
The Acting Secretary of State to the Danish Minister (Kauffmann)47

Sir: I have the honor to request that the areas in Greenland appearing on the attached list shall be considered as defense areas in accordance with the provisions of Article V of the Agreement between Denmark and the United States for the defense of Greenland which was signed on April 9, 1941.

Accept [etc.]

[File copy not signed.]

Greenland Defense Areas

1. The following areas are proposed defense areas that have never been established as such:

Atterbury Dome

An area bounded by a circle of a two mile radius with the center at 65° 03′ 30″ North and 40° 13′ 30″ West.

(65° 03′ 30″ North

40° 13′ 30″ West)

This area covers normal operations of a weather station and a base camp for Ice Cap operations.

Camp Adelaer

An area bounded by a circle of a two mile radius with the center at 61° 16′ 30″ North and 42° 16′ West.

(61° 16′ 30″ North

42° 16′ West)

This area covers normal operations of a weather station and a base camp for Ice Cap operations.

Cape Dan

An area bounded by a circle of a two mile radius with the center at 65° 32′ North and 37° 10′ West.

(65° 32′ North

37° 10′ West)

This area consists of installations for a weather station.

Narsak Point

An area bounded by a circle of a half-mile radius with the center 60° 54′ North and 46° 00′ West.

(60° 54′ North

46° 00′ West)

This area consists of installations for a weather station.

[Page 576]


An area bounded by a circle of a two mile radius with the center at 63° 11′ North and 41° 20′ West.

(63° 11′ North

(41° 20′ West)

This area consists of installations for a weather station.

Walrus Bay

An area bounded by a circle of a half-mile radius with the center at 70° 29′ 30″ North and 21° 57′ 36″ West.

(70° 29′ 30″ North

21° 57′ 36″ West)

This area consists of installations for a weather station.

2. The following are changes to present established defense areas as of 17 May 1943:


Change to:

(61° 02′ — 61° 16′ North

45° 15″ — 45° 32′ West)

Prince Christian Sound

Change to: An area bounded by a circle of a two mile radius with the center at 60° 03′ North and 43° 12’ West.

(60° 03′ North

43° 12′ West)


Change to:

(61° 12′ — 61° 15′ North

48° 05′ — 48° 11′ West)


(61° 13′ — 61° 14′ North

48° 15′ — 48° 18′ West)


Change to:

(63° 24′ — 63° 27′ North

51° 04 — 51° 16′ West)


Change to:

(65° 54′ — 66° 00′ North

36° 30′ — 36° 49′ West)


Change to:

(66° 47′ — 67° 10′ North

50° 15′ — 51° 15′ West)

[Page 577]

Simiutak (Sondrestromfjord)

Change to:

(66° 00′ — 66° 07′

North 53° 25′ — 53° 48′ West)

Simiutak (Skcov Fjord)

Change to: The entire island of Simiutak situated at the mouth of Skov Fjord at approximately 60° 41′ North and 46° 34′ West and the adjacent waters for a distance of one (1) mile from the shore line.

(60° 41′ North

46° 34′ West)


Change to: All of the unnamed island (Gamatron) lying south of Hollaender Island at approximately 60° 40′ North and 46° 26° West and the islands and waters adjacent thereto for a distance of one (1) mile from the shore line.

(60° 40′ North

46° 26′ West)


Delete entire area.

  1. In his note dated July 31, 1945, the Danish Minister acknowledged receipt of the Acting Secretary’s note and stated that he had immediately taken steps to bring the contents of the note to the knowledge of the Danish Government (859B.20/7–3145).