[Page [1094]] [Page 1095]- Abbott, Douglas, 54–55
- Acheson, Dean, 41–42, 48, 55–58, 92–93, 94–95, 96–97, 99–100, 156–158, 355–356, 397, 437–438, 689, 802–805, 941–942
- Achilles Theodore C., 2n
- Ackermann, Anton, 730n
- Ackerson, Garret G., Jr., 392–394
- Adcock, Maj. Gen. Clarence L., 589n
- Admiralty Islands, 16–20
- Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, etc., and under individual countries.
- Air bases in Aruba, Curaçao, and Surinam, U.S.-Netherlands discussions on disposition of, 955–959
- Ajmone Cat, Lt. Gen. Mario, 950
- Albania, eligibility for restitution of property, 526n
- Alexander, A. V., 79n
- Allied Control Council, See Austria: Allied Council; Italy: Allied Commission; and under Germany.
- Allison, John Moore, 2n
- Alphand, Hervé, 256, 399n, 782n
- Andreoni, Carlo, 951
- Angell, James W., 489n, 490–491
- Aruba, airbase in, U.S.-Netherlands discussions regarding disposition of, 955–959
- Asaf Ali, 86, 111
- Ascension Island, 14, 25
- Atherton, Ray, 53–55, 67–68
- Attlee, Clement R., 79n, 82
- Auriol, Vincent, 405, 408, 510n
- Austin, Warren R., 1078–1079, 1080–1081, 1083–1085
- Australia:
- Agreements with New Zealand, 33n; United States, 52
- Bases in Southwest Pacific, position and discussions on proposed U.S. base rights agreement, 1, 16–20, 27, 41–42
- Joint defense of Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, Australian and New Zealand proposals for, and U.S. views on, 27–28, 30–31, 33–34
- Austria, 283–387
- Agreement on control machinery in Austria, 1945, 298n, 299, 305, 319
- Allied Council for Austria (see also Four Power controls, infra:
- Austrian state treaty:
- Austro-Italian frontier: British views on, 331–332; U.S. views on, 286–287, 288–289, 291, 340–342, 346, 351–352
- Bolzano. See Austro-Italian frontier, supra.
- Council of Foreign Ministers, U.S. efforts to put Austrian question on agenda, 344–345, 374–375
- Danube River, See Danube River.
- Denazification program: Allied Council resolution on, 383–384; Austrian denazification law (1946), 380n; Soviet charges of lack of progress in, 358–361, 375n
- Displaced persons, refugees, etc. in, (see also Jews), 358–361, 375n
- Economic aid to. See UNRRA; and U.S. post-UNRRA relief, infra.
- Economic conditions in, 283–286, 308–309, 328–329, 334, 341–342, 345–348, 376–383
- Economic relations and trade with other countries: Discussions on, 284–285, 367; Soviet attitude on, 309–312
- Elections, local, proposals for, 326–327, 335–336
- Eligibility for restitutions of property, 526
- Food supplies to (see also UNRRA, infra), 384–385
- Four Power controls and occupation forces in:
- Control machinery, new agreement on, 348–350, 352–354; Soviet attitude on, 363–364
- Occupation forces, U.S. proposals for reduction of, 288, 298, 326; Allied views on: British, 298n; French, 298n; Soviet, 292, 298n, 302–303, 325
- Policy for independent Austria, U.S. concern over failure of Four Powers to agree on, 320–321
- German assets in (see also
Soviet Union: Extraterritorial demands, infra:
- Austrian Nationalization Law, U.S. views on, 368–369
- Austrian-U.S. discussions on, 364–365
- Byrnes-Molotov correspondence on, 289–290
- Soviet attitude on, and takeover of, 300–312, 337n, 354–355, 370–371; Austrian views and efforts to oppose, 357–358; U.S. position on, 355–357
- U.S. position on, and efforts to obtain Soviet agreement to negotiate in Allied Council on, 283–284, 290–291, 300–301, 303–304, 337–339, 362, 370, 373–374
- German minority in, Soviet orders for expulsion of, 172–173
- Moscow Declaration on Austria (1943), interpretation and application of, 304, 305, 311, 310, 376
- Peace treaty. See Austrian state
- treaty, supra.
- Political situation in (see also Elections, supra), 376–383
- Relief and reconstruction of. See UNRRA; and U.S. Post-UNRRA relief, infra.
- South Tyrol question. See Austro-Italian frontier, supra.
- Soviet Union:
- UNRRA: Council resolutions, 323–324; British views and discussions with United States on, 292–296, 317–318; program, 302, 305, 316–317, 327–328; U.S.-Soviet discussions on, 324–325
- U.S. financial aid to Austria in 1947, discussion on, 360–370
- U.S. policy making and administration of occupied areas, principles and procedures regarding, 337, 674–677
- U.S. post-UNRRA relief, discussions and arrangements for, 362–363, 365–367, 371–373, 385–387
- Azores, air-bases in, 962–1022
- Bach, Morton, 205
- Baillie, Hugh, 475
- Bajpai, Sir Girja Shankar, 77n, 96–97
- Baldwin, Stanley, 60
- Balfour, John, 394, 1030
- Balogh, István, 142
- Baltic Sea, neutralization of entrances to, U.S. interest in, 389–398
- Bang-Jensen, Povl, 192
- Baraduc, Jacques, 414n
- Baraduc, Pierre, 786n
- Barker, Maj. Gen. Ray W., 716, 720
- Barkley, Alben W., 39
- Barthoud, Eric Alfred, 292n, 295, 296
- Baruch, Herman B., 963–972, 978–981, 998–999, 999–1001, 1006–1007
- Bases, strategic, U.S. interest in (see also
Portugal: Airfields):
- Goose Bay, Labrador, 61, 73
- Southwest Pacific, 1–49
- Australia, position on and discussions of U.S. proposed base rights agreement for Admiralty Islands, 1, 16–20, 27, 41–42
- Joint Australia-New Zealand-United States defense, Australian-New Zealand proposals for, and U.S. views on, 27–28, 30–31, 33–34
- New Zealand, position on and discussions of U.S. proposed agreement on Western Samoa, 3–10, 46–49
- Soviet press reports of negotiations, 44–45
- United Kingdom:
- Beck, Josef, 133n
- Bein, William, 185n, 186, 187n
- Belgium:
- Benton, William, 687–689
- Bérard, Armand, 603–604, 693–694
- Berger, Samuel, 703n
- Berlin Conference. See Potsdam Conference.
- Berman, Adolf, 132n
- Berman, Jakub, 132n
- Bernstein, E. M., 432–433, 443
- Berry, Lampton, 85–86
- Bertone, Battista, 939
- Béthouart, Lt. Gen. M. E., 383n
- Bevin, Ernest, 11n, 38–40, 42–43, 129, 379, 389, 395, 451, 492, 498–499, 565–566, 641
- Bianchi, João Antonio de, 973n
- Bidault, Georges, 410n, 423, 465, 468, 509, 512–515, 590, 596, 607–610, 621n, 787, 1032n, 1051–1054, 1058–1059, 1066
- Biddle, Col. Anthony J. Drexel, 177n
- Black, George, 53n
- Blaisdell, Thomas C., 226n, 782n, 784
- Blum, Léon, 408–409, 415, 417–420, 430–431, 451–452, 464, 479, 509
- Bogomolov, Alexander Efremovich, 421n, 1058–1059
- Bohlen, Charles E., 1032n
- Bonbright, James C. H., 437, 833n
- Bonner, Paul H., 932
- Bonnet, Henri, 415–416, 464, 596–600, 1057
- Bonsal, Philip W., 810–811, 812–814, 817–818, 820–821, 1047–1048, 1054–1055, 1059–1060, 1075–1078, 1079–1080, 1082–1083, 1088–1089
- Bose, Subhas Chandra, 81n
- Bower, Roy, 85–86
- Bretton Woods Agreement, 203, 894n
- Brown, William Adams, Jr., 896n
- Buhrman, Parker W., 141–142
- Bulgaria:
- Bull, Maj. Gen. Harold R., 730–731
- Butterworth, William W., Jr., 794–796, 796–798, 1031–1032, 1038–1042
- Byington, Homer M., 845n, 870, 900, 917–918
- Byrnes, James F., 6–8,
11–12, 115n, 153–154, 174n, 244, 250, 283, 418–420, 451–452, 471, 549n, 577–578, 607–610, 635n, 641, 674–677, 812–816, 832–833, 989–990, 1027n, 1051
- Messages addressed to: Ernest Bevin, 781; Georges Bidault, 496–498, 610, 621, 781–782; Henri Bonnet, 528–529, 582–583, 768, 782–783; General Clay, 655–656, 657–658; Alcide de Gasperi, 937; Lord Halifax, 28–30, 38–40, 390–392, 395–396; Vyacheslav Molotov, 289–290, 344; Robert P. Patterson, 155, 539–540; Alberto Tarchiani, 891; President Truman, 175, 279–280
- U.S. policy regarding Germany, Sept. 6 speech on, 602, 609, 691, 694, 734n
- Caffery, Jefferson, 399–479 passim, 509–511, 566–567, 576–577, 593–594, 596, 604–605, 786–787, 937, 1043–1044, 1058–1059, 1060–1062
- Canada, 53–76
- Agreements with United States, 75–76
- Bases, strategic, U.S. interest in acquiring at Goose Bay, Labrador, 61, 73
- Defense, joint U.S.-Canadian measures for, 53–75
- Canadian attitude, 53–56
- Discussions, joint, 68–75
- Estimate of Soviet military capabilities and position, 62n, 67–68
- Permanent Joint Board on Defense: Establishment of, 55n; recommendations of, and U.S. efforts to obtain Canadian implementation of, 56n, 57–61, 65–67
- Standardization of arms, Eisenhower–Montgomery discussions on, 57–58, 63–65
- Truman conversations with Prime Minister King on joint defense measures, 58–63
- Cannon, Clarence, 926
- Canton Island, 14, 21, 36, 38, 39
- Carandini, Niccolò, 864n
- Cárdenas, Juan F. de, 1027–1030, 1037–1038, 1045–1046
- Caribbean Commission, agreement for establishment of, 222
- Caroe, Sir Olaf K., 77n
- Carroll, M. J., 338n
- Caulkins, D. P., 936
- Charles, Sir Noel, 827n, 876n
- Charquéraud, Paul H., 202, 206, 227
- Chauvel, Jean, 124n, 510n, 566–567, 592n, 604–605
- Chifley, Joseph Benedict, 41
- Chipman, Norris B., 471–477
- Christmas Island, 14, 23, 36, 38, 39
- Churchill, Winston S., 23n, 101, 1028
- Chwalek, Roman, 739n
- Cicognani, Archbishop Amleto G., 798–799
- Cilento, Sir Raphael, 144n
- Clark, Gen. Mark W., 157n, 198, 246, 285, 288n, 302, 312–315, 324–325, 352, 354–355, 363, 368n, 369–371, 377, 382–385
- Clay, Lt. Gen. Lucius D., 132n, 197, 231n, 451, 481n, 485, 487, 490, 494–496, 523, 530, 531, 538, 540–542, 556–560, 581–582, 594, 622, 624n, 633–635, 638, 656–657, 660, 665, 671, 686, 687n, 694, 699n, 704, 708, 714, 718, 730–731, 741, 755–756, 780
- Clayton, William L., 176–178, 216, 237–247, 370–373, 415–416, 431–434, 440–446, 453, 455–456, 462, 464, 644–646, 777n, 860, 892, 894–897, 901, 904, 909–914, 926–927, 948n
- Clemens, Lt. Col. C. R., 258
- Cleveland, Harlan, 924
- Clutterbuck, Sir Alexander, 75
- Coe, Frank, 894–897, 902, 908
- Cohen, Benjamin V., 577n, 579–580, 1032–1033
- Coleman, Creighton R., 542–543
- Collado, Emilio G., 233n, 224–225, 412n, 432, 433, 445, 894–897, 904–905
- Colm, Gerhard, 556n
- Communist Party. See under individual countries.
- Connally, Tom, 1080n, 1081
- Conover, Harry, 205
- Cook, Richard F., 257n
- Cooper, Alfred Duff, 782n, 1056n
- Carbino, Epicarmo, 931–932, 934–936, 939n
- Council of Foreign Ministers, deliberations concerning—
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 656n
- Crain, Col. James K., 938n
- Cripps, Sir Stafford, 79n
- Culbertson, Paul T., 965, 967, 973–978, 985–988, 990, 996–998, 1007, 1012–1021, 1037–1038
- Curaçao, airbase in, U.S.-Netherlands discussions regarding disposition of, 955–959
- Czechoslovakia:
- Danube River craft, restitution of. See Danube River craft.
- German minority in, transfer of, 184–185; agreement with U.S. Military Government regarding temporary interruption of, 188
- Dahrendorf, Gustav, 703
- Danaher, John A., 113n
- Danube River, U.S. interest in measures; for control of, 223–282
- International control: French-U.S. conversations on, 254–257; confirmation of agreements in satellite peace treaties, U.S. discussions and views on, 223, 224–226, 229, 232–233; U.S. policy, 239–244; question of U.S. initiative, 237–239, 260–261, 277–279
- Navigation on: Allied Control Council (Austria) resolution, 224; British-U.S. discussions, 230, 244–247; Soviet activity in, 248–252, 309–312; U.N. efforts to call conference on, and U.S. views, 274–275, 277, 279, 281; U.S. policy, 252–253, 269–270; U.S. proposals to the Soviets, 230–231, 232, 247–248, 264–265, 270
- Danube River Craft, restitution of:
- Davidov, Maj. Gen. Alexander Mikhai-lovich, 731
- Dawson, William, 1079n
- Deak, Francis, 757n
- De Gasperi, Alcide, 183n, 829n, 874, 875, 881, 893, 940, 952
- de Gaulle, Gen. Charles, 400–403, 403n, 408–409, 466–467, 509, 1059
- DeGrelle, Léon, 814n
- Dekanozov, Vladimir Georgyevich, 194–195, 303n, 600–602, 825n, 826
- Delius, Karl, 753n
- Demarchi, Emilio, 936 de Nicola, Enrico, 891
- Denmark, 389–398
- Dennison, Capt. Robert L., 8n, 9–10, 14–15, 21–22, 30–32
- de Valera, Eamon, 114–117, 805, 821–822
- deWilde, John C., 293n, 294
- Displaced persons, refugees, etc., 128–199
[Page 1099]
- Displaced persons camps: Closing of, to promote repatriation, discussion of U.S. plan, 143, 148, 153–154, 155; Polish Government-in-exile, activities of representatives in Camps, and U.S. removal of, 176–178, 179, 180–181; U.S. reports on camps in Germany, 143–147, 148–152
- German minorities and refugees, expulsion and transfer from Austria, 172–173; Bulgaria, 192; Czechoslovakia, 184–185, 188; Denmark, 189–191, 196–197, 192–193; Hungary, 128–130, 140, 142–143; Rumania, 192; Yugoslavia, 134–135, 192
- Jews, migration from Poland into U.S. zones of occupation in Germany and Austria, U.S. concern and efforts to regulate, 131–133, 156–158, 174, 175–176, 178, 179–180, 185–187; British position on, 180n; Italian Government views on transfer to camps in Italy, 181–184
- Refugee question: Refugee organization, exchange of U.S.-British views on establishment of, 158–163, 164–170; U.N. handling of, 135–140
- Repatriation of—
- di Stefano Mario, 901n
- Dodge, Joseph M., 556n
- Doehner, Meyer, 814
- Donovan, Howard, 85
- Dorn, Walter L., 696n
- Dorr, Russell H., 571n
- Dort, Dallas W., 293–296, 362n
- Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 1085n
- Draper, Brig. Gen. William H., 543n, 586, 786n
- Dratvin, Lt. Gen. Mikhail Ivanovich, 548n, 563–565, 571n, 718, 763
- Duclos, Jacques, 407, 447, 473, 476, 478
- Dulles, Allen, 700
- Dunham William Barrett 1008–1009, 1086
- Dunn, James Clement, 223n, 296–297, 864–865, 874
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 194n, 600–602, 602–603, 628–629, 861
- Eccles, Marriner S., 432–433, 440–446, 453, 456, 462, 894–897, 904, 909
- Echols, Maj. Gen. Oliver P., 621–622, 677–679
- Economic and Social Council. See United Nations.
- Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 57–58, 564, 659n, 660n
- Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense, 800
- Erhardt, John G., 172–173, 175–176, 185–186, 197–198, 227–229, 264–265, 269–270, 302, 309–312, 322–323, 330–332, 333n, 342n, 343n, 345–348, 352n, 362–364, 376–383
- Erskine, Maj. Gen. George, 589n
- European inland waterways. See Danube River; Kiel Canal; and Rhine River.
- Evatt, Herbert V., 1, 12, 27–28, 33, 41,
- Export-Import Bank, 371–372, 433, 440–446, 450, 901–902, 904–905, 910n, 942–943
- Exton Frederick, 938
- Fachinetti, Cipriano, 940n
- Farley, James A., 115
- Fechner, Max, 703
- Ferrari, Luigi, 948n, 949
- Fierst, Herbert A., 176n
- Figl, Leopold, 173, 326n, 380, 382
- Finland, eligibility for restitution of property, 526
- Fitzgerald, Dennis A., 540n
- Forrestal, James V., 438, 674–677
- Forsyth, Douglas D., 121n
- Foulkes, Lt. Gen. Charles, 65n
- France, 399–480
- Agreements with the United States, 200–201, 220, 222, 459, 461n, 464n, 480, 671n, 1091, 1092
- Austria, French actions and policies in, 298n, 306n, 377
- Communist Party: Activities of, 403–407, 421–422, 424, 435n, 438–440, 446–449, 465–466, 470–471; anti-Spanish activities of, 1059–1060, 1070–1072; relations with the Soviet Union, 459, 471–477, 478–479, 1047–1048
- Economic and financial negotiations with the United States:
- Arrangements and preliminary agenda for, 399–400, 409–412, 414–418
- Blum mission—U.S. discussions of French needs, 418–420, 425–431, 451–452
- Lend-lease settlement, proposal for, 910–911
- National Advisory Council discussions of aid to, 431–434, 440–446, 453–458, 459–461
- Political implications of, 412–414, 434, 450
- Results of, 450, 461–464; Communist Party views on, 470–471; U.S. Embassy views on, 464
- Economic and financial situation in, 412–413, 426–430
- Germany: Administration and Allied policy, French position on questions relating to, 509–511, 512–515, 522, 523, 566–567, 590–592, 596, 603–605, 609–610; French political parties, attitude toward, 422–425, 465–466; French Zone of occupation, activities in, 570–571, 596–600, 656n; frontier and territorial questions, French position on, 500, 507–508, 607–609, 621, 648–649, 661, 679–682, 693–694
- Indochina, U.S. interest in nationalist opposition to restoration of French rule in, 479
- Italy, views on U.S. efforts to modify armistice regime in, 841, 864
- North Africa, French, Communist activity in, 465
- Political situation in:
- Constitution, May 5 referendum for and political implications of provisions, 402–403, 434–435, 446–449, 468: Communist Party attitude on, 438–440; Socialist Party attitude on, 448
- de Gaulle, resignation of, and subsequent statements on political situation, 400–403, 408–409, 466–467
- Gouin Government, formation of, 403–408
- June elections, political maneuvering prior to, 421–425
- Subsequent political developments, 465, 468–470, 477–478, 479
- Soviet Union: Aid to France, 421; relations with French Communist Party, 459, 471–477, 478–479, 1047–1048
- Spain, See Spain: Joint statement, etc.
- U.S. forces in France, possible emergency measures to protect, 434–438
- Franco y Bahamonde, Generalissimo Francisco, 1026n, 1031–1032, 1079n
- Fraser, Peter, 3n, 6–8, 11–12, 28, 137n
- Friedman, Joseph B., 205
- Frost, Albert, 206
- Fulton, Maj. R. M., 258
- Funafuti Island, 14, 23, 36, 40
- Furber, Holden, 8n
- Fussell, Frances R., 257n
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, 784
- Gallman, Waldemar J., 33, 82–84, 93–94, 98–99, 104, 125–126, 143–152, 543–545, 706–707, 769–770
- Gandhi, Mohandas K., 80, 81, 87, 111
- Garcia, Christino, 1043, 1046
- Garin, Vasco Vieira, 1014n
- Gaston, Herbert E., 453, 456, 462, 894–897
- Gater, George, 2–3
- Germany, 481–823
- Agreements regarding, 151n, 671n, 822–823
- Allied Control Council, 129–130, 142, 189, 266, 520–524, 654–655, 760–762, 764, 796, 818–819; German political criticism of, U.S. views on, 527–528; laws, directives, orders, proclamations of. 629n, 662n, 677n, 704n, 736n, 737n, 747n, 748, 794n
- Arrests of German and Allied nationals, 704–706, 707–708; Gentlemen’s agreement by Clay and Sokolovsky regarding, 730–731
- Aviation, U.S. efforts to provide for extension of existing air corridors and for freedom of flights over Germany, 755–766
- Berlin (see also Political parties and Trade unions under Soviet Zone of occupation; and Socialist Unity Party), Kommandatura, authority of, 718–719, 721–723, 725–727, 753–754
- Central government, U.S. objective toward, 535
- Centralized agencies, question of: 496–498, 505–507, 500–511, 512–515, 516–520, 524–525, 539–540, 577–578, 579–580, 592–593, 595–596, 609–610
- Coal production and distribution, U.S. interest in, 766–793
- Communist Party. See Soviet zone of occupation: Political parties, infra.
- Compulsory labor (see also Soviet zone of occupation: Deportation, etc.), British proposal for use of. and U.S. views on, 750–753
- Council of Foreign Ministers, deliberations on Germany, 545, 562n
- Demilitarization and disarmament of, 559–560, 562–565, 571–572; draft treaty on, 562n
- Economic control (see also Export-import program; Inflation: and Reparations, infra).
- Economic unification of zones:
- Proposal for, U.S., 578–579, 580–581; Allied positions on measures for, 585–586; discussion on, 587–588; French claims of pressure to join U.S.-British economic union, and U.S. officials’ views on, 649–650, 651–654; French position, 590–592, 603–605
- U.S.-British discussion leading to economic unification of British and American Zones of occupation, 586–587, 589–590, 594–595, 606–607, 613–621, 635–648
- Export-import program, 503–504, 511–512, 536–537, 538, 545–548
- Foreign policy, 1918–1945, agreement of the United States, the United Kingdom and France to publish a series of volumes of documents on, 200–201
- France (see also Rhineland; Ruhr; Saar; and U.S. zone of occupation: Baden; all infra), policy toward Germany, 566–567, 596
- Frontiers, question of. See Rhine-land, Ruhr, Saar, and Oder-Neisse Line, infra.
- German assets, negotiations and agreements regarding assets located in Sweden, 220, 480, 1091; in Switzerland, 202–219, 1092
- German minorities and refugees, expulsion and transfer from: Austria, 172–173; Bulgaria, 192; Czechoslovakia, 184–185, 188; Denmark, 189–191, 192–193; 196–197; Hungary, 128–130, 140, 142–143; Rumania, 192; Yugoslavia, 134–135, 192
- Inflation and currency control, 556–558, 572–574, 625–628, 633–635
- Oder-Neisse Line, 502, 503n, 505, 516–517, 519, 556, 712, 729
- Potsdam protocol, interpretation of, 545–547
- Publication of foreign policy documents, 1918–1945, 200–201
- Reparations and restitution (see also
Economic control, supra):
- Agreement on, 203, 210
- Art works and other unique objects, 515–516, 574–575
- British position on, 565–566, 650–651
- Claims, time limit on, 659
- Definition of, 481–482, 483–484, 486–487, 488–489, 504–505, 526n
- Progress of and deliveries, 611–613, 623–625, 628–629, 630–633
- Soviet proposals for, 593–594, 600–602, 621–623
- U.S. concern and proposals for, 549–555, 568–570, 602–603, 621–623; directive on restitution by Joint Chiefs of Staff, 525–527
- Repatriation of German officials, agents and other nationals following the end of the war, U.S. concern regarding situation in: American Republics, 819–820; Ireland, 805, 821–822; Portugal, 800–802, 809–810; Spain, 794–796, 796–798, 810–818, 820–821; Vatican, 798–799, 804–805, 807–808, 818
- Rhineland, 500
- Ruhr, 505, 707, 712; British position, 543–545; French position, and U.S. views on, 500, 506, 541–542; Soviet position, 576–577
- Saar, French position, and U.S. views on, 507–508, 528–529, 541, 607–609, 610, 621, 648–649, 655–658, 778–779
- Socialist Party (SPD). See Soviet zone; Political parties; and Socialist Unity Party, infra.
- Socialist Unity Party (SEPD or SED) (see also Soviet zone: Political parties, infra.), 721–722, 723–725
- Soviet Union, policy toward Germany, 516–520, 535, 555–556, 576–577, 749–750
- Soviet zone of occupation, U.S. interest in
developments in, 535, 701–754
- Deportation of skilled German workers from, 736–749
- Economic reorganization, 535
- Elections in, 727–729, 733–736
- Political parties in: Discriminatory treatment of, 732–733; French views on, 629–630; merger of Communist Party (KPD) and Socialist Party (SPD), 701–703, 706–707, 709, 709n, 710–712, 714–717, 719–721; Socialist Party activity in Berlin, 729–730
- Trade unions, amalgamation of, 629–630, 709–710, 712–714, 718–719, 725–727
- Steel production, 482–483, 484–486, 487–488, 491–493, 494–496, 498–499, 500–503
- U.S. Forces, European Theater (USFET), 171, 172, 194, 228, 680, 684–686
- U.S. policy toward Germany, restatement of, 691
- U.S.-Soviet relations, as affected by German question, 561–562, 581–582
- U.S. zone of occupation:
- Baden and Wuerttemberg, French proposal for transfer to French Zone, and U.S. views, 661, 679–682, 684–686, 691–694
- Broadcasting facilities, relay-to-Russia project, 687–689, 699
- Denazification: Law of March 5, 667–671; Mueller case, 695–699, 699–700
- Food ration, U.S. views on, 535
- Laenderrat, 663–666
- Nazi books and materials, disposition of, 661–663, 677–679
- Occupied areas, U.S. policy regarding, 659–660, 674–677
- Office of Military Government for Germany (OMGUS), 171, 187, 190, 252–253, 556n, 558n, 659, 661, 672
- Royalist Party in Bavaria, dissolution of, 672–674
- Scientists and technicians, German, U.S. exploitation and surveillance of, 682–684, 686–687, 689–691, 694–695, 748
- War criminals, U.S. interest in prosecution of, 823
- Zone commanders-in-chief, liaison groups to, 671–672
- Germer, Otto, 724n
- Gibbons, Mary, 174
- Giral, José, 1035, 1036–1037, 1075
- Gold looted by Germany, negotiations with Switzerland on, 211, 212–214
- Goldsmith, Raymond M., 556n
- Gonella. Guido, 953n
- Goodrich, L. M., 338n
- Gouin, Félix, 406, 408n, 410n, 510n
- Goulburn, Maj. Gen. Edward Henry, 947n
- Gowen, Franklin C., 807–808, 818
- Gray, Cecil W., 224, 292
- Gray, David, 114–118, 224, 292, 805
- Great Britain, See United Kingdom.
- Grece, Air Vice Marshal C.M.M., 950n
- Greenland, 398
- Grotewohl, Otto, 702n, 703, 735
- Gruber, Karl, 331, 351, 364–367, 377
- Guionin, Emile, 206
- Gullo, Fausto, 953n
- Gyöngyösi János, 128, 130, 143
- Halifax, Edward Wood, Earl of, 11–12, 493
- Hall-Patch, Edmund Leo, 635–648, 786n
- Hapke, Karl, 205
- Harriman, W. Averell, 42, 565–566
- Harris, David, 679–682, 693–694
- Harvey, Oliver, 543–544, 706–707
- Havlik, H. F., 930n
- Havron, J. Brock, 176–178
- Heath, Donald R., 191–192, 574–575, 642–643, 648–649, 650–651, 663–664, 678, 695–698, 704–708, 747–752, 764–766
- Heeney, Arnold, 68, 70, 73
- Henderson, Loy, 82–84, 97n
- Heneman, Harlow J., 644n
- Henry, Maj. Gen. Guy V., 64n, 71–72
- Hermes, Andreas, 701n, 702
- Hickerson, John D., 8–10, 12–16, 21–23, 43–44, 45–47, 113–114, 118–119, 189–191, 276, 436–438, 948, 972–973, 977, 982–985, 988–989, 994–995, 996, 1008, 1017, 1021–1022, 1086
- Hilldring, John H., 192–193, 370n, 635–640, 659–660, 778–779
- Hirs, Alfred, 206
- Hiss, Alger, 1065–1069
- Hitler, Adolf, 1028–1029
- Hohl, Reinhardt, 206
- Holcomb, Thomas, 121
- Hoover, Herbert, 88
- Hornbeck, Stanley K., 957–959
- Howard, Harry N., 1023–1024
- Howley, Col. Frank L., 131–132, 716
- Hungary (see also Danube River craft):
- Hunt, Leigh W., 922–925
- Ibañez Martin, José, 817n
- Ibarruri, Dolores (La Pasionaria), 1035–1036, 1048, 1059
- Iceland, agreements with the United States, 824
- India, 77–112
- Agreements with the United States, 112
- Communist Party activity in, 80–83, 84–86, 90
- Diplomatic representation, elevation of status of missions by the United States and India, 77–78, 92–94, 95–97
- Famine in, U.S. efforts to alleviate, 88, 94–95; Indian Communist views on, 88–92
- Indians of South African nationality, treatment of by Union of South Africa, question brought before the U.N., 127
- Moslem League activity. See Pakistan; and Political situation, infra.
- Pakistan, emergence of, and views of Moslem League members on, 79–80, 83–84, 86n, 104, 106–112; question of submission of Pakistan problem to international arbitration, 86–87
- Political situation: British Cabinet Mission to India, 79–80, 83–84; British-Indian talks in London, and U.S. interest in, 97–100; Indian Government officials views, 101–103, 105; Moslem League members views, 102n, 104, 106–112; U.S. interest in, 100–101, 102n, 103–104, 106
- Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace (Chapultepec Conference), (1945), 800
- International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg Court), 738, 741n, 823
- Ireland, 113–119
- Italy, 825–953
- Agreements with the United States, 892n, 932–933, 953
- Air Force, equipment and maintenance of, 899–900, 950
- Allied Commission: Abolition of, U.S. proposal for, and French and Soviet views on, 860, 862–864, 870–874: institutional question, 883–884; military exports, recommendations on, 897–898
- Armistice regime and armistice agreements, U.S. efforts to negotiate modification of, 825–874
- Army, equipment of, 917–918, 920–930, 938
- Austro-Italian frontier. See under Austria.
- Carabinieri Corps, 893, 917n, 929
- Communist Party, activities of, 930–932, 934–936, 939, 940n, 948–950, 952–953
- Constituent assembly. See Government: form of, infra.
- Economic relations with the United States: (see
Military relations: Military financing,
- Cotton credit, 901–902
- Credits and loans, Italian requests for, 891–892, 915–916, 918–922; House Appropriations Committee views on, and Italian concern regarding, 912, 914–915, 926–927; National Advisory Council discussions on, 894–897, 899, 902–910, 912–914, 942–946; proposed note to Italian
- Foreign Office regarding, and State Department views on, 928–929, 933–934
- Economic requirements for 1947, U.S. estimate of, 922–925
- Elections in, 839n, 874–875, 888–889, 914, 948
- Financial agreement between the United States and Italy, U.S. draft, 856–859; Italian views on, 865–870
- Food situation in, 901, 946
- Government: Amnesty decree of, U.S. Embassy views on, 925–926; form of, U.S. attitude regarding, 874–891
- Merchant shipping, control of, 859–860
- Military and civil affairs agreement between the United States and Italy, U.S. draft, 849–855; Italian views on, 865–870
- Military relations with the United States (see also Air Force, Army, and Carabinieri, supra; and Navy, infra): Military financing, 900, 926–928, 936, 937, 941–942; military mission to, question of, 947; U.S. surplus sales to, 932–933, 936, 941
- Navy, maintenance of, 900
- Political situation in, 924–925; armed groups in, political composition of, 948–950; disorders in, 940–941; Government crisis clue to theft of currency plates, 930–932, 934–936, 939
- Refugee camps for Polish Jews, Italian views on, 181–184
- Restitution of property, eligibility for, 526
- Ivanov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 563n
- Jenkins, Sir Evan M., 77n
- Jews, migration from Poland into U.S. zones of occupation in Germany and Austria, U.S. concern regarding, and efforts to regulate, 131–133, 156–157, 174, 175–176, 178, 170–180, 185–187; British position on, 180n; Italian Government views on transfer to camps in Italy, 181–184
- Jinnah, Mohammed Ali, 79–80, 83–84, 101, 102, 104, 107, 110, 112
- Johnson, Herschel, 274, 1074, 1078
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 14, 41n, 170, 193–194, 525–527, 572–574, 686–687, 766n, 767n
- Juan, Pretender to Spanish throne, 1035
- Kaiser, Jacob, 699n, 702, 728, 729, 733
- Keating, Maj. Gen. Frank A., 696n
- Kenchington, Brig. Arthur, 144n
- Kennan, George F., 68, 70, 516–520, 555–556, 766–767, 826–827, 1033–1036, 1044–1045
- Kertesz, Stephen D., 128n, 130n
- Key, David McK., 181–184, 848, 856, 862, 865–866, 870, 873, 883–885, 888, 890, 899, 900, 925–926, 928–929, 930–932, 934–936, 939–940, 946–947, 948–953
- Key, Maj. Gen. William S., 140
- Kidd, Coburn, 371, 372
- Kiel Canal, 391–392
- Kindleberger, Charles P., 293n, 603–604
- King, W. L. Mackenzie, 55n, 61–65
- Kirk, Alexander C., 133–134, 874–876, 877–881, 893, 897–898
- Kissner, Brig. Gen. A. W., 990, 1018, 1020
- Kleinwaechter, Ludwig von, 308–309, 328–329, 334, 371–373, 387
- Knapp, J. Burke, 908–909
- Knapp, Laurence A., 819–820
- Koeltz, Lt. Gen. Louis, 485, 706n
- Koenig, Lt. Gen. Marie-Pierre, 483, 680, 725–726
- Konev, Marshal Ivan Stepanovich, 292n, 302, 313, 324–325
- Kotikov, Maj. Gen. Alexander, 736–737
- Koval, Konstantin Ivanovich, 745n
- Kucera, Antonin, 188
- Kuelz, Wilhelm, 730n
- Kurasov, Col. Gen. L. V., 197, 330n, 357n
- Kurochkin, Col. Gen. Pavel Alekseevich, 581, 788n
- Kuter, Maj. Gen. Laurance, 965, 974, 986–987, 990, 997, 1007
- Labouisse, Henry R., 432–433, 453–457
- Lagrou, Rene, 814n
- LaGuardia, Fiorello H., 191n
- Lane, Arthur Bliss, 132–133, 174, 186–187
- Lane, Chester T., 938
- Leahy, Adm. William D., 438
- Le Brou, Col. Richard K., 936n
- Lee, Lt. Gen. John C. H., 856n, 929–930
- Lemmer, Ernst, 702n
- Liaquat, Ali Khan, 87, 106–112
- Lie, Trygve H., 275, 390
- Lightner, E. Allan, 786n
- Lincoln. Brig. Gen. George A., 35–36, 70–71
- Livengood, Charles A., 866, 929
- Locker, Melville E., 205
- Loudon, Alexander, 956n
- Lush, Brig. Maurice Stanley, 848n
- Luthringer, George, 908, 909, 921–922
- Luxembourg, agreements with the United States, 954
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 88
- MacArthur, Douglas II, 833
- Mackenzie, DeWitt, 1031
- Maclean, Donald D., 37, 1021–1022
- Macy, Clarence E., 85n
- Maffry, August, 440, 445
- Makins, Roger, 164, 292n, 293, 295, 296
- Mallet, Sir Victor, 812–814
- Mann, James H., 205
- Mannon, Virginia M., 206
- Marley, Brig. Cuthbert D., 786n
- Marshall, Gen. George C., 6–7
- Martin, William McC, 432–433, 440–446, 453, 456, 894–897, 904–905, 910
- Martin Artajo, Alberto, 795, 812–814, 1054
- Marty, André, 476
- Mason, Paul, 3, 37n, 39–40
- Massigli, René, 692n
- Mathias, Marcello, 809–810, 973–974, 986, 992, 997, 1006–1007, 1017–1019, 1021
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 37n, 195, 224–225, 276n, 507–508, 540n, 647–648, 830, 842–843, 1087
- Maxwell, Patrick, 119
- Mayer, Ernest, 649–650
- Mayhew, Christopher Paget, 201
- McCabe, Thomas B., 432, 445, 453–456
- McClure, R. S., 258–259
- McClure, Wallace, 226n
- McCombe, F. W., 202, 206
- McGhee, George C., 644n
- Mcintosh, A. D., 1n, 8–10
- McNarney, Gen. Joseph T., 154–155, 540n, 580, 682–686, 725–727, 917
- McNaughton, Gen. Andrew G. L., 67n
- Mead, James, 115n
- Mendès-France, Pierre, 406
- Merchant, Livingston T., 234n, 257–259, 399n
- Merchant Ship Sales Act (1946), 941
- Merker, Paul, 734, 735
- Merrell, George R., 77–78, 80–82, 84–85, 86–87, 88–92, 94, 96, 101–103, 105, 106–112
- Messec, Lt. Col. Harry S., 188
- Mickelsen, Brig. Gen. Stanley R., 144n
- Millar, F. R. Hoyer, 827
- Mills, Sir Percy, 543
- Minter, John Russell, 1, 27–28
- Moats, Helen M., 226n
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 290, 336–337, 379–389n, 459, 466n, 474, 554n, 561, 840, 873
- Monick, Emmanuel, 414n, 428, 429
- Monnet, Jean, 399n, 427, 464, 779n
- Montgomery, Field Marshall Viscount, 57–58, 151n, 483, 725–727
- Montini, Msgr. Giovanni Batista, 807–808, 818
- Mooney, Archbishop Edward, 114
- Morgan, Lt. Gen. Sir Frederick E., 144n
- Morgan, Lt. Gen. Sir William D., 829n, 845–847
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 485n
- Morget, Dorothy H., 418n
- Morris, Brewster H., 664–666
- Moscow declaration on Austria (1943), 304, 305, 311, 319, 376
- Moscow declaration on Italy (1943), 875, 877
- Mosely, Philip, 283–286
- Muelberger, A. P., 259
- Mueller, Josef, 695–699, 699–700
- Mueller, Brig. Gen. Walter, 695n
- Mulliken, Otis E., 703n
- Murphy, Robert D., reports and activities concerning—
- Mussolini, Benito, 1029
- Nagy, Ferenc, 267n
- Nagy, Imre, 130
- Nansen. Fridtjof, 160n
- Nares, Maj. Gen. Eric P., 736n
- Nash, Walter, 27n, 28, 48
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, 416n, 431–434, 440–446, 453–458, 459–464, 894–897, 902–906, 907–910, 912–914, 942–946
- Negrin y Lopez, Juan, 1029n
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 94, 105, 111
- Nenni, Pietro, 875, 932
- Netherlands, 955–960
- Nettl. John P., 734n
- Neumann, Franz, 724n, 736
- New Guinea, 16–20, 49
- New Zealand:
- Nicholls, G. Heaton, 125, 126
- Noiret, Gen. Roger, 593n, 694n
- Norstad, Maj. Gen. Lauris, 64n, 65
- Norway, agreements with the United States, 961
- Novikov, N., 1047
- Ogdensburg Declaration of 1940, 55n
- O’Kelly, S. T., 119
- Oleshchuk, F. N., 749n
- Oliver, Covey T., 368n
- O’Malley, Sir Owen St. Clair, 964n, 966, 971, 975, 977, 988, 992–993
- Opie, Redvers, 896n
- Osóbka-Morawski, Edward, 133
- Pakistan, emergence of (see also India), 79–80, 83–84, 86n, 104, 106–112; question of submission of Pakistan problem to international arbitration, 86–87
- Palestine, status of and Jewish emigration to, 156–157
- Palewski, Gaston, 400–401
- Paris Conference on Reparations (1945), 583, 892n
- Parisius, Herbert, 440, 446, 894–897
- Parkman, Brig. Gen. Henry, 697n
- Parminter, Brig. R. H. R., 305n
- Parri, Ferruccio, 876n, 893n
- Parsons, J. Graham, 61n, 63–65, 72–73
- Pasha, Mohamed Hussein Haekel, 1078n
- Pasionaria, La. See Ibarruri, Dolores, Passant, E. J., 200
- Patel, Vallabhbhai, 81, 91, 101–102
- Patrick, Sir Paul J., 79–80, 82, 94
- Patterson, Robert P., 153, 435, 501–503, 524–525, 659, 674–677, 688, 759–760, 806–807, 1002
- Paul, Arthur, 462, 894–897
- Paul, Marcel, 407
- Paul, Randolph, 202–220
- Pearson, Lester B., 55, 57, 63, 68–69, 71, 73–74
- Penrose, Ernest F., 143–150
- Pethick-Lawrence Frederick W., Baron, 79n, 83
- Peyrot des Gachons, Bernard, 206
- Philip, André 406, 410n
- Pieck, Wilhelm, 528, 730n
- “Plan A”, 410n, 412–413, 433, 646, 896n, 910–911
- Playfair, Gen. E. W., 489n, 644n
- Poland:
- Pollock, James H., 665
- Portugal, 962–1022
- Potsdam Conference (Conference of Berlin), (1945), 244, 283, 289–290, 777, 1024
- Prieto, Indalecio, 1035
- Prisoners of war. See Displaced persons, refugees, etc. Proclaimed and Statutory Lists, 205n, 214–215
- Prytz, Bjorn Gustav, 390n
- Quaroni, Pietro, 839n
- Radius, Walter A., 223n, 224–225, 226–227, 231–232, 254–258, 259, 263–264
- Rainey, Froelieh G., 226n, 247–248, 250, 255–256, 263–264, 277–279
- Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti, 87, 102–103
- Ràkosi, Mátyás, 129n
- Rappard, William, 206
- Rasmussen, Gustav, 189n, 393
- Raynor, Hayden, 1086, 1087–1088
- Reagan, Daniel J., 205
- Reber, Samuel, 288–289, 291, 828n
- Refugees. See Displaced persons refugees, etc. Reid, John, 8–9
- Reinhardt, Eberhard Ernst, 206
- Reinstein, Jacques J., 223n
- Reston, James, 972n
- Rhine River, international control of, and U.S. interest in measures for, 226–227, 231–232, 234–237, 257–260, 261, 263–264, 265–266, 271–273, 285
- Riddleberger, James W., 286–287, 291, 299–300
- Ries, István, 129n
- Rio de Janeiro Conference of Foreign Ministers, 1942, 800
- Ripman, Hugh, 594–595
- Robbins, Albert H., 205
- Roberts, Frank Kenyon, 887
- Robertson, Gen. Brian H., 451n, 481n, 486, 618–619, 705–706, 708, 763, 780
- Rónai, Sándor, 129n
- Ronald, Sir Nigel Bruce, 227
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 810
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 895n, 906, 1027–1028
- Rose, H. L., 809–810
- Ross, John C., 1085–1086
- Rubin, Seymour J., 205, 220, 611n
- Rumania (see also Danube River craft):
- Russell, Donald, 1004–1006
- Russell, Ruth B., 226n
- Sacerdoti, Cesare, 941, 942n
- safehaven program, implementation of, 202–220
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 963n, 966–968, 971, 998–999, 1005–1006, 1008–1009, 1016
- Samoa, Western, 3–6, 47, 49
- Sandifer, Durward, V., 1086
- Santa Maria airfield. See Portugal: Airfields, etc.
- Sargent, Orme, 44n
- Sarnoff, David, 687n, 688n
- Sauckel, Fritz, 739n
- Savko, Col. V. V., 873n
- Schaeffer, Fritz, 698n
- Schindler, Dietrich, 206
- Schmidt, Orvis A, 205
- Schoenfeld, H. F. Arthur, 128–130, 140, 142–143
- Schreiber, Walter, 702n
- Schumacher, Kurt, 701, 703
- Schwab. Max, 206
- Scobey, Col. Joseph W., 930n
- Searls, Fred, Jr., 7n, 14–16, 994
- Selvaggi, Giovanni, 940
- Semenov, Vladimir Semenovich, 561–562
- Sharp, Mitchell, 68, 72
- Sherman, Irvin H., 206
- Shwartz, Rella R., 206
- Sichel, Herbert M., 1008–1009
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 44–45, 194–196, 198–199, 336–337, 478–479, 535–536, 749–750, 830–840, 873, 888
- Smuts, Field Marshal J. C., 121, 122, 124
- Sokolovsky, Gen. Vassily Danilovich, 481–484, 485, 487, 593, 671, 686, 704–705, 725, 727, 742–743, 748–749, 766
- Sommerstein, Emil, 132n
- Sontag, Raymond J., 200
- South West Africa, proposal by Union of South Africa to annex, and U.S. attitude, 121–126
- Spellman, Archbishop, 114, 116–117
- Soviet Union (See also
Germany: Soviet zone of
occupation; and under individual
- Agreements with the United States, 134n, 671n
- Austria, Soviet actions and policies in, 172–173, 292n, 298n, 302–303, 307n, 309–315, 323, 325, 330, 333n, 336–337, 342n 343n, 354–355, 358–361, 363–365, 370–371, 375n
- Baltic Sea entrances, question of neutralization of, and Soviet Array evacuation of Bornholm, U.S. interest in, 389–398
- Danube River, navigation and control of, Soviet interest in, 243–244, 248–252, 285, 309–312
- Germany (see also Germany: Soviet zone of occupation), policy and postwar program for, 516–520, 555–556, 575–576
- Italy, policies in, 825n, 826–827, 841, 861–862, 873
- Military capabilities and position, U.S.-Canadian estimates of, 62n, 67–68
- Spain, attitude toward, 1033–1036
- Repatriation, forcible, of Soviet prisoners of war and Soviet citizens in Germany, 133–134, 141–143, 152, 154, 155–156, 163–164, 170, 194–196, 197–199
- Ukrainians, settlement in Western Hungary, 130n
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 544n
- Spain, 1023–1090
- Air transport services agreement with the United States, 1090
- Communist and other anti-Franco activity in South France, Spanish representations on, 1059–1060, 1070–1072; Soviet Military Mission in France, alleged relationship with, 1047–1048
- Germans in Spain, U.S. interest in repatriation of, 794–796, 796–798, 810–818, 820–821
- Government-in-exile, U.S. conversations with, and Spanish protests, 1029, 1036–1038
- Joint statement by United States, United Kingdom, and France on relations with Spanish Government of Franco, 811n, 1030–1031, 1032–1033, 1042–1043, 1045n; Spanish reaction to, 1045–1046
- Political and economic situation of, 1031–1032, 1077–1078
- Relations with Germany and Italy, U.S. publication of documents on, 1042–1043, 1076n; Spanish views on, 1054–1055
- Soviet Union, attitude toward Franco Government, 1033–1036; U.S. Embassy estimate of Communist strength in Spain, 1038–1042
- Spanish Government statements of position, 1024–1030
- United Nations, Spanish question before:
- France, unilateral proposal to bring Spanish question before the U.N. Security Council, and exchange of views between France, the United Kingdom, and the United States on, 1043–1044, 1048–1054; Soviet interest in, 1044–1045, 1047; subsequent French proposal and discussions on, 1060–1065
- General Assembly:
- Security Council, discussions and recommendation of, 1069–1070, 1072–1075; Spanish Government views on, 1075–1077
- U.S. initial position on, 1023–1024; instructions to delegates, 1065–1069; U.S. delegation position on Spanish question, 1078–1079
- U.S. diplomatic relations with, subsequent to U.N. action, 1090
- Spaulding, E. Wilder, 200
- Spiegel, Harold R., 915n
- Stalin, Marshal I. V., 190, 475
- Stampar, Andija, 274
- State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC), 674–677, 681, 830n, 849n
- Statutory List, 205n, 214–215
- Steinhardt, Laurence A., 184–185, 262
- Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 113n, 1069–1070
- Stevenson, Adlai, 1090n
- Stinebower, Leroy D., 281n
- Stone, Rear Adm. Ellery W., 856n, 874, 888, 947
- Strang, Sir William, 485n
- Stritch, Cardinal, 114, 154
- Stucki, Walter, 206
- Suñer y Ferrer, Tomás, 1047n
- Surinam, airbase in, U.S.-Netherlands discussions regarding disposition of, 955–959
- Surrey, Walter S., 205
- Sweden, German assets in, negotiations of accord on liquidation of, 220, 1091; air service facilities, agreement with United States relating to, 1091
- Switzerland, German assets in, negotiation of accord on liquidation of, 202–219, 1092
- Swolinsky, Kurt, 724n
- Szakasits, Árpád, 129n
- Szuldenfrei, Michal, 132n
- Szwalbe, Stanislaw, 132n, 133n
- Tarchiani, Alberto, 864n, 888–889, 901, 914–915, 918–919, 921
- Tasca, Henry J., 900, 930–932, 934–936, 939
- Tate, Col. Robert, 8n, 9
- Terrill, Robert P., 542n
- Thompson, Llewellyn, 283–286
- Thorez, Maurice, 472–473, 506, 577n
- Thorp, Willard L., 281n, 293, 295, 364–367, 611n
- Tildy, Zoltán, 129n
- Togliatti, Palmiro, 474n
- Treaties, conventions, etc. (see also
Agreements under individual countries):
- Anglo-America convention on double taxation, 1945, 25
- Anglo-German naval agreement, 1935, 69
- Soviet-German non-aggression treaty, 1939, 243
- Treaty of Berlin, 1878, 244
- Treaty of Paris, 1856, 244
- Treaty of peace, friendship and alliance between England and Portugal, 1373, 975n
- Treaty of St. Germain, 1919, 340, 352
- Treaty of Versailles, 1919, 69, 242, 244, 287, 507
- United Nations Agreement on International Monetary Fund, 1944, 203, 894n
- Truman, Harry S., 56n, 61–65, 67, 88, 92n, 158n, 244, 247, 340, 356n, 416n, 438, 452, 462, 769, 783, 901, 903, 906n
- Tulpanov, Col. Serge, 729–730, 735
- Turner, Mark, 784
- Ulbricht, Lotte, 505
- Ulbricht, Walter, 505, 528, 707, 734, 735
- Umberto II of Italy, 875, 884, 890n
- Union of South Africa, 121–127
- United Kingdom:
- Agreements with the United States, 15n, 50–51, 151n, 200–201, 222, 647, 671n, 1091, 1092
- Airfield at Lagens, Azores, agreement with Portugal regarding transfer of, and British interest in U.S.-Portuguese discussions on Santa Maria airfield, 965–966, 970–971, 975–976, 988, 992–993, 996, 999–1001, 1008–1009, 1021–1022
- Austria, British actions and policies in, 298n, 306n, 331–332, 377
- Baltic Sea, British interest in neutralization of entrances to, 389–390, 394–397
- Bases, strategic, U.S. interest in Southwest Pacific, and British views on, 1–3, 11–16, 20–26, 35–40, 42–43, 45–46
- Danube River, interest in control of, 230, 244–247
- Germany, British policies and actions in (see also Germany), 543–545, 565–566, 650–651
- India, relations with. See India: Political situation.
- Italy, policies in, 827–828, 834–839, 841, 870, 885–887
- Jews, migration and status of, 180n, 184
- Refugee organization, exchange of views with the United States on, 158–163, 164–170
- Spain, relations with. See Spain: Joint statement by United States, United Kingdom, and France.
- Yalta Agreement, British interpretation of, 134
- United Nations, questions brought before: Danube River, control and navigation of, 274–275, 277, 279, 281; Indians of South African nationality, treatment of in South Africa, 127; Refugee question, 135–140; Spain, see under Spain; Union of South Africa proposal to annex the mandate of South West Africa, 121–126 passim.
- United Nations Charter, 1945, 3, 4, 17–18, 167, 168, 1048, 1053, 1058, 1067–1068, 1073n
- United Nations Declaration on forced transfer of property, 1943, 213, 304, 338, 488
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA): Agreement regarding, 151n; programs of, 144–145, 151, 293–296, 302, 305, 316–317, 327–328, 896n, 920, 925; resolutions of, 177, 323–324; U.S. participation in work of, 221
- United Nations War Crimes Commission, 823
- Vaidie, Marcel, 206
- Valensi, Christian, 415n
- van Boetzelaer, W. H., 958–959
- Vandenberg, Arthur H., 1078n
- Vatican City, Germans in, repatriation of, 798–799, 804–805, 807–808, 818
- Vernon, Raymond, 642n
- Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, 884, 890n, 891
- Vinson, Fred M., 216, 412n, 440–446, 453–457, 462, 464, 906–907, 910–913
- Vittrup, Col. Russell L, 437
- Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment Efremovich, 140n
- Vyshinsky, Andrei Yanuaryevich, 303n
- Wailes, Edward T., 127, 821–822
- Waley, Sir David, 636–638, 644–646
- Wallace, Henry A., 373n, 440, 441, 443
- Wallner, Woodruff, 466–467
- Walshe, J. P., 115
- War Department (U.S.), 288, 387, 435–438
- Warren, Avra M., 48–49
- Warren, George L., 143n, 164n
- Waterways, inland, European. See Danube River, Kiel Canal and Rhine River.
- Wavell, Field Marshal Viscount, 77n, 88
- Weightman, Hugh, 100n
- Weil, Thomas E., 86n, 106–112
- Weir, Sir Cecil, 642
- Wells, Roger, 696n
- Werth, Alexander, 475
- White, H. D., 894–897
- White, Ivan B., 399n
- Willems, Col. John M., 899n
- Williamson, Francis T., 293n
- Winant, John G., 1–3, 79–80, 223, 226–227, 279, 500, 827–828, 1032–1033
- Winslow, Richard S., 171–172
- Wood. C. Tyler, 169–170
- Woodbridge, George, 151n, 177n, 221, 316n, 896n
- Woodward, Stanley, 96n
- Wright, Michael, 13–16, 21
- Xanthaky, Theodore Anthony, 985n
- Yalta Conference and agreement, 1945, 134, 247
- Yugoslavia (see also Danube River craft), German minority in, transfer of, 134–135, 192
- Zheltov, Col. Gen. Alexsey Sergeyevich, 324n, 383
- Zhukov, Marshal Georgyi Konstantinovich, 505n, 702n, 703, 707–708, 757