Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy Director of the Office of American Republic Affairs (Bonsal)
I told Mr. Messersmith,63 referring to the matter which we discussed this morning (the question of the possibility of calling a conference in some American capital to discuss, in accordance with Padilla’s suggestion, any new developments in the Bolivian situation) that we had explored the situation here and that it was the feeling of our representatives abroad whose opinions we had solicited that it would be wiser to hold this suggestion in reserve and to proceed along the lines which we had followed to date. However, we did definitely intend to hold the other possibility for any future emergency. Mr. Messersmith asked if there had been any new developments from down South. I replied that there apparently had been some delay in the events which had been expected (change of certain Bolivian Cabinet Ministers). Mr. Messersmith concluded by saying that he understood that it was our intention to hold in reserve the proposal which we had discussed. I said that was correct.
- George S. Messersmith, Ambassador to Mexico.↩