S/AE Files: Telegram
The British Prime Minister (Attlee) to President Truman 68
When we were at Potsdam the potentiality of the atomic bomb had not become actuality and the pressure of immediate problems was too heavy to give us the opportunity of discussing the implications of success.
The attack of [on] Hiroshima has now demonstrated to the world that a new factor pregnant with immense possibilities for good or evil has come into existence.
Thoughtful people already realise that there must be a revaluation of policies and a readjustment of international relations. There is widespread anxiety as to whether the new power will be used to serve or to destroy civilisation. The economic effects of the discovery will [Page 37] probably not reveal themselves for some years: its influence on international relations is immediate.
I believe that our two nations are profoundly convinced that if civilisation is to endure and progress, war must be banished for ever.
I consider, therefore, that you and I, as Heads of the Governments which have control of this great force, should without delay make a joint declaration of our intentions to utilise the existence of this great power not for our own ends, but as trustees for humanity in the interests of all peoples in order to promote peace and justice in the world.
The problems of control and the effect of the existence of this power on the new world organisation will require careful consideration, but I believe that a declaration of intentions made now will have great value.69
- Copy transmitted to Secretary of State Byrnes by the British Chargé” (Balfour) under cover of a note dated August 10.↩
President Truman’s reply, contained in Ms telegram No. 1, August 9, to Prime Minister Attlee reads as follows:
“Replying to your Number 1 of 8 August, I am in general agreement with your proposal contained therein.
“Please send me for consideration a draft of the joint ‘declaration of intentions’ which you consider suitable for issue at this time.” (Copy obtained from Department of Defense files)