811.20 Defense (M)/15891: Telegram

The Chargé in Haiti (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

162. President Lescot has, by note dated May 29,14 rejected proposition of financial aid for rehabilitation program contained in Department’s [Page 1173] A–160, May 12, 1944.15 Rather, however, than to risk any controversy as between the two Governments, he has decided that the Haitian Government should assume all financial responsibility in this connection and consequently that responsibilities of RDC in cancellation do not extend beyond its contractual obligations.

Full text of President’s note follows by pouch today.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department in despatch 2831, May 30, 1944, from Port-au-Prince; neither printed.
  2. Not printed: this airgram set forth proposals by the RDC for cancellation of its agreement with SHADA of October 26, 1942, with scrupulous fulfillment of all terms of cancellation in the agreement, and with additional offers to purchase until December 31, 1946, all Haitian rubber available for shipment and to authorize certain payments, sales and gifts of fixed assets to SHADA which would expedite and partially finance the return of leased lands to the peasant owners and the reconversion of such lands to other crops (811.20 Defense (M)/15828A).