800.4016 DP/7–2445: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:50 p.m.]
209. For Warren. Reference Department’s 107 of July 13, 6 p.m., regarding non-repatriation [sic] of Slovenes, Slovaks, Croats and Hungarians from British and US zones against their wishes.
Appropriate US Group CC authorities informed of policy stated in telegram under reference. Concurrence has been received and lower echelons will be appropriately informed immediately. Annex XVII to basic preliminary plan is obsolete and will not be put into effect. Croats and Slovaks will not be listed as enemy displaced persons in future pertinent directives.
Still operative as policy in British and US zones, SHAEF administrative memorandum No. 39 as revised, transmitted in Mission’s restricted despatch No. 290 of April 25, 1945,68 lists Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania and Finland as ex-enemy states and their displaced nationals as ex-enemy displaced persons subject to repatriation at discretion of military and without regard to individual’s wishes. While Italians subsequently have been removed from this category, presumably Austrians would now qualify. If policy outlined in [Page 1178] Department’s telegram under reference is fully developed, presumably no Hungarian, Austrian, Bulgarian, Rumanian, Czechoslovakian, Yugoslav, or Finn, except war criminals, Quislings, and renegades, will be required to return to his former home when that falls within Soviet sphere. If that is intent, instructions to that end are requested in order that appropriate military authorities may be advised.
As of July 14 there were reported in Germany 840,241 persons of nationalities last listed. Present rate of repatriation eastward and southeastward so slow that it is doubtful if many of these persons can go home before some time and rate of repatriation will be much retarded if choice is given them. One reason for rapid repatriation to date has been desire to reduce before winter number of persons for whom military would be responsible. Under present contemplated arrangements military will release responsibility where appropriate, for displaced persons to UNRRA on October 1st. Requirements program of UNRRA will of necessity have to be revised upwards if policy outlined above is effected.
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