124.611/5–848: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State


863. Discussion with Burobin has now confirmed negative reply Soviet Government on housing (Embdes 340, April 131). Six living apartments are promised in new building expected to be ready in first half 1949 (assume this means might actually be ready 1950) but no hope held out for Kropotkinsky or similar building. Despite further firm approach to Foreign Office and promise early action (Embdes 376, April 262) likewise no results on customs.

Consequently if reply on customs not received when I return from leave about May 25 I shall inform Molotov attitude Soviet Government [Page 851] obliges US Government place total official representation on reciprocal basis and request that steps be taken reduce Soviet representation. Will follow tactical procedure agreed on with Department in previous messages.

  1. Not printed; but see telegram 667 from Moscow on April 12, 1948, p. 828.
  2. Not printed.