840.50 UNRRA/5–2345
The Assistant Secretary of State (Acheson) to the Counselor of the British Embassy (Marris)
Dear Denny: Thank you for your letter of May 23, and the attached copy of the telegram from London supporting our view that UNRRA should assume responsibility for the care of Yugoslav displaced persons in Italy, despite the objections of the Yugoslav Government.
I now understand from UNRRA that they have communicated with Keeny in Italy, both by telephone and cable, advising him that the whole subject of treatment of United Nations displaced persons, under Resolution 57, will be referred to the Third Council Meeting for clarification, and, in the meantime, authorizing him to provide for the displaced Yugoslav nationals in Italy.
Keeny is therefore apparently authorized to proceed along the lines we have recommended, and to answer any complaint made by the Yugoslav representatives with the response that their views in the matter should be referred to the Council.
I think the position UNRRA has taken is a very satisfactory interim answer to a troublesome problem. Since the question is already included on the provisional agenda for the Council meeting, I should like to arrange, at an early date, for consultation between us as to the approach to be taken by the two governments when this question is raised at the London meeting. It might be useful to postpone such discussions, however, until we hear the Soviet comments on the provisional agenda, and particularly this item in the Central Committee.
Sincerely yours,