SWNCC 21 Series

Report by the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee’s Subcommittee for the Pacific and Far East42


Unconditional Surrender of Japan

the problem

1. Determination of policy on terms of unconditional surrender of Japan.

facts bearing on the problem

2. The Special Assistant43 to the Secretary of the Navy has submitted to SWNCC an outline of politico-military problems which he believes will confront the United States in the Pacific and which he believes should be considered by SWNCC (Enclosure to SWNCC 1644).

3. The SWNCC has referred this outline to the Pacific and Far Eastern Sub-Committee (PFESC) for study and recommendation [Page 522] (SWNCC 16/1/D44). Item 4 of Appendix “A” (SWNCC 16) refers to surrender terms for Japan.

4. The PFESC has considered the military features of this subject and has drafted and adopted the following documents which set forth the military policy and its primary implementation:

Appendix “A” [“B”] Unconditional Surrender of Japan

Appendix “B” [“A”] Proclamation by the Emperor of Japan

Appendix “C” Proclamation No. 1 (by the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces)

Appendix “D” General Order No. 1—Military and Naval

Appendix “E” General Order (unnumbered)

Appendices “B” [“A”], “C”, “D” and “E” are in support of the very brief unconditional surrender document. In general, they include only those measures relating to military matters which require immediate post-surrender action by the Commander-in-Chief. The PFESC will in due course present drafts of general orders on political, economic, financial and military government matters in further implementation of the basic surrender document.


5. It is recommended that the SWNCC transmit the attached documents relating to the unconditional surrender of Japan to the War and Navy Departments for their comments or recommendations and for those of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.45

[Annex 1]

Appendix “B” [“A”]

proclamation by the emperor of japan

I hereby announce that I am surrendering unconditionally to the United Nations at war with Japan.

I command all Japanese armed forces wherever situated and the Japanese people to cease hostilities forthwith and to comply with all requirements hereafter imposed by the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces.

I command all civil and military officials to obey and enforce all orders and directives issued by the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces, and I direct them to remain at their posts and to continue to perform their duties until specifically relieved by him.

[Page 523]

I am relinquishing all my powers and authority this day to the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces.

(Date) . . . . . . .

Emperor of Japan
[Annex 2]

Appendix “A” [“B”]

Unconditional Surrender of Japan

The Emperor of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command recognize and acknowledge the total defeat of the Japanese armed forces and hereby surrender unconditionally to the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.

The Emperor of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command [have issued orders to and] undertake to cause all Japanese armed forces wherever situated and the Japanese people to cease hostilities forthwith and to comply with all requirements hereafter imposed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.

Signed, sealed, and delivered by the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command at . . . . . . . on the . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . ., 194 . . at . . . . hours.

(Name) (Title)
The Emperor of Japan.
(Name) (Title)
For the Japanese Imperial High Command.
[Annex 3]

Appendix “C”

Proclamation No. 1

to the people of japan:

The Emperor of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command have acknowledged the total defeat of all Japanese armed forces on land, at sea and in the air, and have surrendered unconditionally to the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.

[Page 524]

Now therefore, I, the undersigned Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, hereby proclaim as follows:

I hereby assume supreme legislative, judicial and executive power and authority over all the Empire of Japan.
I hereby direct all Japanese civil and military officials, until further notice, to remain at their posts and to perform under my authority their normal official functions, and I direct them to carry out the subsequent orders to be issued by me or under my authority.
All Japanese officials, all other Japanese and all other persons resident in Japan shall comply with all Proclamations, Orders, and other instructions issued or to be issued by my authority.
All Japanese civil police shall continue their normal functions and will be held responsible by me for the maintenance of law and order. They shall not, however, interfere in any way with the personnel of the occupying forces. All Japanese employees of public utilities and services shall remain at their posts and continue to perform their regular duties unless otherwise directed by me.
The Japanese people are directed to carry on their usual occupations and peaceful pursuits, subject to such control as may be necessary.
The Japanese authorities and people are directed to abstain from all acts detrimental to the interests of the United Nations, to the maintenance of public order and orderly administration and to the security and welfare of the forces and agencies of the United Nations.
Any organization or individual failing to render full cooperation with the United Nations Military Authorities, or failing to comply fully with any Proclamations, Orders, or other instructions that may be issued as above provided, will be promptly and severely punished.

(Date) . . . . . . . (Place) . . . . . . . . . . . .(Hour) . . . . . . Zone time

Signed by:
(Name) (Title)
(Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces)
[Annex 4]

Appendix “D”

General Order No. 1

Military and Naval

The Japanese Imperial High Command shall retain all forces in their present positions, wherever they may be, pending instructions from the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces. [Page 525] The Japanese Imperial High Command shall disarm completely all armed forces of Japan or under Japanese control, wherever they may be situated, and shall deliver intact and in good condition all weapons and equipment at such times and at such places as may be prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces. Pending further instructions, the Japanese police force will be exempt from these provisions. They shall remain at their posts and shall be held responsible for the preservation of law and order. The strength and arms of such police force will be prescribed.
The Japanese Imperial High Command shall, within 48 hours of the time of receipt of this order, furnish the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces complete information as follows:
Lists of all land, air and anti-aircraft units showing locations and strengths in officers and men.
Lists of all aircraft, military, naval and civil giving complete information as to the number, type, location and condition of such aircraft.
Lists of all Japanese and Japanese-controlled naval vessels, surface and submarine and auxiliary naval craft in or out of commission and under construction giving their position, condition and movement.
Lists of all Japanese and Japanese-controlled merchant ships of over 100 gross tons, in or out of commission and under construction, including merchant ships formerly belonging to any of the United Nations which are now in Japanese hands, giving their position, condition and movement.
Complete and detailed information, accompanied by maps, showing locations and layouts of all mines, minefields and other obstacles to movement by land, sea or air, and the safety lanes in connection therewith.
Locations and descriptions of all military installations and establishments, including airfields, seaplane bases, anti-aircraft defenses, ports and naval bases, storage depots, permanent and temporary land and coast fortifications, fortresses and other fortified areas, together with plans and drawings of all such fortifications, installations and establishments.
Locations of all camps and other places of detention of United Nations prisoners of war.
The Japanese Imperial High Command shall direct at once that all Japanese aircraft, military, naval and civil remain on the ground, on the water or aboard ships and shall be responsible that these aircraft so remain until notified of the disposition to be made of them.
The Japanese Imperial High Command shall be responsible that:
There be no movement of Japanese naval vessels of any type except at the direction or with the express approval of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
All ammunition, war heads of torpedoes, bombs, depth charges, and other explosive material on board Japanese naval vessels at sea be rendered harmless and thrown overboard within 48 hours after the receipt of this order. In the case of naval vessels not at sea all such material will be discharged and placed in safe storage ashore within the same time limit.
All Japanese naval vessels which are in commission be prepared to put into specified ports or proceed to rendezvous according to schedules and in the manner prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces. All naval vessels under construction or undergoing repairs will be disposed of in accordance with instructions to be issued later.
All naval vessels formerly belonging to any of the United Nations which are in Japanese hands be returned safely and in good condition to ports specified by the United Nations.
All Japanese and Japanese-controlled merchant ships of over 100 gross tons, including merchant ships formerly belonging to any of the United Nations which are now in Japanese hands, be prepared to proceed on the dates and to the ports specified by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
No damage to or destruction of the vessels and ships described in this Section or to port facilities and material be permitted.
The Japanese Imperial High Command shall be responsible that:
All Japanese mines, minefields and other obstacles to movement by land, sea and air, wherever located, be removed within fourteen (14) days from the receipt of this order.
All aids to navigation be reestablished at once.
All safety lanes be kept open and clearly marked pending accomplishment of (a) above.
The Japanese Imperial High Command shall:
Hold intact and in good condition, and subject to further instructions from the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces:
all arms, ammunition, explosives, military equipment, stores and supplies, and other implements of war of all kinds and all other war material (except as specifically prescribed in Section IV of this order).
all transportation and communication facilities and equipment, by land, water, or air.
all military installations and establishments, including airfields, seaplane bases, anti-aircraft defenses, ports and naval bases, storage [Page 527] depots, permanent and temporary land and coast fortifications, fortresses and other fortified areas, together with plans and drawings of all such fortifications, installations and establishments.
all factories, plants, shops, research institutions, laboratories, testing stations, technical data, patents, plans, drawings and inventions designed or intended to produce or to facilitate the production or use of all implements of war and other material and property used by or intended for use by any military or para-military organizations in connection with their operations.
Furnish the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, within fourteen (14) days after the receipt of this order, complete lists of all the items specified in paragraphs (a) (1), (2) and (4) of this Section, indicating the numbers, type and location of each.
Furnish at the demand of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces:
the labor, services, and facilities required for the maintenance or operation of any of the categories mentioned in paragraph (a) of this Section; and
any information or records that may be required in connection therewith.
Cease forthwith the manufacture, import or export of arms, ammunition and implements of war.
Dismantle and destroy, subject to such priorities and in accordance with instructions prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces, such installations and establishments described in paragraph (a) (3) of this Section as may be designated by him.
The Japanese Imperial High Command and appropriate Japanese officials shall:
Accept full responsibility for the safety and well-being of all United Nations prisoners of war, and maintain the essential administrative, supply and other services for all prisoners of war, including the provision of adequate food, shelter, clothing, and medical care, until otherwise directed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
Deliver each camp or other place of detention of United Nations prisoners of war, together with its equipment, stores, records, arms and ammunition, to the command of the local United Nations Camp Leader, senior officer or designated representative of the prisoners of war.
Furnish, within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this order, complete lists of all United Nations prisoners of war, indicating their present location.
The Japanese Imperial High Command and the appropriate Japanese officials shall:
Aid and facilitate the occupation by United Nations forces of such places, areas, or regions or parts of the Japanese Empire as [Page 528] may be designated by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
Deliver all arms in the possession of the Japanese civilian population to designated Commanders of United Nations Armed Forces.
The Japanese Imperial High Command and the appropriate Japanese officials are informed that, wherever in this order reference is made to all Japanese land, sea and air establishments, equipment and personnel, such reference shall include those which are Japanese or Japanese controlled, wherever they may be found.
The Japanese Imperial High Command and all Japanese officials are warned that drastic penalties will be inflicted immediately in the event of:
Any delay or failure to comply with any provision of this order;
Any delay or failure to carry out completely such additional requirements as the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces may prescribe;
Any action which, in the opinion of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, might be detrimental to the United Nations or any one of them.

Issued at . . . . . hours, (. . . . . . Zone Time), this . . . . day of . . . . . 194 . . .

Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces.
[Annex 5]

Appendix “E”

General Order

The Japanese Imperial High Command and the appropriate Japanese officials shall:
In accordance with the means, priorities and schedules prescribed by the Supreme Allied (United States) Command, evacuate all Japanese armed forces personnel and their civilian auxiliaries from:
Occupied areas in China (including Manchuria, the Kwantung Leased Territory and Kwangchowan).
Karafuto (southern part of Sakhalin).
Korea (Chosen).
Kurile Islands (Chishima).
Formosa (Taiwan) and Pescadores (Hoko or Boko).
Hong Kong.
French Indo-China.
British Malaya.
Netherlands East Indies.
Philippine Islands.
Marianas, Marshalls, and Caroline Islands and all other land and water areas not mentioned above, south of the thirtieth degree of north latitude.
Prohibit and prevent, in all territories listed in this Article:
the forced evacuation of any non-Japanese inhabitant.
the harming of the inhabitants or the damaging of their property.
the removal of animals, stores of food, forage, fuel or other provisions or commodities.
pillaging, looting or unauthorized damage of any kind.
Demobilize, upon their arrival within the territorial limits of Japan proper, excluding those areas of Japan proper mentioned in I (a) above, all Japanese armed forces, within a time limit to be determined by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
Abandon on the spot and intact, in evacuating the islands, territories and regions specified above, all port material and material for inland waterways, including tugs and lighters.

Issued at . . . . . . hours, (. . . . . Zone Time), this . . . . day of . . . . . . ., 194 . . .

Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces.
  1. Bracketed revisions based on Subcommittee action February 13.
  2. R. Keith Kane.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Not printed.
  5. The Committee on February 9 referred this report back to the Subcommittee for coordination within the three Departments before submission to the Committee.