740.00119 Council/8–2745
The British Embassy to the Department of State
His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom understand that His Majesty’s Government in Australia have approached the United States Government with a request for full participation by Australia in the Council of Foreign Ministers in relation to every aspect of the Pacific settlement.22
His Majesty’s Chargé d’Affaires is instructed to inform the Secretary of State that His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom support the Australian request and consider that Canada and New Zealand should similarly participate in the Council of Foreign Ministers, if they wish, in relation to the Pacific settlement. His Majesty’s Government recognise that the question of admitting other governments to the Council is a matter to be decided by the Council itself when it meets but they hope that in the meantime the United States Government will give sympathetic consideration to the Australian request.
- Telegram 127, August 22, 1945, from Canberra, printed in vol. vi, transmitted the summary of a memorandum by the Australian Government, dated August 24, requesting, inter alia, that Australia should take full part as a member of the Council of Foreign Ministers in relation to all matters affecting or concerning the Pacific and Far East. Telegram 87, August 24, to Canberra, also printed in vol. vi, directed Chargé Minter orally to inform the Australian Government that matters coming before the Council of Foreign Ministers other than those determined at the Berlin Conference would have to be agreed to by all five Governments represented on the Council. Telegram 135, August 31, from Canberra reported that Herbert V. Evatt, Australian Minister of State for External Affairs, again requested United States support for Australian membership on the Council as well as the opportunity for him to see President Truman and the Secretary of State in the near future (740.00119 Council/8–3145).↩