123 Merrell, George R.
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Middle Eastern Affairs (Allen)
Subject: Agrément for Mr. George R. Merrell
Prior to Mr. Merrell’s departure from India in November, 1944 he received a telegram from the Department instructing him to inquire informally of the Government of India whether it would be agreeable to that Government if Mr. Merrell should be designated as United States Commissioner to New Delhi. Mr. Merrell replied by telegraph that he had made such inquiry and had been assured by the Government of India that the appointment would be entirely agreeable.
While Mr. Merrell was in the United States during December, the appointment was cleared with the President and the nomination papers prepared. The question then arose, however, whether the informal inquiry which had already been made was sufficient to constitute an agrément. It was decided, in order that no uncertainty remained on this score, to approach Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai on the subject, in Sir Girja’s capacity both as Agent General for India and a member of the British Ambassador’s Staff, with the rank of Minister. This was done orally on January 9, 1945. Sir Girja undertook to obtain the necessary clearances. On January 16 Mr. Trevelyan, First Secretary at the Agency General, called me to say that the clearance had been given by the Government of India, but that the formal agrément could not be given until word was received from London.
Mr. Trevelyan called me this morning to say that the necessary clearance had arrived from London, and consequently the agrément and Mr. Merrell’s appointment could be considered as formally in our hands.24
- Mr. Merrell was designated on February 28, 1945, Commissioner of the United States to India, with the personal rank of Minister, to reside at New Delhi.↩