740.00119 Control (Italy)/5–945: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

1225. The following is the text in translation of De Gasperi’s note referred to in my 1224, May 9, 8 p.m.29

[Page 1151]
  • “1. As you will have seen in the press, the Belgrade radio, after the series of proclamations, declarations, et cetera, broadcast during the last few days, yesterday announced the formation at Trieste of a National Federal Government of Slovenia and the nomination as Commandant of the city of a Yugoslav lieutenant general not otherwise identified. We consider these actions absolutely arbitrary and illegal.
  • “2. You know what the attitude of the Italian Government has been in this matter. The various statements unanimously approved in recent days by the Council of Ministers are clear and concise and at the same time equitable and objective.
  • “3. You know also what profound effect an unjust and iniquitous solution of the problem of Venezia Giulia would have upon the whole political life of the country, which today is going through a particularly delicate and difficult phase.
  • “4. For these reasons, I am sure that the Allied Governments desire to treat this whole complex problem with that firmness which the situation demands, and that the Italian Government will be permitted to follow the development of the situation, which must not be compromised or prejudiced in any manner today.
  • “5. I trust greatly in your authoritative and friendly interest, Mr. Ambassador, because I know you will desire to interpret to your government the most profound preoccupation with which we, for our part, are following events, and also the firm but objective attitude of the Royal Government in this regard.”
  1. Not printed.