856E.00/12–2945: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 29—6:57 p.m.]
13690. Following communiqué was issued from Downing Street last night concerning Anglo-Dutch conversations.
“The Prime Minister accompanied by the Minister of State, the Chief of the Imperial General Staff and His Majesty’s Ambassador at The Hague had a meeting yesterday at Chequers with the Netherlands Prime Minister, the Minister for Overseas Territories and the [Page 1189] Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs. Together with the Lieutenant Governor General of the Netherlands East Indies and the Netherlands Ambassador discussions were held concerning the situation in Java which has deteriorated lately and the most effective line of action to be taken to restore law and order. In these conversations which had a satisfactory result the British Government were acquainted fully with the consistent and liberal policy which the Netherlands Government are pursuing and intend to pursue towards the Indonesian problem. The British Government reaffirmed their obligation to their Dutch Allies to establish without delay conditions of security in which it would be possible for the Government of the Netherlands East Indies to continue negotiations with representative Indonesians. The respective Governments agreed that a solution of the political conflict should be regarded as an essential contribution towards the successful completion of the task entrusted to Great Britain by the Supreme Command of the Allied Powers of liquidating the Japanese occupation of those territories and to this extent as the common concern of the British and Netherlands Governments and of the Indonesian people. The British and Netherlands Governments therefore concurred in the policy of promoting an understanding between the leaders of the Nationalist Movement and the Netherlands authorities. In the meantime further steps will be taken immediately to ensure as far as possible the safety of the prisoners of war and internees in Indonesia who are being threatened by extreme violence.”