811.20 Defense (M)/15926c: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Haiti (Chapin)

195. Rubber Development Corporation requested that you should draw to the attention of SHADA and the Haitian Government the [Page 1172] following: notice of cancellation of agreement of October 26, 1942 having been given to SHADA by Rubber Development Corporation on May 16, all provisions of the agreement relating to cancellation became operative as of that date and SHADA became responsible for carrying out these provisions, including the making of arrangements for the prompt return of the leased land to the owners. Rubber Development Corporation has advised both the Haitian Government and SHADA that it is prepared to fulfill all of its obligations under the contract arising out of cancellation thereof. Such being the case, Rubber Development Corporation is unable to assume any responsibility for delay by SHADA in returning the leased land to the owners in accordance with the applicable provisions of the contract.

In this connection Rubber Development Corporation notes that the Secretary of State for Agriculture of the Haitian Government in his recent communication to Rubber Development Corporation has stressed the importance of the prompt return of the land so that the owners may take advantage of the present rains to plant the land to new crops. Rubber Development Corporation assumes therefore that the Haitian Government will facilitate the earliest possible return of the land by SHADA.

The Haitian Government has requested the Rubber Development Corporation to alter somewhat its obligations under the Agreement. Rubber Development Corporation is awaiting a further expression of opinion from the Haitian Government relative to certain suggestions made by Rubber Development Corporation in response to the said request of the Haitian Government. It is the view of the Rubber Development Corporation that any discussions regarding the aforesaid request of the Haitian Government be not and should not be permitted to delay the return of the land or to carrying out by SHADA of the other provisions of the agreement relating to its cancellation.

From the Department. If you perceive no objection to the foregoing, Department approves presentation thereof to the Haitian Government and to SHADA. If it is presented please so cable for information of the Department and RDC.13

  1. Further reference to this matter not found in Department files.