701.4511/1–3145: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary in Charge at New Delhi (Merrell)
72. The Indian Agent General here25 desires Dept to grant him recognition as a chief of mission. Dept has explained that it has been happy to accord him every feasible courtesy, such as inclusion among the chiefs of mission at United Nations meetings, an invitation to the [Page 257] inauguration26 as a chief of mission, etc. It is not considered feasible, however, to list him as a full chief of mission in the absence of a request for agrément and the presentation of credentials. The Agent General appreciates our position, and for your personal information he has made known to us his intention of making an issue of the question with the British Government if the American Government remains unable to accord him the desired recognition without credentials.
Halifax27 and Eden28 are said to have agreed to a status of chief of mission for Bajpai some months ago but Churchill29 objected.
Any information you may obtain regarding the attitude of officials in India on the subject will be helpful. The position which will be accorded you as commissioner30 may be of some assistance to us in handling the case. Please keep Dept informed in this regard.
- Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai.↩
- The fourth-term inauguration of President Franklin D; Roosevelt, January 20, 1945.↩
- Viscount Halifax, British Ambassador in the United States.↩
- Anthony Eden, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.↩
- Winston S. Churchill, British Prime Minister.↩
- Though American representation had been established at New Delhi in 1941, the position of the American Commissioner in the Warrant of Precedence for India had not been settled at that time by the Government of India to the satisfaction of the United States.↩