Multilateral Relations:
- United States economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey: the Truman
(Documents 1–156)
- The Greek Frontier Question at the United Nations: The United States
(Documents 157–199)
- Concern of the United States for the welfare of the peoples of Bulgaria,
Hungary, and Romania; efforts to achieve the terms of the treaties of peace,
and to protect United States interests
(Documents 200–267)
- Attitude of the United States toward Eastern Europe exile leaders and
organizations (Documents 268–292)
- Civil aviation policy of the United States toward the Soviet Union and
Eastern Europe (Documents 293–324)
- United States policy on trade with the Soviet Union and Eastern
(Documents 325–375)
- Participation of the United States in the Belgrade Conference on the
Regime for Free Navigation of the Danube River
(Documents 376–470)