710 Consultation 4/10–2844: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina

Please bring press statement contained Department’s plain circular1 concerning Argentine request to the attention of the Foreign Minister, making very clear that this Government wishes to have a full exchange of views with other American governments before taking a position on the proposal. You should also inform him that as soon as we have received the communication and have had an opportunity to study it our preliminary views will be communicated to all of the other republics except Argentina, and we will welcome a similar expression of views by his Government.

You should also stress that since we have not recognized the Farrell government2 we will not make any direct reply to any communication that may be received from the Argentine Foreign Office, and we trust [Page 28] that the other republics will refrain from making any direct or indirect reply to the Argentine proposal until a consensus shall have been reached after a full exchange of views.

  1. Supra.
  2. For correspondence on the problem of recognizing the Farrell regime, see pp. 252 ff.