501.BC Kashmir/7–2148: Telegram
The United States Representative on the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (Huddle) to the Secretary of State
594. Comkas 14. In pursuance efforts find basis agreement parties on cease-fire (Comkas 11) Commission despatched Lozano, Adams Karachi July 17 discuss subject Pakistan Foreign Minister. Informally Zafrullah indicated three minimum conditions cease-fire (1) withdrawal Indian troops, (2) consideration views Azad forces, (3) protection Moslem population in areas evacuated Indian troops. Zafrullah agreed endeavor obtain views Azad forces and suggested that following withdrawal Indian troops law and order be maintained Moslem areas by Moslem troops and non-Moslem areas by non-Moslems, both forces officered by neutral.
[Page 352]Zafrullah said GOP categorically denies legality Kashmir accession India and stated Pakistan troops had more right enter Kashmir in support majority population than had Indian troops. Said Pakistan troops entered Kashmir to prevent occupation by Indian Army strategic points essential defence Pakistan; to prevent occupation all Kashmir by Indian Army so as to present Commission fait accompli; and to forestall mass influx refugees fleeing advance Indian Army. Zafrullah said GOP absolutely would not agree partition saying possession Jammu by India would create exposed flank Pakistan frontier. Zafrullah said Pakistan Army would withdraw Kashmir if Indian Army would do likewise.
In informal conversations, Nehru has indicated Indian troops would withdraw some distance if Pakistan troops evacuated Kashmir but would insist holding certain strategic points against tribal incursions. He also wants announcement by Commission withdrawal Pakistan troops as minimum recognition guilt Pakistan and validity Indian complaint. While he would not insist area evacuated Pakistan troops be occupied Indian troops Nehru has indicated he wants authority state government over all Kashmir recognized. Czechoslovak representative reports Nehru unwilling delay settlement one year as probably required by plebiscite and appears inclined accept partition along present line Indian troops.
Formal Indian statement conditions cease-fire expected shortly. Meanwhile Commission adopted resolution twentieth requesting GOP designate representative come Delhi discuss cease-fire.
Commission currently thinking cease-fire along present front opposing forces or slight withdrawal both sides. In anticipation agreement Commission adopted resolution twentieth requesting SYG UN be requested supply observers.1 Resolution also requested SYG appoint third country officer high rank as military adviser Commission. Commission informing SYG it believes appointment General Llovd this post questionable in view announcement his consideration plebiscite administrator.
Military subcommittee consisting Lozano, Captain Graeffe,2 Major Smith, Samper with Symonds adviser had prepared list questions on military situation Jammu Kashmir before and after cease-fire to clarify actual conditions. Indian Army officials who on sixteenth appeared before Commission to give summary military events Kashmir endeavored establish presence Pakistan troops Kashmir which GOP had not yet admitted GOI. Commission planning inform SC presence these troops Kashmir but primarily on basis Zafrullah’s admission to delegates.
[Page 353]USRep planning propose Commission that military subcommittee proceed Kashmir soon as feasible. Full Commission expects proceed Kashmir following discussions Karachi.
Sent Department 594; repeated Karachi 123 Department pass London from Delhi.