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The Ambassador in Uruguay ( Dawson ) to the Secretary of State

78. Admiral Ingram arrived yesterday with cruiser Memphis and destroyer Somers. President Amezaga is delighted with visit which he told me is “most opportune” and several other officials and prominent Uruguayans have already expressed their satisfaction. Friendly press abounds in cordial articles of welcome and it is obvious that visit is widely interpreted as a timely indication of our support of Uruguay which will not be lost on Argentina. La Razón is only leading paper to voice this openly. It states that visit gives an opportune feeling of security at a time when the defeated enemy is struggling desperately and dangerously in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru to perturb American solidarity. La Razón says that enemy will not succeed but may cause some trouble and that presence in River Plate waters of powerful United States vessels will remind those who forget of the irrevocable will of world democracy. Communist organ comments along similar lines.

Impression caused by visit will no doubt be strengthened by impending arrival of three Mariner bombers which Admiral Ingram is bringing here from Brazil tomorrow or Tuesday. Also USS DE Christopher is due here tomorrow to fuel and will spend 6 to 10 days off mouth of River Plate guarding a British cable ship.
