The Danish Minister (Kauffmann) to the Acting Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the note of May 10th45 in which Mr. Carl Brun, Danish Chargé d’Affaires a.i. notified you of a statement contained in the Royal message to the Danish Rigsdag to the effect that the Government in liberated Denmark concurred in the Agreement for the defense of Greenland concluded between Denmark and the United States on the 9th of April, 1941, and immediately would submit the necessary motion for this purpose to the Rigsdag.
The motion was brought before the Rigsdag at its first ordinary meeting on the 16th of May, and on the same day both Chambers unanimously gave their consent to the Agreement. This vote voiced the satisfaction of the Danish people that while the mother country was subjugated and under enemy control Greenland was able to play her part in the fight of the Atlantic on the side of the freedom-loving nations.
In virtue of the consent thus given by the Rigsdag, His Majesty the King of Denmark46 in a Council of State held on the 23rd of May has formally approved the Greenland Agreement of April 9th, 1941.
I avail myself [etc.]