J. C. S. Files

No. 175
Memorandum by the Representatives of the British Chiefs of Staff

top secret
C. C. S. 880/5

Agenda for Military Staff Conferences

We communicated the views of the United States Chiefs of Staff, as set out in C. C. S. 880/2,1 to the British Chiefs of Staff.
With regard to paragraph 2 of C. C. S. 880/2, the British Chiefs of Staff say that their paper on the control and command of the war against Japan will include proposals for the reorganization of command in the Southwest Pacific.
With regard to paragraph 3 of C. C. S. 880/2, the British Chiefs of Staff agree that the Combined Chiefs of Staff should defer discussion of this problem until after the conclusion of any conversations with the Russians.
With regard to paragraph 4 of C. C. S. 880/2, the British Chiefs of Staff agree that papers should be exchanged in advance of the conference so far as practicable. They doubt, however, whether under present circumstances they will be able to present their papers on British participation in the war against Japan (item 4) and control and command of the war against Japan (item 6) more than a few days before Terminal. The directive to the Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia Command (item 5) will depend upon the outcome of the Combined Chiefs of Staff discussion on British participation in the war against Japan (item 4) and cannot therefore be tabled in advance.