800.4016 DP/7–1345: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy)
107. Vatican has recently expressed serious concern with respect to possibility that Croats, Slovenes, Slovaks and Hungarians in Brit and US zones who do not desire to return to their countries now within sphere of Soviet influence may be forced to return. You’re A–47 [Page 1177] June 2268 reports initiation of negotiations with Soviet authorities for repatriation of Yugoslavs and Hungarians thru Soviet zone. Kindly consult US Group CC69 to secure reassurance that policy of not repatriating against their wishes others than those covered by Yalta Agreement, Germans and those classified as war criminals, renegades or quislings (covered or to be covered by other instructions) will be followed with respect to groups listed in first sentence not desiring to return to their countries.
In this connection it is noted that Annex XVII (Displaced Persons and Refugees) to Basic Preliminary Plan ACC Occupation of Germany Section III 2 C (3) (your despatch 295 April 2568) lists Croats and Slovaks as enemy displaced persons pending agreements with Govts of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia clarifying their status. Current US policy is to consider these groups Yugoslav and Czechoslovak nationals and thus United Nations displaced persons until otherwise advised by concerned Govts. Suggest deletion paragraph III 2 C (3).