- The Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense, meeting at
Montevideo, Uruguay
(Documents 1–34)
- Negotiations by the United States with the other American Republics
preliminary to the Conference on Problems of War and Peace, meeting at
Mexico City, February–March 1945 (Documents 35–76)
- General policy of the United States on continuance of armament
distribution to the American Republics
(Documents 77–86)
- Inauguration of Staff conversations and the determination of
responsibility for negotiations on post-war defense in the Americas
(Documents 87–108)
- Interest of the United States in the problems of the Inter-American Coffee
(Documents 109–142)
- Attitude of the United States with respect to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the American Republics and the Soviet Union
- Efforts of the United States to improve relations between the Dominican
Republic and Haiti
(Documents 143–158)
- Cooperation of the United States with other Governments in the
construction of the Inter-American Highway and Rama Road
(Documents 159–167)
- Discussion concerning completion of the Caribbean land-sea route through
Haiti and the Dominican Republic
(Documents 168–178)
- Convention between the United States and the other American Republics concerning the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences
- Boundary disputes: (Documents 179–188)
- Ecuador and Peru
- Honduras and Nicaragua
(Documents 179–188)