Records of the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee, Lot 52–M45

Memorandum by the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee to Brigadier General Andrew J. McFarland, Secretary of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

[SWNCC 176 Series]

Subject: International Agreements as to Occupation of Korea.

1. With reference to your SM-3005, 23 [22] August 1945,50 subject as above, the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee proposes that the Commander in Chief, Army Forces, Pacific, be advised substantially as follows:

In the absence of declared intentions by the United Kingdom, China or other United Nation initial occupation of Korea will be by U.S. and Soviet forces only under the provisions of paragraphs b and e, Section I, General Order No. 1. An oral understanding with respect to a future temporary multi-partite trusteeship over Korea was reached at Yalta. This understanding does not affect initial occupation and does not necessarily lead to eventual multi-partite occupation. The matter of international arrangements with regard to Korea is under urgent consideration by the State Department.

2. The State-War-Navy Coordinating Subcommittee for the Far East has been directed to prepare a directive to General MacArthur on political, economic and other matters pertaining to Korea, as a matter of priority (SWNCC 176/2/D51).

For the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee:

Charles W. McCarthy

  1. Not printed; but see draft memorandum, p. 1037.
  2. Not printed.