611.5131/1–1145: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Caffery)

697. 1. Department has considered Foreign Minister Bidault’s note of January 9, 1945 transmitted with your despatch no. 645 of January 11 and requests, if you perceive no objection, that you reply substantially as follows:

“My Government has been informed of your note of January 9 concerning proposed conversations between experts of our two countries when your Government shall have formulated the new arrangements which it intends to make in tariff matters because of the unsettled situation of the French market brought about by the war and by four years of enemy occupation.

“In these conversations, the experts of both countries would examine the proposed new tariff measures in relation to the provisions of the Franco-American trade agreement of May 6, 1936 with a view to reaching a mutually satisfactory basis for continuation of the trade agreement in force.

[Page 759]

“It is the hope of my Government that if your Government gives notice under the provisions of Article XII of the trade agreement, no definite date will be fixed for termination of the agreement, in order that ample opportunity may be afforded for the proposed conversations to reach a successful conclusion.

“My Government wishes me to express its satisfaction at the emphasis you have placed on the common pursuit by our two Governments of the policies designed to expand international trade in accordance with the principles expressed in the United Nations Declaration, to which your Government has adhered, and in Article VII of the master lend-lease agreements.

“In this connection, my Government has requested me to inform you that it may, at an early date, propose that representatives of our two Governments enter into exploratory discussions with a view to seeking an agreed basis for the implementation of the objectives set forth in Article VII.”

2. In delivering the above note, please find opportunity to express informally your hope that you will be informed sufficiently far in advance of the approximate date when the French experts will be ready to begin the conversations regarding the trade agreement so that our experts may be designated and be prepared. It is assumed here that the conversations will be held in Paris.

3. ReDeptel no. 177, January 16,69 paragraph one, please advise French reaction and endeavor to obtain agreement that neither government will give publicity to this matter without prior consultation with the other.

Repeated to London for Hawkins70 as Department’s 1330.

  1. Not printed; in paragraph 1, Department stated it felt that publicity of any kind should be avoided (611.5131/12–2844).
  2. Harry C. Hawkins, Counselor of Embassy for Economic Affairs in the United Kingdom.