Council of Foreign Ministers Files: Lot M–88: CFM London Decisions

Record of Decisions of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Lancaster House, London, September 24, 1945, 4 p.m.

C.F.M.(P) (45) 19th Meeting


U.K. U.S.A U.S.S.R
Mr. Bevin Mr. Byrnes M. Molotov
Sir R. I. Campbell Mr. J. Dunn M. F. T. Gousev
Sir A. Clark Kerr Mr. B. V. Cohen M. K. V. Novikov
Mr. A. Duff Cooper Mr. J. F. Dulles M. S. A. Golunski
Mr. C. E. Bohlen M. V. N. Pavlov
[Page 345]
France China
M. Bidault (Chairman) Dr. Wang Shih Chieh
M. Couve de Murville Dr. Wellington Koo
General Catroux Dr. Hollington Tong
M. Alphand Mr. Yang Yun Chu
M. Fouques Duparc Mr. Hsieh Kwang-Tsien

1. European Inland Waterways

The Council concluded their discussion on the organisation of European inland waterways.

No agreement was reached.

2. Reparation [Repatriation] of Soviet Nationals

After a full exchange of views the Council agreed to resume discussion of this question at their next meeting.