740.00119 Control(Japan)/10–2945: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

2238. You may now present our proposal as contained in Deptel 2234, October 27, concerning the Allied Military Council for Japan to Molotov. After Molotov has considered this proposal and discussed it with you if you consider it advisable to seek another interview with Stalin you are authorized in your discretion to do so. We most earnestly hope to receive Soviet acceptance of this proposal at the earliest possible moment as we feel that it meets, in substance, the Soviet desires. For your information only it will be extremely difficult, if at all possible, for the U. S. Government to modify in any important particular the proposal for an Allied Military Council.

The representatives on the Far Eastern Advisory Commission will hold a ceremonial meeting tomorrow, October 30, to name the American Member Chairman and then to adjourn for 1 week to enable the inviting powers to conclude their consideration of a revision of the terms of reference. You are authorized to present to Molotov our proposed revision of the terms as contained in Deptel 2235, October 27.

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We are informing the Chinese and the British of our proposals for the Allied Military Council in Japan, and for the revision of terms of reference for the Far Eastern Advisory Commission.

It would be helpful if the Soviet Government would be willing to have their representative participate in the first business session of the Far Eastern Advisory Commission next week.
