856E.00/12–2345: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Netherlands (Hornbeck) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 23—12:40 p.m.]
325. Reference first sentence Department’s statement on NEI (Netherlands East Indies) contained in Department’s 206 December 1939 and infotel (cirtel) December 2040 stating use of US Flag Ships under charter to UK as transports for Indian troops to NEI would be contrary to US policy. Embassy ventures to inquire whether there is not inconsistency between stating on one hand that SEAC (Southeastern Asia Command) was assigned by the Allies “responsibility of accepting Jap surrender in NEI, of disarming and removing Jap forces, of securing the surrender of Jap equipment, of liberating or repatriating Allied prisoners of war and of assuring the safety of more than 100,000 civilians, the majority of them women and children who had been interned by the Japanese” and on the other hand refusing to allow US Flag Ships under charter America, UK to transport troops to NEI which would constitute in effect withholding from SEAC facilities for discharging its responsibility to carry out its assignment. Embassy fears that advantage that may have been gained by issuance of statement will be lost when Dutch learn—as they of course will—that US thus declines to be of assistance to those who have task of implementing a policy in formulation of which it has as one of the Allies participated and which it says it wishes to see prevail.