611.5131/2–2145: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Caffery)
709. 1. Charlois of the French Embassy71 and Zuber of French Supply Council called at the Department at their request on February 19 to inquire regarding Article VII discussions and plans for post-war commercial policy arrangements generally.
2. They were informed in general terms that we were hopeful that international agreement might be reached regarding measures designed to mitigate trade barriers after the war and that we were still exploring the possibility of action on such measures by means of a multilateral agreement.
[Page 760]3. In response to an inquiry, it was stated that we did not expect any detailed discussion of trade policy at the San Francisco conference in April;72 furthermore, that before a trade conference could be called, it would be necessary for the principal trading nations to reach tentative agreement on matters to be considered at such a conference and that we wish to have exploratory discussions at an early date with French officials in this connection.
4. Charlois agreed that it was highly desirable to reach international agreement on post-war economic policies before reconversion to peace-time production got under way on a large scale in the various countries.
5. Charlois said that he would report the conversation to his Government. He gave the impression, although he did not explicitly so state, that the French Government is interested in undertaking discussions on these subjects at an early date. Have you any information which would confirm this impression?
- Maurice J. Charlois, Commercial Attaché.↩
- For documentation regarding the United Nations Conference at San Francisco, April 25–June 26, 1945, see vol. i, pp. 1 ff.↩