856E.00/12–2345: Telegram
The Consul General at Batavia (Foote) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 28—12:52 p.m.]
55. RefDeptel 29, Dec 19. Dept’s press release on NEI. First reports were in Dutch and too brief but this remedied when full text given proper quarters where created profound impression. General [Page 1186] Christison and his staff say it is perfect document well timed since strengthens his hands and upholds Van Mook’s efforts to convince The Hague of necessity reach agreement with Indos at once. Local Dutch general staff, NEI civil officials and Dutch all ranks regard release as document which will go far towards law and order and reconstruction.
Impossible reach Sukarno, Sjahrir41 and members Indo Cabinet who now in Djocja. They expected in Batavia about Dec 27 when I shall see them. General Christison believes release will aid him in efforts bring Dutch-Indo agreement.
Since most Indo leaders are old personal friends I shall no doubt be able to emphasize our desire for peace, happiness for all people and world wide economic reconstruction. Indos cling to the belief USA above all powers could hasten end of this struggle. They are very apt to listen to any advice which we might offer.
- Soetan Sjahrir, “Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia”.↩