to dispute. Competent Indian officials indicate plebiscite this year impracticable and that whole years prolongation present crisis dangerous. Karachi officials favor plebiscite having thus far made no reservations regarding possible delay. Begin joint discussions with both governments still premature. List of questions to both governments on military situation prepared. Commission intends go Karachi after preliminary talks with Pakistan special representatives invited from Karachi to Delhi. No objections going Srinagar, when appropriate, expected. Commission cordially and courteously received in Karachi and Delhi. Commission asks to treat this message highly confidential for your internal information.

Sent Department 595, repeated Karachi 124, and London.
