840.4016/11–3045: Telegram
The Representative in Hungary (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 1—3:37 p.m.]
997. Foreign Minister requested again today in note to me dated November 2045 that an international commission be formed to investigate present Hungarian-Czechoslovak controversy over Hungarian [Page 942] minority in Slovakia. Original request dated September 14 was reported to Department as my telegram 892 [592], September 14 and despatch No. 297, September 15.46 Gryöngyösi has suggested also pending appointment this commission and with reference to principles laid down at Crimea that part of Slovakia inhabited by Hungarians be placed under international control. Gyöngyösi adds in his note that international control of these districts is urgent due to recent chauvinistic excesses of the Slovak press particularly since Hungarian Government declared [its willingness to conduct direct “informatory” negotiations with the Czech Govt]47 in Praha. He states there is obviously little hope of concluding successful negotiations in such an atmosphere and under conditions which deprive Hungarians in Slovakia of their human rights. Text of note by despatch.48
Sent to Department. Repeated to London 62 and Praha 29.
- For text of the note, 120 res/Be.–1945, dated November 20, 1945, see Hungary and the Conference of Paris, vol. ii, p. 15. The note was also sent to the Soviet Minister and the British Political Representative.↩
- Neither telegram 592 nor despatch 297 is printed. For text of the note, 61 res/Be–1945, dated September 14, 1945, addressed to the United States, British, and Soviet Representatives in Budapest, see Hungary and the Conference of Paris, vol. ii, p. 13.↩
- Corrected on basis of text of telegram in Budapest Legation files.↩
- Despatch 620, December 1, from Budapest, not printed.↩