840.4016/11–2445: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State

1086. For your confidential info, plan providing for repatriation of German nationals in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Hungary [Page 1315] approved by Coordinating Committee and Control Council. Copy will be forwarded by pouch.

Because of strained transport, welfare, housing, and food situation in United States zone, Germany, complicated by inter-zonal transfers of German populations now in progress, OMGUS (Office of Military Government United States) authorities question ability to initiate these movements on December 1 to extent provided in plan. It is hoped, however, that token movements may be initiated, particularly from Czechoslovakia in conjunction with repatriation of Poles from United States zone.

Sent to Department as 1086, reference my 1015 of November 15; to Warsaw as 90, reference my 64 of November 15; to Vienna as 38, reference my 35 of November 15; to Budapest as 12, reference my 11 of November 15.
