Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1945, The British Commonwealth, The Far East, Volume VI
740.00119 PW/12–2844
Memorandum by Major General George V. Strong, Joint Post-War Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the Under Secretary of State (Grew)
Subject: Japanese Surrender Terms.
- 1.
- There is attached hereto two documents dealing with terms for unconditional surrender of Japan. The long form embraces in one instrument the principal requirements to be imposed upon the Japanese as the result of their military defeat. The short form which personally I prefer is implemented by a proclamation and three general orders to serve the same ends as the material in the long form.
- 2.
- These drafts have been prepared by the Joint Post War Committee on its own initiative. They have not as yet been presented to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and properly cannot be so presented until desired by the State Department. It is believed that this subject should be given mature consideration from all angles in order that when the time comes we may have available a document which represents the considered opinion of the interested agencies of this Government, and one which in the long run will serve our best interests in the Far East.
- 3.
- If this Committee can be of any further service in the premises we are at your disposal at any time.
Draft Prepared by the Joint Post-War Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Long Form
Unconditional Surrender of Japan
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command recognize and acknowledge the complete defeat of the Japanese [Page 499] armed forces and hereby surrender unconditionally to the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces. The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake to cause all Japanese armed forces, wherever situated, to cease hostilities forthwith and agree to comply with all requirements herein and hereafter imposed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
Article I
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake:
- (a)
- to disarm completely all armed forces of Japan or under Japanese control, wherever they may be situated, and to deliver intact and in good condition all weapons and equipment at such times and at such places as may be prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (b)
- to retain in their present positions all forces referred to in paragraph (a) above, wherever they may be, pending instructions from the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (c)
- to evacuate all Japanese armed forces personnel and
their civilian auxiliaries from
- (1)
- Occupied areas in China (including Manchuria and the Kwantung Leased Territory)
- (2)
- Karafuto (southern part of Sakhalin)
- (3)
- Korea (Chosen)
- (4)
- Kurile Islands (Chishima)
- (5)
- Hokkaido
- (6)
- Formosa (Taiwan) and Pescadores (Hoko or Boko)
- (7)
- French Indo-China
- (8)
- Thailand
- (9)
- Burma
- (10)
- British Malaya
- (11)
- Netherlands East Indies
- (12)
- Philippine Islands
- (13)
- Marianas, Marshalls, and Caroline Islands and all other land and water areas not mentioned above, south of the thirtieth degree of north latitude.
- (d)
- to initiate and carry out the evacuation of the Japanese armed forces in accordance with means, priorities and schedules prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (e)
- to prohibit and prevent, in all territories listed in
this Article:
- (1)
- the evacuation of any non-Japanese inhabitant.
- (2)
- the harming of the inhabitants or the damaging of their property.
- (3)
- the removal of animals, stores of food, forage, fuel or other provisions or commodities.
- (4)
- damage, pillaging, looting or destruction of any kind.
- (f)
- to demobilize, upon their arrival within the territorial limits of Japan proper, all Japanese armed forces, within a time limit to be determined by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces. A police force, armed only with sabers and small arms, and of a prescribed strength will be exempt from demobilization.
- (g)
- to evacuate Japanese civilians from such of the territories listed in paragraph (c) above as may be required by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
Article II
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake that all Japanese aircraft, military, naval and civil will remain on the ground, on the water or aboard ships until notification of the disposition to be made of them. The Japanese Imperial High Command will within 48 hours after the signing of these terms furnish the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces complete data as to the number, type, condition and location of such aircraft.
Article III
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake:
- (a)
- to prevent the movement of Japanese naval vessels of any type except at the direction or with the express approval of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (b)
- to render harmless and to throw overboard within 48 hours after the signing of this Instrument all ammunition, war heads of torpedoes, bombs, depth charges, and other explosive material on board Japanese naval vessels at sea and in case of naval vessels not at sea to discharge all such material and to place it in safe storage ashore within the same time limit.
- (c)
- to furnish the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, within 24 hours of the signing of this Instrument, precise information as to the position, condition and movement of all Japanese naval vessels, in or out of commission or building. To assure that all such vessels which are in commission will be prepared to put into specified ports or proceed to rendezvous according to schedules and in the manner prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces. To dispose of all naval vessels under construction or undergoing repairs in accordance with instructions to be issued later.
- (d)
- to return safely, in good condition and to ports specified by the United Nations all naval vessels formerly belonging to any of the United Nations which are in Japanese hands.
- (e)
- to furnish the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces within 48 hours of the signing of this Instrument complete information as to the position, condition and movement of all Japanese-controlled merchant ships of over 100 gross tons, in or out of commission or building, including merchant ships formerly belonging to any of the United Nations which are now in Japanese hands. To assure that all such merchant ships will be prepared to proceed on the dates and to the ports specified by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (f)
- to prevent damage to or destruction of the vessels and ships described in this Article or to port facilities and material.
- (g)
- to abandon on the spot and intact all port material and material for inland waterways, including tugs and lighters, as the islands, territories and regions specified in Article I, are evacuated.
Article IV
- (a)
- The Japanese Imperial High Command undertakes to remove all Japanese mines, minefields and other obstacles to movement by land, sea and air, wherever located, within fourteen (14) days from the signing of this; Instrument. Pending their removal, all safety lanes will be kept open and clearly marked. All aids to navigation will be reestablished at once.
- (b)
- Unarmed military and civilian personnel with the necessary equipment will be made available and utilized for the purposes stated in paragraph (a) of this Article.
Article V
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake:
- (a)
- to hold intact and in good condition, and subject to
further instructions from the Commander-in-Chief of the
United Nations Armed Forces:
- (1)
- all arms, ammunition, explosives, military equipment, stores and supplies, and other implements of war of all kinds and all other war material (except as specifically prescribed in Article III).
- (2)
- all transportation and communications facilities and equipment, by land, water, or air.
- (3)
- all military installations and establishments, including airfields, seaplane bases, anti-aircraft defenses, ports and naval bases, storage depots, permanent and temporary land and coast fortifications, fortresses and other fortified areas, together with plans and drawings of all such fortifications, installations and establishments.
- (4)
- all factories, plants, shops, research institutions, laboratories, testing stations, technical data, patents, plans, drawings, and inventions designed or intended to produce or to facilitate the production or use of the articles, materials, and facilities referred to in subparagraphs [Page 502] (1), (2), and (3) above, or otherwise to further the conduct of war.
- (b)
- to furnish the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, within fourteen (14) days from the signing of this Instrument, complete lists in duplicate of all the items specified in paragraph (a) of this Article indicating the numbers, type and location of each.
- (c)
- to furnish at the demand of the Commander-in-Chief of
the United Nations Armed Forces:
- (1)
- the labor, services, and facilities required for the maintenance or operation of any of the categories mentioned in paragraph (a) of this Article; and
- (2)
- any information or records that may be required in connection therewith.
- (d)
- to cease forthwith the manufacture, import or export of arms, ammunition and implements of war.
- (e)
- to maintain in good operating condition all roads, railroads, waterways, bridges, telephone and telegraph systems and all other communications under Japanese control. To this end all civil and military personnel now employed on these facilities will remain until further notice from the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (f)
- to dismantle and destroy, subject to such priorities and in accordance with instructions prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces, such installations and establishments described in paragraph (a) (3) of this Article as may be designated by him.
Article VI
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake:
- (a)
- to release and, where appropriate, to repatriate all prisoners of war, internees, hostages and political prisoners, held by or under the control of Japan in accordance with a procedure to be established by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (b)
- to repatriate, within a period to be specified, and in accordance with detailed conditions to be fixed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, all persons who are nationals of the United Nations or of the countries occupied by Japan, who are now in Japanese hands, and who have been involuntarily displaced.
- (c)
- to furnish, to the extent required by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, and within a period specified by him, complete lists of the persons described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Article indicating their present location.
- (d)
- to protect, pending their release, the persons described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Article and their property, and to provide such persons with adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical attention and money in accordance with their rank or official position.
- (e)
- to deliver, without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Article, control of the places of detention of such persons to those officers designated for the purpose by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, transfer of control to be at such times and in such manner as may be prescribed.
Article VII
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake:
- (a)
- to aid and facilitate the occupation by United Nations forces of such places, areas, or regions or parts of the Japanese Empire as may be designated by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (b)
- to deliver all arms in the possession of the civilian population in those areas occupied by the forces of the United Nations to designated Commanders of those forces.
- (c)
- to defray all costs of occupation within the Japanese Empire, and such other expenditures as may arise in connection therewith.
Article VIII
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake to prohibit and prevent, in the areas evacuated by the armed forces of Japan, the following transactions by, or on behalf of, or pursuant to the direction of, any national of Japan:
- (a)
- all transfers of credit between any banking institutions within such areas; and all transfers of credit between any banking institution within such areas and any banking institution outside such areas;
- (b)
- all payments by, or to any banking institution within such areas;
- (c)
- all transactions in foreign exchange;
- (d)
- the export, or withdrawal, or removal by any means whatsoever, of gold or silver bullion or coin, specie or currency;
- (e)
- all transfers of, withdrawals or exportation or removal by any means whatsoever of, or dealings in, any evidences of indebtedness or evidences of the ownership of property;
- (f)
- the acquisition, disposition, or transfer of, or other dealing in or with respect to, any stocks, bonds, securities, or evidences thereof, or interests therein;
- (g)
- any transaction for the purpose, or which has the effect, of evading or avoiding the foregoing prohibitions.
Article IX
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake to apprehend and to deliver at such places as may be specified, for investigation, trial or other disposition, such Japanese subjects or other persons under Japanese control as may be charged with offenses against the United Nations, their citizens or subjects.
Article X
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake:
- (a)
- to facilitate the exercise of censorship of the press and means of communication as directed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (b)
- to cause all electrical means of communication under Japanese control, wherever situated, to cease transmitting immediately upon the signing of this Instrument and to resume operation only by specific permission of and in accordance with the provisions of special regulations to be promulgated by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, and to furnish such electrical communications facilities as may be deemed necessary by the forces of occupation.
- (c)
- to furnish, forthwith, to the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces copies of all military, naval, diplomatic and other codes, ciphers, and cryptographic systems and devices used by the Government of Japan and the Japanese armed forces.
- (d)
- to issue in plain language all instructions required in carrying out the provisions of this Instrument and to furnish the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces copies of each such instruction as soon as issued.
Article XI
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake to prevent the destruction, removal, concealment or transfer of, or damage to, all records and archives of governmental and private entities, and to cause all such records and archives to be disposed of as directed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
Article XII
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake:
- (a)
- to recall at once all Japanese diplomatic, consular and other officials, and members of the Japanese land, sea and air forces abroad.
- (b)
- to render null and void all proclamations and decrees, and all conventions, agreements and treaties affecting the relationships between [Page 505] Japan and any conquered or occupied country or area promulgated or entered into since September 18, 1931.
Article XIII
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command recognize that the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces will present additional political, administrative, economic, financial, military and other requirements and that representatives duly designated to act on his behalf will issue proclamations, orders, ordinances, and instructions for the purpose of laying down additional requirements and of giving effect to the provisions of the present Instrument. The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake to carry out unconditionally the requirements of the United Nations High Command and to comply with all such proclamations, orders, ordinances and instructions.
Article XIV
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command recognize that drastic penalties will be inflicted immediately in the event of:
- (a)
- any delay or failure to comply with any provision of this Instrument;
- (b)
- any delay or failure to carry out completely such additional requirements as the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces may prescribe;
- (c)
- any action, which in the opinion of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, might be detrimental to the United Nations or any one of them.
Article XV
This Instrument is drawn up in the English, Chinese and Japanese languages. The English is the only authentic text. In case of any question as to the meaning of any of the provisions of this Instrument, the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces will be final.
Draft Prepared by the Joint Post-War Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Short Form
Unconditional Surrender of Japan
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command recognize and acknowledge the complete defeat of the Japanese [Page 506] armed forces and hereby surrender unconditionally to the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command undertake to cause all Japanese armed forces, wherever situated, to cease hostilities forthwith and agree to comply with all requirements hereafter imposed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
Signed, sealed, and delivered by the undersigned duly authorized representatives of the Government of Japan and of the Japanese Imperial High Command at . … on the . . . . . day of …, 194 . . at . … hours.
(Name) (Title)
Representative of the Japanese Government.
(Name) (Title)
Representative of the Japanese Imperial High Command.
The foregoing Terms of
are accepted by:
Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces.
Draft Prepared by the Joint Post-War Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Final Draft
Proclamation No. 1
To the People of Japan:
The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command have acknowledged the complete defeat of all Japanese armed forces on land, at sea and in the air, and have surrendered unconditionally to the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
Now therefore, I, the undersigned Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, hereby proclaim as follows:
- 1.
- I hereby assume supreme legislative, judicial and executive authority and power over all of the Empire of Japan.
- 2.
- All Japanese authorities, all other Japanese and all persons resident in Japan shall comply with all Proclamations, Orders, and other instructions issued or to be issued by my authority.
- 3.
- All Japanese civil officials and employees of public utilities and services shall remain at their posts and continue to perform their regular duties unless otherwise directed by me. In particular, the Japanese civil police will continue their normal functions and will be held responsible by me for the maintenance of law and order. They will not, however, interfere in any way with the personnel of the occupying forces.
- 4.
- The Japanese people shall carry on their usual occupations and means of livelihood, subject to such control as may be necessary.
- 5.
- The Japanese authorities and people shall abstain from all acts detrimental to the interests of the United Nations, to the maintenance of public order and orderly administration or to the security and welfare of the forces and agencies of the United Nations.
- 6.
- Any organization or individual who fails to render full cooperation by word and deed with the United Nations Military Authorities, or who fails to comply completely with any Proclamations, Orders, or other instructions that may be issued as above provided, will be promptly and severely punished.
(Date) . . . . . . . (Place) . . . . . . . . . . . .(Hour) . . . . . . Zone time
(Name) (Title)
(Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces)
Draft Prepared by the Joint Post-War Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Final Draft
General Order No. 1
Military and Naval
Pursuant to the Unconditional Surrender signed by the Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command, I, the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, do hereby order as follows:
- I.
- The Japanese Imperial High Command shall disarm completely all armed forces of Japan or under Japanese control, wherever they may be situated, and shall deliver intact and in good condition all weapons and equipment at such times and at such places as may be prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces. The Japanese Imperial High Command shall retain all forces [Page 508] in their present positions, wherever they may be, pending instructions from the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- II.
- The Government of Japan and Japanese Imperial High
Command shall, within 48 hours of the time of receipt of
this order, furnish the Commander-in-Chief of the United
Nations Armed Forces complete information as follows:
- (a)
- Lists of all land, air and anti-aircraft units showing locations and strengths in officers and men.
- (b)
- Lists of all aircraft, military, naval and civil giving complete information as to the number, type, location and condition of such aircraft.
- (c)
- Lists of all Japanese and Japanese-controlled naval vessels, surface and submarine and auxiliary naval craft in or out of commission and under construction giving their position, condition and movement.
- (d)
- Lists of all Japanese-controlled merchant ships of over 100 gross tons, in or out of commission and under construction, including merchant ships formerly belonging to any of the United Nations which are now in Japanese hands, giving their position, condition and movement.
- (e)
- Complete and detailed information, accompanied by maps, showing locations and layouts of all mines, minefields and other obstacles to movement by land, sea or air, and the safety lanes in connection therewith.
- (f)
- Locations and descriptions of all military installations and establishments, including airfields, seaplane bases, ports and naval bases, storage depots, permanent and temporary land and coast fortifications, fortresses and other fortified areas, together with plans and drawings of all such fortifications, installations and establishments.
- (g)
- Locations and descriptions of all factories, plants, shops, research institutions, laboratories, testing stations, technical data, patents, plans, drawings and inventions designed or intended to produce or to facilitate the production or use of all implements of war and other material and property used by or intended for use by any military or paramilitary organizations in connection with their operations.
- III.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High
Command shall undertake:
- (a)
- to evacuate all Japanese armed forces
personnel and their civilian auxiliaries from
- (1)
- Occupied areas in China (including Manchuria and the Kwantung Leased Territory)
- (2)
- Karafuto (southern part of Sakhalin)
- (3)
- Korea (Chosen)
- (4)
- Kurile Islands (Chishima)
- (5)
- Hokkaido
- (6)
- Formosa (Taiwan) and Pescadores (Hoko or Boko)
- (7)
- French Indo-China
- (8)
- Thailand
- (9)
- Burma
- (10)
- British Malaya
- (11)
- Netherlands East Indies
- (12)
- Philippine Islands
- (13)
- Marianas, Marshalls, and Caroline Islands and all other land and water areas not mentioned above, south of the thirtieth degree of north latitude.
- (b)
- to initiate and carry out the evacuation of the Japanese armed forces in accordance with means, priorities and schedules prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (c)
- to prohibit and prevent, in all territories
listed in this Article:
- (1)
- the evacuation of any non-Japanese inhabitant.
- (2)
- the harming of the inhabitants or the damaging of their property.
- (3)
- the removal of animals, stores of food, forage, fuel or other provisions or commodities.
- (4)
- damage, pillaging, looting or destruction of any kind.
- (d)
- to demobilize, upon their arrival within the territorial limits of Japan proper, all Japanese armed forces, within a time limit to be determined by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces. A police force, armed only with sabers and small arms, and of a prescribed strength will be exempt from demobilization.
- (e)
- to evacuate Japanese civilians from such of the territories listed in paragraph (a) above as may be required by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- IV.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command shall direct at once that all Japanese aircraft, military, naval and civil remain on the ground, on the water or aboard ships and they shall be responsible that these aircraft so remain until notified of the disposition to be made of them.
- V.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High
Command shall undertake that:
- (a)
- There will be no movement of Japanese naval vessels of any type except at the direction or with the express approval of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (b)
- All ammunition, war heads of torpedoes, bombs, depth charges, and other explosive material on board Japanese naval vessels at sea will be rendered harmless and thrown overboard within 48 hours after the receipt of this order. In the case of naval vessels not at sea all such material will be discharged and placed in safe storage ashore within the same time limit.
- (c)
- All Japanese naval vessels which are in commission will be prepared to put into specified ports or proceed to rendezvous according to schedules and in the manner prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief [Page 510] of the United Nations Armed Forces. All naval vessels under construction or undergoing repairs will be disposed of in accordance with instructions to be issued later.
- (d)
- All naval vessels formerly belonging to any of the United Nations which are in Japanese hands will be returned safely and in good condition to ports specified by the United Nations.
- (e)
- All Japanese-controlled merchant ships of over 100 gross tons, including merchant ships formerly belonging to any of the United Nations which are now in Japanese hands, will be prepared to proceed on the dates and to the ports specified by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (f)
- No damage to or destruction of the vessels and ships described in this Section or to port facilities and material will be permitted.
- (g)
- In evacuating the islands, territories and regions specified in section III of this order, Japanese authorities will abandon on the spot and intact all port material and material for inland waterways, including tugs and lighters.
- VI.
- The Japanese Imperial High Command shall undertake to remove all Japanese mines, minefields and other obstacles to movement by land, sea and air, wherever located, within fourteen (14) days from the receipt of this order. Pending their removal, all safety lanes will be kept open and clearly marked. All aids to navigation will be reestablished at once. Unarmed military and civilian personnel with the necessary equipment will be made available and utilized for the purposes stated in this Section.
- VII.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High
Command shall undertake:
- (a)
- to hold intact and in good condition, and
subject to further instructions from the
Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed
- (1)
- all arms, ammunition, explosives, military equipment, stores and supplies, and other implements of war of all kinds and all other war material (except as specifically prescribed in Section V of this order).
- (2)
- all transportation and communications facilities and equipment, by land, water, or air.
- (3)
- all military installations and establishments, including airfields, seaplane bases, anti-aircraft defenses, ports and naval bases, storage depots, permanent and temporary land and coast fortifications, fortresses and other fortified areas, together with plans and drawings of all such fortifications, installations and establishments.
- (4)
- all factories, plants, shops, research institutions, laboratories, testing stations, technical data, patents, plans, drawings, and inventions designed or intended to produce or to facilitate the production or use of the articles, materials and facilities referred to in subparagraphs (1), (2), and (3) above, or otherwise to further the conduct of war.
- (b)
- to furnish the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, within fourteen (14) days after the receipt of this order, complete lists in duplicate of all the items specified in paragraph (a) of this Section indicating the numbers, type and location of each.
- (c)
- to furnish at the demand of the
Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed
- (1)
- the labor, services, and facilities required for the maintenance or operation of any of the categories mentioned in paragraph (a) of this Section; and
- (2)
- any information or records that may be required in connection therewith.
- (d)
- to cease forthwith the manufacture, import or export of arms, ammunition and implements of war.
- (e)
- to dismantle and destroy, subject to such priorities and in accordance with instructions prescribed by the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces, such installations and establishments described in paragraph (a) (3) of this Section as may be designated by him.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High
Command shall undertake:
- (a)
- to release and, where appropriate, to repatriate all prisoners of war, internees, hostages and political prisoners, held by or under the control of Japan in accordance with a procedure to be established by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (b)
- to repatriate, within a period to be specified, and in accordance with detailed conditions to be fixed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, all persons who are nationals of the United Nations or of the countries occupied by Japan, who are now in Japanese hands, and who have been involuntarily displaced.
- (c)
- to furnish, to the extent required by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, and within a period specified by him, complete lists of the persons described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section indicating their present location.
- (d)
- to protect, pending their release, the persons described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section and their property, and to provide such persons with adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical attention and money in accordance with their rank or official position.
- (e)
- to deliver, without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Section, control of the places of detention of such persons to those officers designated for the purpose by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, transfer of control to be at such times and in such manner as may be prescribed.
- IX.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High
Command shall undertake:
- (a)
- to aid and facilitate the occupation by United Nations forces of such places, areas, or regions or parts of the Japanese Empire as may be designated by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (b)
- to deliver all arms in the possession of the civilian population in those areas occupied by the forces of the United Nations to designated Commanders of those forces.
- X.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High
Command recognize that drastic penalties will be
inflicted immediately in the event of:
- (a)
- any delay or failure to comply with any provision of this order;
- (b)
- any delay or failure to carry out completely such additional requirements as the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces may prescribe;
- (c)
- any action, which in the opinion of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, might be detrimental to the United Nations or any one of them.
Issued at . . . . . hours, (. . . . . Zone Time), this . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . 194 . .
Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces.
Draft Prepared by the Joint Post-War Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Final Draft
General Order No. 2
Pursuant to the Unconditional Surrender signed by the Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command, I, the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, do hereby order as follows:
- I.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command shall undertake to apprehend and to deliver at such places as may be specified, for investigation, trial or other disposition, such Japanese subjects or other persons under Japanese control as may be charged with offenses against the United Nations, their citizens or subjects.
- II.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High
Command shall undertake:
[Page 513]
- (a)
- to facilitate the exercise of censorship of the press and means of communication as directed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- (b)
- to cause all electrical means of communication under Japanese control, wherever situated, to cease transmitting immediately upon receipt of this order and to resume operation only by specific permission of, and in accordance with the provisions of special regulations to be promulgated by, the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, and to furnish such electrical communications facilities as may be deemed necessary by the forces of occupation.
- (c)
- to furnish, forthwith, to the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces copies of all military, naval, diplomatic and other codes, ciphers, and cryptographic systems and devices used by the Government of Japan and the Japanese armed forces.
- (d)
- to issue in plain language all instructions required in carrying out the provisions of this order and of all previous and subsequent orders and to furnish the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces copies of each such instruction as soon as issued.
- III.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command shall undertake to prevent the destruction, removal, concealment or transfer of, or damage to, all records and archives of governmental and private entities, and to cause all such records and archives to be disposed of as directed by the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- IV.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High
Command shall undertake:
- (a)
- to recall at once all Japanese diplomatic, consular and other officials, and members of the Japanese land, sea and air forces abroad.
- (b)
- to fender null and void all proclamations and decrees, and all conventions, agreements and treaties affecting the relationships between Japan and any conquered or occupied country or area promulgated or entered into since September 18, 1931.
- (c)
- to refrain from assuming or entering into any foreign obligations, undertakings or commitments of any kind without the sanction of the United Nations High Command.
- V.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High
Command shall undertake:
- (a)
- to prohibit immediately all residents of Japan from traveling within and between the four main islands of Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu) and from traveling to or from Japanese territory outside these four main islands except with the specific permission of the United Nations High Command.
- (b)
- to prohibit Japanese nationals from leaving Japanese territory except as authorized or directed by the United Nations High Command.
- VI.
- The Government of Japan shall take all steps necessary to ensure the safety, maintenance and welfare of persons not of Japanese nationality and of their property and the property of foreign states.
- VII.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command shall recognize that the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces will present additional political, administrative, economic, financial, military and other requirements and that representatives duly designated to act on his behalf will issue proclamations, orders, ordinances, and instructions for the purpose of laying down additional requirements and of giving effect to the Unconditional Surrender. The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command shall undertake to carry out unconditionally the requirements of the United Nations High Command and to comply with all such proclamations, orders, ordinances and instructions.
Issued at . . . . . hours, (. . . . . Zone Time), this . . . . . day of . . . . . 194 . . .
Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces.
Draft Prepared by the Joint Post-War Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Final Draft
General Order No. 3
Pursuant to the Unconditional Surrender signed by the Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High Command, I, the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces, do hereby order as follows:
- I.
- The Japanese Government shall place at the disposal of the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces the whole of the Japanese transportation and communications systems. Roads, railroads, waterways, bridges, telephone and telegraph systems, radio stations and all other communications under Japanese control shall be maintained in good operating condition. To this end all civil and military personnel now employed on these facilities shall remain until further notice from the Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Armed Forces.
- II.
- The Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial High
Command undertake to prohibit and prevent, in the areas
evacuated by the armed forces of Japan, the following
transactions by, or on behalf of, or pursuant to the
direction of, any national of Japan:
[Page 515]
- (a)
- all transfers of credit between any banking institutions within such areas; and all transfers of credit between any banking institution within such areas and any banking institution outside such areas;
- (b)
- all payments by, or to any banking institution within such areas;
- (c)
- all transactions in foreign exchange;
- (d)
- the export, or withdrawal, or removal by any means whatsoever, of gold or silver bullion or coin, specie or currency;
- (e)
- all transfers of, withdrawals or exportation or removal by any means whatsoever of, or dealings in, any evidences of indebtedness or evidences of the ownership of property;
- (f)
- the acquisition, disposition, or transfer of, or other dealing in or with respect to, any stocks, bonds, securities, or evidences thereof, or interests therein;
- (g)
- any transaction for the purpose, or which has the effect, of evading or avoiding the foregoing prohibitions.
- III.
- (a) The Japanese Government shall defray the costs of the provisioning, maintenance, pay, accommodation, and transport of the forces and agencies of the United Nations within the Japanese Empire, the costs of any relief in whatever form it may be provided by the United Nations, and all other costs of occupation.
- (b) The Japanese Government shall supply free of cost such Japanese currency as the United Nations High Command may require, and will withdraw and redeem in Japanese currency all holdings in Japanese territory of currencies issued by the United Nations High Command during military operations or occupancy, and will hand over the currencies so withdrawn free of cost to the United Nations High Command.
Issued at . . . . . hours (. . . . . Zone Time), this . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 194 . . .
Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Armed Forces.