- Abbas, Chaudry Ghulam, 384, 444
- Abdullah, Sheikh Mohammed, 279–311 passim, 317–318, 323, 328, 333–336, 343, 350–351, 364, 372, 418, 442, 444, 484, 506
- Adair, C. W., 360
- Adams, J. Wesley, 319–321, 346, 351, 429, 433
- Aden, 245
- Afghanistan:
- Economic and financial assistance, U.S., request for, 488–490, 493–494
- Iran: Dispute regarding distribution of waters of the Helmand River with, 152, 486; relations with, 473
- Military equipment, U.S., request for, 488, 491–494
- Pakistan, relations with, 287–290, 294–295, 331–332, 473–474, 487
- Regional pact with Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, proposed, attitude toward, 493
- Security of, 491–494
- Soviet Union, policy toward, 289, 490, 492–493
- U.S. legation, elevation to status of embassy, 488, 490–491
- Ahmed, Zahir, 389
- Ahmedi, Gen. 117n , 137–138, 141, 157–158, 181, 182n
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 136, 214, 225, 236–237, 246, 247n , 253, 257, 262
- Air Transport Command, 218–220
- Ala, Hussein, 108–109, 113, 142–144, 146–148, 155–156, 158–159, 161–162, 173, 174n , 182–184, 186n , 198, 200
- Al-Daftari, Ali Mumtaz, 39
- Ali, Asaf, 399
- Ali, Mir Laik, 386, 403–404
- Ali, Mohammad, 265–266, 285, 358–359, 440–444
- Ali Khan, Saadat, 404
- Allen, Denis, 266–267, 276
- Allen, George V., 62, 63n , 88n , 90–91, 93–99, 104n , 105, 107n , 108n , 109–110, 118, 126–127, 138, 189
- Allen, Ward P., 361
- Ailing, Paul H., 309n , 312–313, 328–330, 333–337, 340–341
- Al-Pachachi, Hamdi, 205
- American Independent Oil Company (AMINCO), 19–20, 50, 60
- Amr Pasha, Abdelfattah, 86
- Andrews, H. T., 532n
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), 5n , 7, 22, 31, 42, 49, 55n , 92, 151n , 157, 161n , 190
- Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company, 42
- Antaki, Naim, 6
- Aptel, 365
- Aqevli, Farajollah, 98, 107n
- Arab League: Alliance with the United States and the United Kingdom, proposed, 224, 227–230, 232, 234; Anglo-American policy, toward, 70; meetings of, 262; Palestine question, 6n , 7, 15n ; Trans-Arabian pipeline, policy toward, 6–7
- Arab States: Anti-Communist publicity program, question of Anglo-American cooperation concerning, 81–84; Palestine question, 210; U.S. information policy concerning, 81–84
- Arabian-American Oil Company (ARAMCO), 4, 12–14, 16–19, 23–24, 30–31, 39–40, 48–50, 52n , 55n , 63, 64n , 65, 217, 226, 238, 248–251, 262
- Arabian peninsula, security of, 2
- Aram, 109
- Arce, José, 459
- Argentina, 33, 282, 340, 345–346, 348, 477
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 90, 94–95, 106, 114–116, 135, 137–140, 145, 198, 214, 341
- Asad al-Faqih, Sheikh, 226–227
- Atomic bomb as deterrent to Soviet aggression, 517
- Attlee, Clement R., 302, 316, 335, 360–361, 419, 428, 430, 433, 440–441, 450, 455, 500
- Austin, Warren R.: Hyderabad dispute, 370, 372, 417, 420, 423; Iranian case at United Nations, 131n ; Kashmir dispute, 266, 271–294 passim, 298, 300, 308, 313–318, 323–327, 333, 338, 344, 420, 424, 426–427, 439–440
- Australia, 532
- Ayub Khan, Mohammad, 358
- Ayyangar, N. Gopalaswami, 278–279, 285, 293, 297n , 308–310, 312, 315, 325n
- Aziz, Abdol Hossayn, 287–289, 331–332
- Aziz Khan, Abdul Hai, 473–474, 491–492
- Azurov (Ashurov), 134
- Azzam Pasha, Abdul Rahman, 6–7, 228, 230
- Bahadur, Prince Yuvraj Karansinghji, 275, 279
- Bahrein, 9–11, 18, 21–22, 27, 37, 41, 44–45, 50, 58, 105, 151–152, 165, 179–181, 236, 245
- Bajpai, Sir Girja Shankar, 290–291, 295–297, 302–303, 310, 314–315, 333, 349, 367, 378, 386–387, 393–394, 398–399, 444, 455, 457, 466, 472–473, 477–479, 484, 498, 501–508, 512, 514–516, 520
- Bancroft, Harding, 276
- Banque de l’Indo-Chine, 249
- Barrow, John R., 55
- Barzani, Mullah Mustafa, 104, 130, 148
- Basra Petroleum Company, 39n
- Bathurst, M. E., 306
- Belgium (see also under Kashmir/Jammu dispute, etc.: United Nations: Security Council, etc.), 339, 345–348
- Bergus, Donald C., 48, 239, 250–251
- Berlin blockade, 156, 161, 173, 417, 529
- Bernadotte, Count Folke, 42–44, 46, 51, 52n , 206, 253
- Bevin, Ernest: British troops in Egypt, negotiations concerning evacuation of, 85–86; India, attitude toward, 393; Iran, British policy toward, 159; Iraq, British policy toward, 79n , 206; Kashmir dispute, 429–431, 434; Saudi Arabia, British policy toward, 212
- Blaisdell, Thomas C., 45
- Bloch, Henry S., 346
- Boardman, Francis, 69
- Boggs, Samuel W., 21n , 24, 26–28, 32, 34–36, 54
- Bohlen, Charles E., 131n , 187, 188n , 190n , 191, 195–196, 199, 434
- Breakey, Herbert A., 4, 8
- Bridges, Styles, 147
- British Commonwealth, 503–504, 524–525, 529–530, 532
- British Commonwealth Conference of Prime Ministers at London. see under Kashmir/Jammu dispute, etc.
- Bromley, T. E., 8–9, 11, 21n , 24–28, 32, 37, 54, 62–63, 67–68, 231
- Brougham, Robert I., 248, 250n
- Brown, Maj. Gen. Philip E., 144
- Brown, Winthrop G., 29n , 47n
- Browne, Mallory, 82
- Bucher, Gen. Francis R., 267–268, 270–271, 274, 356, 385, 391, 399, 404, 481, 484
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 135n , 136
- Bunche, Ralph, 52n
- Burma, 270, 517, 519
- Burrows, Bernard A., 71–72, 215
- Busheri, 166, 171
- Busk, Douglas, 202, 205
- Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 266–267, 274, 392–393, 396, 420, 424–425, 427, 434, 437, 444–450, 453, 455–456, 459–461
- Caffery, Jefferson, 168, 173
- California Texas Company, 39
- Campbell, Sir Robert Ian, 85
- Canada (see also under Kashmir/Jammu dispute, etc. United Nations: Security Council, etc.), U.S. relations with, 512
- Carter, Henry, 319
- Casey, 463
- Central Mining Company of London, 11, 13, 20n , 30
- Ceylon, 519
- Chamberlin, Lt. Gen. Stephen J., 340
- Chase National Bank, 240
- Chaudhuri, Brig. D., 508, 510–511, 513–514
- Chaudhuri, Maj. Gen. Joyanto Nath, 464–465
- Childs, J. Rives, 11–13, 60–61, 209–215, 220–243 passim, 247, 251, 253–255, 260–263
- Chile, 33
- China (see also under Kashmir/Jammu dispute, etc. United Nations: Security Council, etc.), 33, 198, 257, 307, 446–447, 505, 508, 519–521
- Chopra, I. S., 508–513
- Chouaib, Mohammed, 491
- Churchill, Winston S., 157n
- Clark, Harlan, 54, 62, 64
- Cockram, B., 306
- Colban, Erik, 346, 348, 377, 419, 433, 447, 457, 477, 481–483, 485
- Colombia (see also under Kashmir/Jammu dispute, etc.: United Nations: Security Council, etc.), 139, 339, 345–346
- Colquitt, Adrian deB., 54, 64
- Commerce, (U.S.) Department of, 22–24, 40, 46–47
- Compagnie Française de Pétroles (CFP), 55n , 56
- Congress (U.S.): Dhahran Airfield in Saudi Arabia, proposed expansion of, 220, 257–258, 263; European Recovery Program, 109, 278, 435; Export-Import Bank, 488; Greek-Turkish aid bill, 126; Iran, question of U.S. military assistance for, 89–90, 109, 126–127, 186, 199; military missions bill, 90; Senate Appropriations Committee, 147
- Consolidated Refineries, Ltd., 42
- Consolidated Steel Company, 5
- Continental Shelf Fisheries Proclamation (1945), 12, 26, 28, 32, 34–35, 58–59
- Cordier, Andrew W., 433
- Costa Rica, 33
- Creswell, Michael J., 154, 159, 166
- Cripps, Sir Stafford, 329, 441, 500
- Cuba, 33
- Cunningham, Sir George, 268, 288
- Curson, B. Robert, 306, 319, 445–447
- Cyprus, 72
- Cyrenaica, British bases in, 85
- Czechoslovakia, 338–340, 345, 348, 363
- Darwish Bey, 240
- Davies, Fred A., 15
- Dean, 434
- Declaration of Tehran (1943), 147, 183
- Defense, (U.S.) Department of (National Military Establishment), 6n , 47, 109, 196, 222, 235n , 237, 255–258, 263, 461
- Deimel, Henry L., 64, 226
- Delvoie, Lt. Gen., 469
- Denikin, 111
- Dhahran Airfield. see under Saudi Arabia.
- Donovan, Howard, 267–268, 270–271, 273–274, 290–291, 336, 345, 350–351, 353–357, 359, 366–369, 374, 385–386, 391, 393–395, 397–400, 402–405, 414–418, 464–465, 495–496, 514–516
- Dooher, Gerald F. P., 149, 192–193
- Dorsz, Edmund J., 202–206
- Douglas, Lewis, 79n , 164–166, 170–171, 202–203, 342, 345n
- Duce, James Terry, 4, 15–17, 19, 39–40
- Dulles, John Foster, 206–207, 456–457, 459–460, 463–464, 467–472, 475–477
- Dunn, Clyde, 32, 35, 37, 54, 62, 182–184
- Durand Line, 331, 473
- Eakens, Robert Henry Seale, 8, 42n , 55n , 64
- Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, interest of the United States in security of, 2–3
- Eastern Mediterranean pact, proposed, 259
- Ebtehaj, Abol Hassan, 114n , 167, 178, 182–183, 186n , 189, 192
- Economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey, U.S., (Truman Doctrine), 87, 89, 93, 118–119, 126–127, 133, 175, 194, 198, 233, 235, 264, 436
- Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA), 47, 51, 84
- Eddy, George, 248, 250–251
- Eddy, Col. William A., 4
- Eden, Anthony, 93
- Egypt: Anglo-Egyptian treaty of 1936, U.S. interest in revision of, 85–86, 224, 227–229, 234–235, 253; British relations with, 204; British troops, evacuation of, 85–86; economic and financial situation, 251; petroleum pipeline, negotiations regarding transit rights of, 4, 7; security of, 2; Soviet Union, barter agreement with, Mar. 3, 85–86
- Eisenhower, Gen. of the Army Dwight D., 372, 444–446, 448–449
- El-Edroos, Gen., 391, 397, 404
- Entezam, Nasrollah, 131n , 143, 155, 161–162, 173, 187, 200
- European Recovery Program (ERP) (Marshall Plan): Economic and financial objectives, 89, 109, 435, 529; Indian attitude toward, 504, 516, 518; Middle East petroleum, importance to Western Europe of, 6–7, 47, 51, 67, 225; Pakistan attitude toward, 435; Soviet opposition to, 107
- Evans, Maj. Gen. Vernon, 175–177
- Export-Import Bank of Washington, 166–168, 171, 178, 183, 207, 226–227, 241–242, 436, 488–489, 494, 528–529
- Faisal, Amir, 204, 209–211, 214–216
- Farouk, King of Egypt, 85–86
- Firouz, Mazaffar, 130
- Fishing rights in offshore territorial waters, 9, 26–27, 32–35, 39, 53
- Foo Ping-sheung, 497–498
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 78
- Forrestal, James: Arms embargo for India and Pakistan, 497, 519; petroleum pipelines in Near and Middle East, 7; security of Eastern Mediterranean and Near East, 2; U.S. strategic interests in Saudi Arabia, 218, 231, 244–245, 252, 255
- Fox, Ernest F., 287–289
- France, 72n , 118, 251, 281, 490
- Frankfurter, Felix, 470
- Fraser, William, 93n
- French Indochina, 251, 503
- French North Africa, U.S. policy toward, 522
- Fulbright Bill, 90
- Funkhouser, Richard E., 48
- Galambos, T. Andrew, 239–240
- Gallman, Waldemar J., 71–72, 204, 213–215
- George VI, King of England, 361–362
- Germany, 117
- Ghaffar Khan, Abdul, 289
- Goa, 403
- Gracey, Gen. Douglas D., 456, 484
- Grady, Henry F., 295–299, 302–304, 308–310, 322–323, 332–333, 336–337, 343, 497–502, 504
- Graeffe, Egbert, 345, 374, 460, 477–478
- Graeffe, Harry, 346, 352, 358
- Graling, Col. Francis, 511
- Gray, George E., 16, 24, 26–27, 32–36, 38, 54
- Greece: Eastern Mediterranean pact, proposed, 259; financial and monetary situation, 251; political situation, 295–296; security, 88, 90n , 307; Soviet policy toward, 120, 122; Union of South Africa policy toward, 530; U.S. economic and military aid for, 1–2, 87, 89, 90n , 93, 118–119, 121, 126–127, 194, 198, 264, 436
- Greenhill, Denis, 8, 74, 79n
- Griffin, Sir Cecil, 306
- Griffis, Stanton, 183
- Gross, Ernest, 110–113
- Grow, Brig. Gen. Robert W., 89–90, 98, 100, 102, 113, 115–116, 132, 134–136, 138, 140, 146, 157–158, 175–177
- Gruenther, Maj. Gen. Alfred M., 231
- Gulbenkian, Calouste Sarkis, 56, 64–66
- Hadramaut, 245
- Haidar Pasha, el-Ferik Mohamed, 85
- Haigh survey, 79n
- Hajir, Abdul Hussein, 151–157, 159, 162, 168–174, 182–183, 185, 186n , 190–192, 198–200
- Hakimi, Ibrahimm, 90–91, 93, 99, 101–104, 106, 107n , 109–110, 122–123, 125, 127–129, 133, 141–142, 151n
- Hamza, Fuad Bey, 223–224, 227–228
- Harden, Orville, 64–66
- Harding, Charles L., 55–57, 64–66
- Hare, Raymond A., 29n , 32–33, 35–37, 39–40, 54, 306, 491, 501, 504–505, 511–513
- Harisingh, H. H. Maharaja Sir, 291, 293, 296, 309, 372, 380–381
- Harper, Maj. Gen. Robert, 235–237
- Harriman, W. Averell, report of, 6
- Hedayat, Maj. Gen. Abdollah, 109, 135
- Hekmat, Ali Asghar, 199
- Helmand River, 152, 486
- Henderson, Loy W.: India, U.S. policy toward, 501–506, 508, 512, 519–521, Iran, U.S. policy toward, 88, 115, 154, 160, 164; Iraq, U.S. policy toward, 202, 204; Kashmir dispute, 276, 287–289, 331, 453–454, 458, 478–481, 484; petroleum concessions in Near and Middle East, 15–19; Saudi Arabia, U.S. policy toward, 213n , 217–218, 226n , 229, 235n ; Trans-Arabian pipeline, 5–6
- Herter, Christian, report of, 5–6
- Holmes, Julius C., 187, 419–420
- Hope, Mrs. M. E., 24
- Hoskot, Lt. Col. Nathaniel K., 340–341
- Howard, Harry N., 111n
- Hsu Shuh-si, 306n , 319, 321
- Huddle, J. Klar, 345–353, 358, 362–367, 369, 371–372, 374–379, 385–386, 388, 390, 400–401, 405, 412, 416, 418, 422, 425, 427–429, 432–433, 440–485 passim,
- Hudson, Manley O., 16–18, 60
- Hussain, Akhtar, 373–374
- Hyde, James N., 445
- Hyderabad dispute: British position, 422; Canadian position, 422; Indian intervention and military occupation, 336–337, 341, 348, 350–351, 353–357, 360–361, 365–367, 370, 385–393, 395, 397–398, 400, 402–404, 421, 432, 434, 448, 464–465, 518; Pakistan position, 373–374, 378, 381, 393, 401–403, 415, 420, 423, 459, 477, 495–496; U.N. Security Council considerations, 361, 366, 370, 372–373, 387, 389–390, 392–396, 398, 400, 402–404, 411, 414, 417, 420–423, 426, 459, 477; U.S. policy regarding proposed appointment of agent general from Hyderabad, 321–322, 332–333; U.S. position, 368–369, 372–373, 386–388, 391–392, 394–397, 399, 405, 411, 417, 421–423, 426
- Ibn Saud, Abdul Aziz, 11–13, 15–19, 22, 28, 36–37, 57–58, 204, 209–211, 213–238, 242, 253–257, 259, 262
- Ibrahim, Sardar Mohammed, 292–294, 334, 384
- Iceland, 33
- Iengar, H. V. R., 322–323, 333, 498–500
- Ikramullah, Mohammed, 265, 268, 270, 415, 462
- Ilah, Abdul, 202–205
- India (see also
Hyderabad dispute, Kashmir/Jammu
dispute, etc., and see Junagadh dispute under
United Nations: Security Council).
- Arms embargo, U.S., 496–497, 505, 508, 513, 519–520
- British Commonwealth, relationship to, 503–504
- Burma and Ceylon, relations with, 519
- China, attitude toward events in, 519–521
- Economic and financial assistance, U.S., question of, 504
- European Recovery Program, attitude toward, 504, 516, 518
- Financial and monetary situation, 251
- Foreign policy, 498–500, 502–504, 506–507, 515–519
- Indonesia, relations with, 519
- Military equipment, U.S., request for, 505, 507–508, 513–514, 519–520
- Military information, discussions with U.S. concerning exchange of, 509–512
- Pakistan:
- Princely states, U.S. policy regarding, 321–322
- South Asian bloc, attitude toward proposed, 503
- Soviet Union, attitude toward, 495, 497–500, 503, 506–507, 515–516
- Treatment of Indians in the Union of South Africa, 526
- U.N. Security Council seat, interest in, 505, 508
- U.S. policy toward, 495, 498–499, 503–504, 506, 509, 515–516, 519
- Visit to United States by Prime Minister Nehru, proposed, 501–502, 514–515
- Indian Independence Act, 360–361, 373
- Indonesia (see also under United Nations: Security Council), 503, 517, 519
- Interior, (U.S.) Department of the, 6n , 26, 47
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 71, 77–79, 90, 118, 151, 167, 171–172, 178, 183, 207, 489, 529
- International Court of Justice, 21–22, 44–45, 180, 373, 387, 436, 526
- International Hudson Corporation, 489
- International Monetary Fund, 528
- International Trade Organization, 73, 76, 86, 524, 528–529
- Inverchapel, Lord, 276
- Iran (see also under
United Nations: Security Council):
- Agreement with United States regarding U.S. military mission with Iranian Army, Oct. 6, 1947. 98–101, 133, 145–146; extending agreement, Dec. 29, 1948, and Jan. 5, 1949, 200–201; Iranian request for revision of, 114–116, 132, 134–138, 140, 181–182, 184
- Agreement with the United States regarding U.S. military mission with Iranian Gendarmerie (1943), 97–98, 106, 137–138, 140–141, 145–146, 150–151, 177, 179; renewal of, Sept. 11 and 13, 179
- Bahrein, claim to, 9–10, 21–22, 37, 41, 44–45, 50, 58, 105, 151–152, 165, 179–181
- British policy toward, 97, 105, 159–160, 162–165, 170–171, 185n , 187, 189–190, 192n
- Constitutional reform, proposals for, 92–93, 95–97, 121, 162–163, 189, 191–192
- Economic aid, U.S., 88, 94, 151, 157, 166–168, 171–172, 178, 183, 185
- Export-Import Bank credit, question of, 166–168, 171, 178, 183
- Financial and monetary situation, 251
- Helmand River waters, dispute with Afghanistan regarding distribution of, 152, 486
- Imbrie funds, utilization of, 90
- Incidents on Soviet border, 149–150, 152–154, 156, 162, 172–173, 195n , 196
- International Bank loan, question of, 90, 118, 151, 167, 171–172, 178, 183
- Kuwait, claim to, 21
- Majlis, activities of, 91–93, 96, 102, 104n , 107–110, 113–114, 116, 121, 135, 137, 140, 153, 159, 163, 176, 184–185, 189n , 191–192, 198–199
- Military aid, U.S., 88–91, 93, 100, 102, 107–110, 113–114, 118–119, 121, 124, 126–127, 133, 135–136, 138, 146–147, 157, 165–169, 174–178, 182–183, 185, 196, 198, 436
- Military mission, U.S., with Iranian Army, 50, 89–91, 94–95, 98, 116–117, 166n , 183; Soviet representations to Iran against, 99–101, 105–108, 110, 111n , 125–127, 130–131, 133, 139, 142–144, 147, 152, 154, 156, 160, 162, 169, 190, 199; Iranian replies to Soviets, 101–104, 107–110, 122–125, 127–131, 142–143
- Military mission, U.S., with Iranian Gendarmerie, 89–90, 94–95, 97–99, 106–107, 140n , 150–151, 166n
- Petroleum concessions in Iran, policy toward, 49, 92, 97, 122–123, 133, 151n , 153–154, 157, 159, 190
- Petroleum pipeline, question of, 5, 7
- Petroleum resources in Persian Gulf, 10, 18, 20–21, 25, 28, 36–37, 49–51, 53–54, 57–63, 67, 94, 181, 190
- Regional pact between Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, proposed, 403
- Regional pact with Eastern Mediterranean states, proposed, 183
- Security of, 2, 88, 90n , 189, 198, 307
- Soviet hostile attitude toward, U.S. concern regarding, 88–89, 107–108, 119–121, 132–133, 152–156, 160–161, 163–164, 168–170, 172–174, 185–188, 192–194, 196–197
- Soviet military aid and advisers, offer of, 153, 157–158
- Soviet oil concession in northern Iran, Iranian refusal to grant, 133, 153–154, 159–160, 169, 198–199
- Strategic importance of, 90, 161, 175, 182, 193, 197–199
- Surplus property credit agreement with the United States, July 29, 144, 166
- Treaty of friendship with Soviet Union, Feb. 21, 1921, status of, 101, 104, 107–108, 110–113, 123, 126–130, 132, 142–144, 147, 155–156, 158–162, 172–173, 188, 190, 195, 199–200
- Tudeh (Communist party), 118, 134, 157, 172–173
- U.S. political support for, 88, 94, 143, 196–199
- Visit of Shah of Iran to the United States, proposed, 147–148, 184
- Iraq:
- Anglo-Iraqi treaty of alliance of 1930, interest of the United States in negotiations between the United Kingdom and Iraq to revise, 202–206, 212–214, 216–217, 224, 227–229, 231–233, 253
- British strategic needs in, 202
- Economic development plans, U.S. policy concerning, 77–80
- Financial and monetary situation, 251
- Kirkuk-Haifa pipeline, policy toward reopening of, 66–67
- Palestine question, 5, 7, 42, 66–67, 79n , 206
- Petroleum concessions in Iraq, policy toward, 39, 225
- Petroleum pipelines, policy toward, 5, 7, 31, 42–43, 51, 56
- Petroleum resources in Persian Gulf, 18, 25, 50, 53–54, 58–59
- Security, 2, 203, 205n
- U.S. economic assistance, question of, 202, 206–207
- Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC), 29–30, 39n , 42, 55n , 56, 64–67
- Ireland, Philip W., 6
- Ismay of Wormington, Lord, 274, 276
- Ispahani, Mirza Abol Hassan, 270, 280n , 283
- Israel (see also Palestine question): Establishment of, 1, 82, 208; provisional government, 42–43, 51; U.S. arms, question of, 15
- Italy, 118, 161, 194, 251, 530
- Jabr, Saleh, 203–205
- Jamali, Fadhil, 204
- Jammu. see Kashmir/Jammu dispute, etc.
- Jawdat, Ali, 206–207
- Jenkins, William, 4
- Jernegan, John D., 24, 54, 62–63, 110, 117–121, 142–144, 192
- Jessup, Philip C., 391, 393, 411, 434, 444, 455, 469–470
- Jinnah, Mohamed Ali, 265, 311, 313, 318, 323, 328–330, 335, 337, 349, 374–375, 388, 390, 400, 424
- Johnson, Herschel V., 297n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS): Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, security of, 2–3; India, question of U.S. military equipment for, 509; Iran, question of U.S. military aid for, 165, 166n , 187; Saudi Arabia, U.S. strategic interests in, 231, 235n , 244–246, 252, 255–256
- Jones, E. E., 8, 11, 21n , 24–25, 28, 32–38, 41, 54
- Jones, George Lewis, 69, 213n
- Junagadh dispute. see under United Nations: Security Council.
- Jung, Nawab Zain Yar, 404, 465
- Kambaksh, 134
- Kashmir/Jammu dispute between India and Pakistan:
- Accession to India, 266, 275, 291, 293, 295–296, 304, 307, 352, 363, 378, 380, 431, 475
- Azad Kashmir Government, 265–266, 314–316, 318–319, 324, 333–334, 337, 340, 351, 363, 375–376, 383–384, 388, 400, 407, 409, 442, 444, 451, 483
- British Commonwealth Conference of Prime Ministers at London, Oct. 11–12, proposals for direct Indo-Pakistan discussions during, 424, 426, 428–430, 432–434, 440–441, 449, 518
- Cessation of hostilities and truce arrangements, proposals for, 297, 300, 305, 311, 313, 324, 334, 350–381 passim, 386, 406–408, 412–413, 427, 430, 437–439, 444–475 passim, 484
- Independence, proposed, 292–293, 310–312, 363
- Indian troops in Kashmir, 266, 268, 278, 280, 284, 289–290, 292–293, 305, 307, 313–315, 318–319, 323, 328, 334–335, 351–352, 356, 358, 371, 380, 407, 409, 431, 446, 451–453, 455, 465–466, 473, 475, 480, 484, 506, 518
- Interim government, proposals regarding establishment of, 266, 279–280, 283–284, 289, 291–293, 295–296, 299–303, 305, 307, 311, 330, 333–336, 444, 452, 466, 506
- Kashmir National Conference, 295, 343
- Military hostilities between India and Pakistan, 323, 340–342, 344–345, 348–351, 353, 358, 363, 365, 376, 384–385, 401, 413, 450–456, 458–459, 465–466, 481, 506
- Muslim Conference, 302–303, 333
- Pakistani tribesmen and military forces in, 269–313 passim, 324, 329–330, 334–337, 348–353, 356, 358, 363–365, 371, 377–378, 380–383, 400–401, 407–410, 412, 414–416, 423, 431, 443, 446, 449, 451–452, 458–459, 461, 471, 480, 484, 495, 506
- Partition, proposed, 275, 277, 291, 312, 343, 352, 356, 363, 418, 424–427, 438–440, 442–443
- Pathanistan issue, 287–290, 331–332, 473–474, 487
- Plebiscite, proposed, 266, 271–320 passim, 326, 328–330, 333–335, 337, 343, 349, 352–353, 356, 363, 375–378, 382, 386, 388, 390, 400–401, 406–408, 410, 412–413, 418, 424–478 passim, 483–484
- Plebiscite administrator, proposed, 338–339, 342, 352, 371, 429, 437, 444, 440–447, 449, 459–464, 466–470, 472, 475–478, 480, 482
- U.N. Commission for India and Pakistan:
- Activities and negotiations of, 346–352, 359, 362–367, 371–372, 374–380, 390, 400–401, 405, 410, 412–413, 417–418, 422, 439–478 passim, 485
- Argentine role, 340, 345–346, 348, 477
- Belgian role, 339, 345–348
- Colombian role, 339, 345–346
- Czechoslovak role, 338–340, 345, 348
- Establishment by U.N. Security Council, 272–313 passim, 324, 330, 334–335, 337–339, 341–342, 344–345
- Meetings, 345–346
- Membership, 338–340, 345–346
- Military adviser, proposed, 460–461, 467–469, 472, 477, 481
- Report to U.N. Security Council, 385–386, 389–390, 412–413, 419, 422–428, 433–434, 437–439, 450, 452–453, 455, 459–463, 467, 471
- Rules of procedure, 346–347
- U.S. role, 340–342, 344–347, 388–390, 412–413, 416, 422–423, 425–426, 433–434, 437–440, 448–449, 452, 456, 460–461, 468–469
- U.N. Security Council deliberations:
- Afghan interest, 287–290, 294–295, 331–332, 473–474
- Argentine role, proposed, 282
- Country positions: Belgian, 281–283, 286–287, 297, 298n , 313, 320, 325, 327, 330, 334, 363, 452n , 469; British, 266–267, 272–277, 280–283, 286–287, 293–294, 300–302, 306n , 307, 314, 316, 319–321, 325–327, 330, 334–335, 342, 348–349, 419–420, 422, 424–426, 429–430, 434, 440–471 passim, 500; Canadian, 277, 281–283, 297, 313, 320, 325, 327, 329n , 330, 334, 420, 452n , 470; Chinese, 281, 283, 306–336 passim, 420, 452n , 499–500; Colombian, 283, 313, 319, 322, 325, 329n , 334; Czechoslovak, 363; French, 281; Indian, 266–267, 207–315 passim, 320, 322–323, 325, 333, 339, 342–343, 347–351, 353, 355–356, 358, 364–366, 371–401 passim, 406–410, 412, 414–415, 418, 424–449 passim, 456, 458, 462, 466, 471–473, 478, 480–481, 484–485, 498, 500, 506, 516, 518; Pakistan, 265–266, 268–271, 283–284, 286, 289, 291, 293–294, 312–342 passim, 349, 351–352, 358–388 passim, 401–444 passim, 450–452, 454–456, 458, 461–462, 466, 473, 477, 481–485, 506, 518; Soviet, 277–278, 281, 290, 301, 339, 446, 500; U.S., 267, 271–273, 277–278, 280–282, 288–314 passim, 321, 327–328, 330–331, 334–335, 338–339, 344, 369–370, 432–433, 436–438, 448–450, 452–453, 460–462, 464, 468–470, 472, 499, 518
- Resolutions, 334–335, 337–339, 343, 347, 376, 382, 388, 406, 408, 410, 412–413, 416, 424–456 passim, 462, 467–471
- Turkish role, proposed, 338
- U.N. trusteeship, proposed, 300
- U.S. arms embargo to India and Pakistan, 496–497, 508, 513–514, 519–520
- Kaul, Col., 505, 510
- Kearney, 308–310
- Keck, William, 15n
- Kelly, Sir Darig, 497, 499
- Khanadan, S., 206–207
- Khashaba, 85
- Kidd, Philip C., 4, 16, 39–40, 248
- Kirby, 342, 463–464
- Kitchen, Jeffrey, 67
- Knapp, Joseph B., 242n
- Knowland, William F., 126
- Koegler, George, 5–7
- Kopper, Samuel K. C., 206–207, 435–436, 516–519
- Korbel, Josef, 345, 352, 363, 408, 412, 477, 485
- Korea, 117, 314, 502
- Krasnik, 149
- Krug, Julius, report of, 6, 7
- Kunst, Arnold V., 346, 359
- Kupal, Maj. Gen., 97–98, 106, 145
- Kuter, Maj. Gen. L. S., 253
- Kuwait, 5, 7, 18–21, 30, 36, 41
- Kuwait Neutral Zone, 18–20, 48, 50, 60,
- Kuwait Oil Company, 19–20
- La Follette, Robert M., 473
- Lauterpacht, 417, 420–421
- Layard, 336–337
- Leach, Richard S., 287–289, 473–474, 491–494
- League of Nations, 180n , 283
- Leahy, Fleet Adm. William D., 244–246
- Lebanon, 2, 66, 72n , 251
- Leguizamon, Carlos A., 346, 477
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 112
- Le Rougetel, John H., 41, 107n , 185n , 189–192, 200
- Levant states. see Lebanon and Syria.
- Lewis, Charles W., 265–266, 268–269, 289, 304, 359, 373–374, 379–384, 405–410, 414–415, 418, 451–452, 462, 464, 481–484
- Liaquat Ali Khan, 265, 268–270, 279, 335–337, 375, 393, 402–403, 414–455 passim, 464, 518
- Liberia, U.S. interest in maintaining limited operational control over Roberts Field in, 523
- Lloyd, Gen., 352
- London Conference on Germany, 91
- Looney, Warren, 32–34
- López, Alfonso, 319, 322, 324–328
- Lovett, Robert A: Anglo-American talks concerning Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean, 69–71; Hyderabad dispute, 333n , 411, 420–423; India, U.S. policy toward, 501, 505–508, 512, 520n ; Iran, U.S. policy toward, 88–90, 130–131, 135–137, 140, 147–148, 185–191, 195–200; Iraq, U.S. policy toward, 202, 207; Kashmir/Jammu dispute, 266–267, 275–278, 280, 327–328, 330–331, 334–335, 412–413, 416, 422–429, 432–433, 435, 437–438, 444, 448–450, 452–453, 455, 468–469, 472, 485; Kirkuk–Haifa pipeline, 51–52; offshore petroleum resources in Persian Gulf, 13, 49, 52–53, 57–60, 62; petroleum pipeline from Iran, 5n , 6n ; Saudi Arabia, U.S. policy toward, 214, 231–232, 235, 244, 247–248, 250n , 255–259, 263; Trans-Arabian pipeline, 39; Union of South Africa, U.S. relations with, 532
- Lozano, Alfredo, 345, 351–352, 459, 475, 477–483, 485
- Maclean, Donald, 32, 34–35, 37–38
- Macmillan, Harold, 361
- Macy, 160–161
- Mahmud Khan, Sardar Shah, 490
- Majid Khan, Abdul, 491–494
- Malan, Daniel François, 52n , 530
- Mansour, Prince, 260
- Maritime Commission, 89
- Marshall, George C.: Afghanistan, U.S. relations with, 488, 490–491; Anglo-American talks on Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean, 71, 74–77; Arab States, U.S. information policy concerning, 81–84; Haifa refinery, question regarding reopening of, 44n , 52n ; Hyderabad dispute, 321–322, 332, 336, 357, 366, 368, 370, 372–373, 385–399, 402–403, 414, 417, 420, 423; India, U.S. policy toward, 495–500, 514–520; Iran, U.S. policy toward, 90, 94–95, 105–110, 113–117, 126–127, 132–181 passim, 187, 191, 194, 197n , 199; Iraq, U.S. policy toward, 77–80, 202–206; Kashmir/Jammu dispute, 265–314 passim, 323, 325, 328, 333, 335, 337–346, 348–351, 353, 358–359, 362, 364, 369–372, 374, 376–377, 379, 385, 388–390, 400, 405, 414, 417–419, 424–436, 439, 444–484 passim, 518; petroleum concessions in Near and Middle East, 15, 19–20, 39, petroleum pipeline from Iran, 6n , 7, 22–24; petroleum resources in Persian Gulf, 12–16, 20–21, 41, 44–45, 49, 60–61; Saudi Arabia, U.S. policy toward, 209–211, 213, 217–222, 224, 226–227, 232, 234–235, 238, 241–244, 246–247, 250, 252–254, 260–263; Trans-Arabian pipeline, 5–6, 45–47
- Mathews, E. G., 360–361, 435, 444, 491, 501–506, 513–514
- Mattison, Gordon, 16, 24–28, 32–33, 36–37, 40n
- Mayhew, C. P., 308n
- Mazhari, 198
- McEnerney, Edward B., 24–28, 32–38, 59n
- McGhee, George C., 55n
- McIntyre, Francis, 22n
- McNaughton, Lt. Gen. Andrew G. L., 297, 463
- McNeil, Hector, 430
- Mediterranean Refinery Company, 39–40
- Menon, V. P., 336–337, 343, 350, 354–356, 374, 394–397, 399
- Merriam, Gordon P., 8–11, 16, 225–227, 229–231
- Mexico, 33, 251
- Middle East. see Near and Middle East.
- Middleton, Col., 509–510
- Mikesell, Raymond, 250n , 251
- Millspaugh, Arthur C., 98
- Mirjan, Wahab, 39
- Mohammad, Ghulam, 415
- Mohiuddin, Ahmed, 332
- Moin, Nawab, 417, 420
- Moline, E. G., 24–25, 29–31, 54, 64–67
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 497–500
- Monckton, Sir Walter, 341, 354–355
- Moore, Col. Howard, 256n
- Morrison-Knudson, 171
- Most-favored-nation treatment, 86
- Mosul Petroleum Company, 39n
- Mountbatten of Burma, Admiral Viscount, 312, 316, 336–337, 341, 354–355
- Mudalier, A. Ramaswami, 402n , 419, 426
- Mundt Act, 90
- Munshi, Kanialal Maneklal, 398
- Murray, Wallace, 74–75, 142
- Muscat, 25, 36, 41
- Naim Khan, Mohamed, 491
- Narayan, Jaua Prakash, 308
- National Security Council: Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East security, 3; Greece, U.S. policy toward, 2; U.S. strategic interests in Saudi Arabia, 235n
- Natural Resources Proclamation, 26
- Nawab of Junagadh, 381
- Nazimuddin, Khwaja Sir, 388n , 482
- Near and Middle East (see also Petroleum Resources in Near and Middle East): Anglo-American talks concerning (Pentagon Talks of 1947), aftermath of, 8, 69–80; memorandum on social and economic affairs, Anglo-American negotiations concerning, 69–77; Soviet policy regarding, 83–84, 119–121, 130; U.S. interest in security of, 2–3, 12, 202, 212, 219, 228–230, 232, 235, 244–245
- Near East Development Corporation, 66
- Near East Foundation, 178
- Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal, 265n , 267, 269–271, 273–274, 293, 295–297, 299, 302, 308–310, 322, 335, 343, 347, 352, 356–359, 364–366, 371, 374, 378–386, 388, 390, 398, 400–402, 407–442 passim, 447–448, 450, 455, 458, 462, 473, 478–480, 482–483, 485, 498–503, 507, 514–520
- Nehru, R. K., 512–514
- Netherlands, 251
- New Zealand, 338, 532
- Nicaragua, 33
- Nimitz, Fleet Admiral Chester W., 460, 482
- Nisot, Joseph, 286, 319–320
- Nitze, Paul H., 64, 248
- Nizam of Hyderabad, 354–355, 360–362, 367–368, 373, 385–386, 389, 392, 395–400, 402–404, 411, 414, 464
- Noel-Baker, Philip John, 274, 276, 280–283, 285–286, 293–294, 302, 316, 326, 430, 500
- Nokrashy Pasha, Mahmud Fahmy, 7, 85–88
- North Atlantic Pact, 259
- Norton, Garrison, 242n
- Nouri-Esfandiari, 114–115, 117, 132, 134–135, 137–138, 140–142, 144–146, 150, 166, 187, 200
- Novikov, Kiril Vasilevich, 497–498, 500
- Noyes, Charles P., 297–299, 306, 314–318, 327
- Nuri as Said, 204
- Nye, Sir Archibald, 337n , 458
- Cakes, C. Hawley, 346, 348, 423
- Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 496
- O’Keefe, Col. Richard J., 222, 235, 246–247, 260, 262
- Oman, 36, 245
- Owen, Gary, 48
- Pachachi, Muzahem, 39, 66–67
- Padegan, 148
- Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza Shah, 21, 22n , 57, 92–93, 95–99, 106, 107n , 117–121, 131–133, 138n , 147–177 passim, 182, 184–189, 191–193, 197n , 198, 200
- Pakistan (see also Hyderabad dispute and Kashmir/Jammu dispute, etc., and see Janagadh dispute under United Nations: Security Council): Afghanistan, relations with, 294–295, 331–332, 473–474, 487; cash balances of former undivided Government of India, dispute with India concerning, 495; European Recovery Program, attitude toward, 435; headwaters of rivers vital to economy of West Punjab, concern regarding Indian control over, 436, 440; Palestine question, 448; regional pact between Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, proposed, 493; Soviet Union, policy toward, 317, 435–436; treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation with the United States, negotiations concerning, 495; U.S. arms embargo, 496–497, 505, 514, 519–520; U.S. bases question of, 516; U.S. financial assistance, 495–496; U.S. military equipment, request for, 519–520
- Palestine question (see also Israel and under United Nations: General Assembly and United Nations: Security Council): Arab League position, 6n , 7, 15n ; Arab military actions, 1, 46; Arab States, position of, 210, British position, 10, 209n , 210, 213n , 447; Iraq position, 5, 7, 42, 66–67, 79n , 206; neutral or demilitarized zones, 447; Pakistan interest, 448; Saudi Arabian attitude toward, 7, 60, 209, 213, 221, 224, 234, 241–242, 254, 260; Soviet position, 90n , 130; truce arrangements, 46; U.S. arms embargo, 219, 245, 256; U.S. position, 1, 5, 7, 10, 40, 46, 82, 161, 209–210, 213n , 221, 235, 253, 314, 436, 449
- Palmer, Ely E., 488–490
- Pan American World Airways, 523
- Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi, 278, 448, 450, 497–500, 507, 515–516
- Parsons, J. Graham, 479, 516–519
- Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai, 353–354, 356, 381, 499
- Patrick, Sir Paul, 314, 319, 343, 419–420, 428, 483
- Pearl fishery rights in offshore waters, 9, 27, 39, 53
- Persian Gulf (see also under Petroleum resources in Near and Middle East), Anglo-American policy regarding, 70–71
- Peru, 33
- Petroleum resources in Near and Middle East:
- British policy, 24–28, 32–38, 41, 49, 62–63, 67–68
- Concessions and installations, status of, 6–7, 9, 11–12, 14–20, 48, 52n , 60–61, 64–66
- Group and Red Line agreements of 1928, revision of, 55–57, 64
- Importance to European Recovery Plan, 6–7, 47, 51, 67, 225
- Iran-Iraq pipeline, 5–7, 22–23, 31
- Kirkuk-Haif a pipeline, negotiations regarding possible reopening of, 42–44, 51–52, 56–57, 66–67
- Persian Gulf: Median line principle for waters of, 9–11, 17–18, 21n , 28, 41, 50, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63; offshore petroleum resources in, 8–22, 25–39, 41, 45, 48–55, 57–63, 67–68
- Petroleum refinery at Haifa, continued closure of, 42–44
- Strategic importance of, 2–3
- Trans-Arabian pipeline (TAPLINE), negotiations concerning, 4–7, 22–24, 39–40, 45–47, 218
- U.S. participation in development of, 4–68
- Pierce, Col. James R., 146, 151n , 177
- Pillai, Purushottama P., 271n , 278
- Pishevari, Jafar, 104, 148, 169
- Poland, 498
- Policy Committee on Arms and Armaments, 519–520
- Polk, Judd, 238–241, 243, 248
- Portugal, 151
- Power, 389–390
- Proper, Col. Louis W., 511
- Pyman, Lancelot F. L., 93, 107n , 152, 164–166, 170–171, 187, 213–214
- Qashqai, Hosein, 134
- Qatar, 18
- Qavam, Ahmad, 147, 157, 199
- Radji, 199
- Rahim Khan, Abdur, 440
- Rajagopalachari, Shri Chakravarti, 354n , 399, 403, 415n , 520
- Ramsey, Edward, 225
- Ramsey, Fred W., 166
- Rau, Benegal Rama, 386–387, 394, 396, 398, 504
- Ray, George, 16–19
- Razin, 168n , 172, 174
- Razmara. Gen. Ali, 104n , 113–114, 141–142, 148–149, 155, 177, 184–185, 196–197
- Razvi, Syed Mohamed Kasim, 355, 366–369, 386
- Regional pact between Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, proposed, 493
- Res nullius, 34
- Rhea, Lt. Col. 247
- Ridley, Maj. Gen. Clarence S., 98
- Roberts, Frank K., 434
- Roberts Field in Liberia, 523
- Robertson, David A., 5n , 8, 16, 19, 24–28, 54–55
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 157n
- Ross, John C., 275, 323–324
- Rotstein, Fyodor Aronovieh, 128
- Royal Dutch Shell, 42
- Royall, Kenneth C., 505–506
- Rusk, Dean, 42n , 275, 287n , 306
- Saar, 283
- Sadehikov, Ivan Vasilyevich, 99–101, 125–127, 133, 139, 141–142, 152–155, 159, 162, 168–170, 172, 174, 196, 199
- Sadr, Mohammed, 205
- Saed, Mohammad, 61, 198–199
- Samper, Hernando, 346, 352
- Sanders, William, 469
- Sanger, Richard H., 4, 8, 16–19, 21n , 23n , 32, 35, 61–64, 67–68, 225–226, 235
- Satterthwaite, Joseph. C., 15n , 24–25, 47n , 52n , 54–57, 64, 182, 192–494, 206–207, 287, 394, 435, 444, 469, 516, 519–520
- Saud, Prince, 213, 226, 253
- Saudi Arabia:
- Civil air transport agreement with the United States, negotiations concerning, 211, 255–256, 258
- Defense arrangement with, proposed, U.S.-U.K., 254, 256–257, 259, 262–263
- Dhahran Airfield: Agreement with the United States concerning, 211, 217–220, 237, 246–247, 255–256, 260–261, 263; operation by Air Transport Command, 218–219; renewal of U.S. tenancy, 209, 214, 220, 224–225, 237, 246–247, 253–254, 257–258, 260–263; strategic importance of, 252, 255; U.S. Air Force training mission at, 218, 220, 225, 236, 245–247, 252, 255–258, 261–262
- Economic assistance to, U.S., 209, 226–227
- Export-Import Bank loan, 207, 226–227, 241–242
- Financial and monetary situation, 238–241, 243, 248, 250–251
- Gold, U.S. sale of, 251n
- Hashemite dynasties in Syria and Trans Jordan, concern regarding, 212, 216, 222–223, 228, 236–237
- Military assistance, U.S., 209, 216, 218–219, 223, 224n , 235–237, 247, 253, 256–257, 262
- Military training mission, U.S. proposed, 209, 214–216, 218–219, 256
- Palestine question, effect of, 7, 60, 209, 213, 221, 224, 234, 241–242, 254, 260
- Petroleum concessions, policy toward, 15–16, 19–20, 48, 52n , 60, 225, 236
- Petroleum concessions in Persian Gulf, 10–14, 16–19, 22, 25, 27–31, 36–38, 48–50, 53–55, 57–60, 63
- Security of, 219, 253–254
- Strategic interests of the United States and the United Kingdom in, 215, 217, 225, 229, 231, 235n , 237, 244–246, 249
- Trans World Airlines contracts, 211n
- Treaty of alliance with the United Kingdom, proposed, 204, 209, 212–225, 227, 229–234, 259n
- U.S. legation, proposed elevation to embassy level, 209–210
- Sawyer, Charles, 45–46
- Schwarzkopf, Brig. Gen. H. Norman, 89–90, 97–99, 106, 115, 117, 137–138, 140–141, 145–146, 150–151
- Seeds, Col. Dale S., 222, 224
- Setatvad, M. C., 282
- Sexton, Col. William T., 141–142, 148–149, 174, 177, 184–185, 196
- Shaki al Wadi., 204
- Singh, Kalwant, 345
- Singh, Mohan, 271
- Singh, Sardar Baldev, 270
- Sinhji, Gen. Rajendra, 398
- Siro, Ricardo J., 345, 477
- Smith, Maj. Francis M., 346, 352, 358
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 130, 164, 194–195, 499–500
- Smith–Mundt Act, 178, 183, 504
- Smuts, Jan Christiaan, 524, 526–527, 530
- Snyder, Col. Harry R., 235, 246–247
- Snyder, John W., 248
- Socony Vacuum Oil Company, 5, 22n , 39, 42, 55n , 64n , 65
- Socotra Island, 244–245
- Somerville, James, 110, 113–114, 116n , 117–121, 132, 171
- South Asian bloc, proposed, 503
- Sovereignty, questions regarding, 9–10, 17, 25–26, 32–35, 39, 41, 53, 59, 152, 291, 293, 321, 407
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet subheadings under individual countries and specific subjects): Military capabilities, 3; U.S. relations with, 91
- Spain, 530
- Sparks, Joseph S., 306, 360, 508–513
- Sprye, Gen., 461
- Stalin, losif Vissarionovich, 157
- Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, 5–7, 42, 55n , 64n , 65
- Stassen, Harold E., 460
- Steinberg, 122–124, 133
- Stevens, Harley, 20
- Stockpiling of strategic materials, U.S. program, 528
- Sudan, 72, 85–86
- Sulaiman, Sheikh Abdullah as, 238, 240, 242, 248, 250, 251n
- Superior Oil Company of Los Angeles, 11, 13, 15–19, 20n , 30–31
- Suroor, Shaikh Mohammed, 239–240
- Sweden, 92
- Switzerland, 251
- Symon, A. C. B., 308, 336, 391
- Symonds, Richard, 346, 352, 358
- Syria: Financial problems with France, 72n , 251; Hyderabad question, 366; Middle East pipeline, 31; security of, 2; Trans-Arabian pipeline, policy toward, 6–7, 23–24; U.N. Security Council, member of, 505, 508
- Tameer, 292–293
- Taqizadeh, 93
- Tawfiq as-Suwaidi, 204
- Tehran Conference (1943), 157
- Territorial waters, questions concerning jurisdiction and control over, 8–13, 16–19, 30, 32–36, 38–39, 53, 57–59
- Thakin Nu, 503
- Thalweg principle, 10, 61
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 276
- Thornburg, Max W., 172
- Thorp, Willard L., 22n , 45, 72–77, 248
- Thurston, Ray L., 276–278, 282–283, 285–286, 297–299, 306–308, 319–321, 323, 327, 444–445, 447, 501, 503, 505, 511
- Tirth, Swami Ramanand, 465
- Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company, 45
- Transjordan, 29, 66, 72, 85, 225, 229, 232–233, 253
- Trans World Airlines, 211n
- Treasury, (U.S.) Department of the, 243, 248–251
- Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc. (see also
agreements under individual countries):
- Anglo-Afghan treaty of 1921, 288
- Anglo-Egyptian treaty of 1936. See under Egypt.
- Anglo-Iraqi treaty of alliance of 1930. See under Iraq.
- Anglo-Kuwait treaty of 1899, 19–20
- Dhahran Airfield agreement. see Saudi Arabia: Dhahran Airfield.
- India–Hyderabad standstill agreement (1947), 321, 332, 357, 360, 362, 367, 373, 392
- Iran:
- Convention defining aggression, with Soviet Union (1933), 111, 113
- Convention defining Russo-British spheres of influence in (1907), 111
- Treaty of alliance with Soviet Union and United Kingdom (1942), 103, 128
- Treaty of friendship with Soviet Union (1921). see under Iran.
- Treaty of security and neutrality with Soviet Union (1927), 111–113, 127, 129
- U.S. military missions to. see under Iran
- Saadabad pact, 183
- Tariffs and trade, general agreement on (1947), 69, 76, 528–529
- United Nations Charter, 108, 110–113, 124, 136, 142, 155–156, 158–159, 219, 228, 272–273, 294, 305, 311, 327, 339, 373, 390, 392, 411n , 418, 429, 463, 512, 526
- Trinidad, 26
- Trinidad Leaseholds, 18
- Trott, Alan C., 14, 28, 212–217, 231–232
- Trucial Oman, 36, 245
- Trucial Sheikhdoms, 18
- Truman, Harry S.: Afghanistan, U.S. relations with, 490–491; Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, security of, 2; Hyderabad dispute, 360–361, 367–368; India, U.S. policy toward, 496–497, 501–502, 519–520; Iran, U.S. policy toward, 147–148; proclamation regarding natural resources of subsoil and seabed of continental shelf, Sept. 25, 1945, 12, 26, 28, 32, 35; Union of South Africa, U.S. relations with, 532
- Truman Doctrine. see Economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey.
- Tsiang Ting-fu, 312, 316, 319–321, 324n , 499–500
- Tuck, Somerville P., 6–7
- Turkey: Army, 121; Eastern Mediterranean pact, proposed, 259; foreign policy, 182; German residents during World War II, 132; Kashmir dispute, 338; regional pact between Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, proposed, 493; security of, 88, 90n , 182, 307; U.S. economic and military aid to, 1–2, 89, 93, 108n , 118–119, 126–127, 133, 175, 194, 198, 233, 235, 264, 436
- Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 505, 508
- Union of South Africa: British Commonwealth, relationship to, 524–525, 529–530, 532; economic situation, 527–528; Export-Import Bank loan, request for, 528–529; Greece, policy toward, 530; Italy, policy toward, 530; political situation, 525–527; South-West Africa, refusal to submit trusteeship agreement for, 522; Soviet Union, policy toward, 530–531; treatment of Indians in, 526; treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation with the Union States, proposed, 529; U.S. legation, elevation to embassy level, 532, U.S. relations with, 524–532
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. see Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom. see British subheadings under individual countries and specific subjects.
- United Nations:
- Bahrein question, 41, 180, 236
- Conference on Trade and Employment, Havana, 86
- Economic and Social Council, 72
- General Assembly: Bahrein question, 44, 180; declaration of June 26, 1945, 125; Hyderabad dispute, 370, 373, 387; Indians in the Union of South Africa, treatment of, 526; Korean question, 502; Palestine mediator, 42–44, 46, 51, 52n , 206, 253; Palestine question, 1, 5, 7, 51n , 56, 82, 203, 210, 213, 234; South-West Africa, 527; Spain, 1946 resolution concerning, 530; special session on Palestine, 326
- Secretary-General, 107, 110, 131, 267, 269–270, 280, 346, 352, 359, 369–370, 419, 422, 437, 439, 446, 455, 457, 467, 475, 477, 483
- Security Council (see also under Hyderabad dispute and under Kashmir/Jammu dispute, etc.): Bahrein question, 44, 180; Berlin question, 417; elections to, 505, 508; Indonesian case, 281, 283, 373, 483–484; Iranian question, 107–110, 130–131, 142–144, 155, 158, 161–162, 173–174, 187–188, 190–191, 194–196, 199–200, 396; Junagadh dispute between India and Pakistan, 266, 284n , 286, 344, 363, 380–381, 415; Palestine question, 46; veto question, 131, 191, 301, 446, 515
- Van Langenhove, Fernand, 282–287, 297, 416n
- Vandenberg, Gen. Hoyt S., 256n
- Vellodi, M. K., 314, 349, 351, 356
- Venezuela, 26
- Vernon, Raymond, 64
- Vyshinski, Andrei Yanuaryevich, 164
- Wadsworth, George, 39, 74, 77, 79n
- Wainwright, Gen. Jonathan M., 460
- Walker, Gordon, 302
- War Assets Administration, 127
- War Department (U.S.), 523
- Wedemeyer, Lt. Gen. Albert C., 482
- Weightman, 14n
- Wendelen, André, 319
- Western European Union, U.S. support for, 188
- Wheeler, Lt. Gen. Raymond A., 342
- Wherry, Kenneth, 40
- Wiley, John C., 22n , 41, 49–51, 58n , 60, 63n , 68, 118–119, 121, 131–199 passim,
- Williams, W. L. S., 360–362
- Wilson, Evan M., 139, 181–182
- Winship, North, 532n
- Wright, Michael R., 70n , 202–204, 213n
- Yahya Daneshyan, Gen. Gholam, 148
- Yekta, 181–182
- Young, Allen, 16
- Yugoslavia, 498
- Yussuf, Shaikh Yassin, 209n , 211n , 232–234, 236–237, 254, 260, 262–263
- Zafrullah Khan, Sir Mohammed, 265, 270, 280, 282–284, 286–287, 289, 293, 312, 316–318, 323–324, 349, 351–352, 359, 363–365, 367, 371–372, 374–381, 388, 401, 405–406, 409, 414–416, 419–420, 423–424, 426, 435–436, 440, 444, 450–451, 454–455, 457, 459, 462, 466, 473, 477, 481–483, 485