Cooperation of the United States with other Governments in the construction of the Inter-American Highway and Rama Road 1

1. For previous correspondence on efforts to minimize the problems caused by liquidation of the United States Army’s Emergency Highway construction project in Central America, see Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. v, pp. 76 ff.

[159] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

810.154/3251a: Circular airgram

[160] The Chargé in Guatemala (Drew) to the Secretary of State


[162] The Ambassador in Guatemala (Long) to the Secretary of State


[164] The Ambassador in Nicaragua (Stewart) to the Secretary of State


[165] The Ambassador in Guatemala (Long) to the Secretary of State


[166] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Nicaragua (Stewart)


[167] The Ambassador in Nicaragua (Stewart) to the Secretary of State
