List of abbreviations and symbols
Editor’s note.—This list does not include standard abbreviations in common usage; unusual abbreviations of rare occurrence which are clarified at appropriate points; and those abbreviations and contractions which, although uncommon, are understandable from the context.
- A–A, Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Armour)
- AA, anti-aircraft
- AAUN, American Association for the United Nations
- AGP, Arab Government of Palestine (at Gaza)
- AHC, Arab Higher Committee
- AHE, Arab Higher (Committee) Executive
- AIOC, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
- AIT, Anglo-Iraqi Treaty (1948)
- AL, Arab League
- AL, Arab Legion (Transjordan)
- Amcross, American Red Cross
- AmExp, American Export Lines
- Aminco, American Independent Oil Company
- AMMIA, American Military Mission with the Iranian Army
- AMVat, series indicator for telegrams from the American Mission at the Vatican
- AP, Associated Press
- Aramco, Arabian American Oil Company
- ARMISH, American Military Mission with the Iranian Army
- ATC, Air Transport Command
- BC, Division of British Commonwealth Affairs, Department of State
- Black, series indicator for certain telegrams sent by the White House to the Department of State
- Blue, series indicator for certain telegrams sent by the White House to the Department of State
- BMEO, British Middle East Office
- CAA, Civil Aeronautics Administration
- CAB, Civil Aeronautics Board
- CC, Conciliation Commission (for Palestine)
- CEEC, Committee for European Economic Cooperation
- CFP, Compagnie Française des Pétroles
- CG, Consulate General
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CICR, International Committee of the Red Cross
- CINC, Commander in Chief
- cirtel, circular telegram
- CNO, Chief of Naval Operations
- CO, Commanding Officer
- Comkas, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Representative on the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan
- COMMIN, Indian delegation to the United Nations Commission on India and Pakistan
- Contel, Consulate telegram
- CP, Division of Commercial Policy, Department of State
- CPS, Communist parties
- CRL, Consolidated Refineries, Ltd.
- CRO, Commonwealth Relations Office (British)
- CRYPTO, military message indicator
- CSGID, Ground Intelligence Division, General Staff, Office of the Chief of Staff, United States Army
- DA, Division of Dependent Area Affairs, Department of State
- Del, Delegation, Delegate
- Delga, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly
- Depcirtel, Department of State circular telegram
- Depintel, Department of State circular information telegram
- Deptel, Department of State telegram
- Deptreftel, Department of State reference telegram
- dipcorps, diplomatic corps
- DP, displaced person
- DRN, Division of Research for Near East and Africa, Department of State
- E, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
- EAD, External Affairs Department (India)
- ECA, Economic Cooperation Administration
- ECME, Economic Commission for the Middle East (United Nations)
- ECOSOC, Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
- ED, Division of Investment and Economic Development, Department of State
- Emdesp, Embassy despatch
- Embtel, Embassy telegram
- ERP, European Recovery Program
- EUCOM, European Command, United States Army
- EUR, Office of European Affairs, Department of State
- FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization
- FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice
- FLC, Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, Department of State
- FN, Division of Financial Affairs, Department of State
- FO, Foreign Office
- FonOff, Foreign Office
- FoSec, Foreign Secretary
- FSO, Foreign Service Officer
- GA, General Assembly of the United Nations
- GADel, General Assembly Delegation (United States); also Gadel, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly
- GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GAUN, General Assembly of the United Nations
- GMT, Greenwich Mean Time
- GOC, General Officer Commanding
- GOI, Government of India
- GOP, Government of Pakistan
- GTI, Division of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs, Department of State
- HE, His Excellency
- HMG, His Majesty’s Government
- HQ, Headquarters
- HRH, His Royal Highness
- HSO, Highest staff officer
- Hydel, Hyderabad delegation
- IC, Interim Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations
- ICEF, International Children’s Emergency Fund
- ICJ, International Court of Justice
- ICRC, International Committee of the Red Cross
- INA, Indian Army
- INDel, Indian Delegation
- infotel, information telegram
- IO, Reference and Documents Section, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
- IPC, Iraq Petroleum Company, Ltd.
- IR, International Resources Division, Department of State
- IRC, International Red Cross
- IRO, International Refugee Organization
- IS, Division of International Security Affairs, Department of State
- ITO, International Trade Organization
- IZL, Irgun Zvai Leumi
- JA, Jewish Agency for Palestine
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JTA, Jewish Telegraphic Agency
- Kascom, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Representative on the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan
- L (Le), Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- L/P (Le/P), Assistant Legal Adviser for Political Affairs (Snow), Department of State
- MA, Military Attaché; also series indicator for telegrams from Military Attachés to the War Department
- Martel, series indicator for telegrams from Secretary of State Marshall while away from Washington
- MD, Munitions Division, Department of State
- ME, Middle East
- Mistel, Mission telegram
- mytel, my telegram
- NE, Division of Near Eastern Affairs, Department of State; also Near Eastern or Near East
- NEA, Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, Department of State
- NEDC, Near East Development Corporation
- niact, night action, communications indicator requiring attention by the recipient at any hour of the day or night
- NME, National Military Establishment
- NSC, National Security Council
- NWFP, North-West Frontier Province
- OFD, Office of Financial and Development Policy, Department of State
- OIE, Office of Information and Educational Exchange, Department of State
- OIR/GE, Special Adviser on Geography in the Office of Intelligence Research, Department of State
- PA, Plebiscite Administrator (Kashmir boundary question)
- PAK, Pakistan
- PCG, Provisional Councils of Government (Palestine)
- PCIRO, Preparatory Commission for the International Refugee Organization
- PD, Passport Division, Department of State
- PED, Petroleum Division, Department of State
- PG, Persian Gulf
- PGI, Provisional Government of Israel
- PM, Prime Minister
- PPS, designation for documents by the Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- PriMin, Prime Minister
- RAF, Royal Air Force (British)
- RC, Red Cross
- reDeptel, regarding Department of State telegram
- reEmbtel, regarding Embassy telegram
- reftel, reference telegram
- remytel, regarding my telegram
- reurtel, regarding your telegram
- RIAF, Royal Indian Air Force
- RSFSR, Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic
- S/, designation for documents issued by the Security Council
- S/P, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- S/P.V., Plenary verbatim records of the Security Council
- S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
- SAG, Saudi Arabian Government
- SC, Security Council of the United Nations
- SCTC, United Nations Security Council Truce Commission
- SD, Shipping Division, Department of State
- Sec. Gen., Secretary-General
- SGUN, Secretary-General of the United Nations
- SOA, Division of South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- Socony, Standard Oil Company of New York
- SPA, Office of Special Political Affairs, Department of State
- SWNCC, State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee
- SYG, Secretary-General
- Tapline, Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company
- TC, United Nations Security Council Truce Commission
- TC, Trusteeship Council of the United Nations
- Telmar, series indicator for telegrams to Secretary of State Marshall while away from Washington
- TJ, Transjordan
- TS, Top Secret
- TVA, Tennessee Valley Authority
- U, Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
- UKDel, United Kingdom Delegation
- UKUN, United Kingdom Delegation at the United Nations
- UNA, Office of United Nations Affairs, Department of State
- UNCIP, United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan
- UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- UNICEF, United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
- UNMis, United States Mission at the United Nations
- UNO, United Nations Organization
- UNS, Division of International Security Affairs, Department of State
- UNSC, United Nations Security Council
- UNSCOB, United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans
- UNSCOP, United Nations Special Committee on Palestine
- UNTC, United Nations Security Truce Commission
- UP, United Press
- urdes, your despatch
- urtel, your telegram
- USAF, United States Air Force
- USDel, United States Delegation
- USG, United States Government
- USGADel, United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly
- USIE, United States Information and Educational Exchange Program
- USMC, United States Marine Corps
- USUN, United States Mission at the United Nations
- WARX, series indicator for telegrams sent overseas by the Department of the Army or by Army Headquarters, Washington
- Weeka, weekly, inter-agency, summary analysis from United States diplomatic missions
- White, series indicator for certain telegrams sent by the Department of State to the White House
- WHO, World Health Organization