856E.00/12–2645: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
11101. Retels 315, Dec. 21 and 327, Dec. 26 from The Hague.42 With reference to talks now opening in London between Brit and Neth PriMins concerning Neth Indies, please inform the FonOf of this Govt’s sincere interest in these conversations and its earnest hope that they will lead to the speedy adoption of measures calculated to bring about an early and peaceful settlement. While avoiding any statement which would imply that this Govt desires to participate in these conversations or to be drawn into consultation concerning them at this time, you should say that your Govt hopes that the FonOf will continue as in the past to keep it currently informed of the trend of these conversations. Repeated to The Hague as Dept’s no. 217.
- Neither printed.↩