860F.01/8–3145: Telegram

The Ambassador in Czechoslovakia (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State

287. General Harmon, Commander of the American Forces in Czechoslovakia, has informed me in the strictest confidence that of his 3 divisions 2 are being taken out of Czechoslovakia within the next 10 days and that although it was intended until 2 or 3 days ago to replace these forces, he has now been informed that they will not be replaced. He also told me that it is his understanding that Supreme Headquarters is recommending to the War Dept that all American troops be withdrawn from Czechoslovakia and that no replacements be sent. He gave it as his opinion that Supreme Headquarters is proposing to the War Dept that all American forces be removed from Czechoslovakia by the first of November.

The sudden withdrawal of all American forces from Czechoslovakia at this time while the Russians continue to maintain large forces in the country in violation of their promise to withdraw would constitute an abrupt reversal of our policy and would be regarded by all of the members of the Czechoslovak Govt including the President who desire a simultaneous withdrawal of American and Russian forces as [Page 487] an abandonment by the US of Czechoslovakia to further Russian influence.
