890F.5018/2: Telegram

The Minister Resident in Saudi Arabia (Moose) to the Secretary of State

73. My 54, February 24. 9 p.m. Prior to departure from Jidda Mr. Jordan, British Minister, offered to keep me currently informed of his conversations with King Ibn Saud. This he failed to do and an inquiry to local British Legation elicited no information.

From Saudi sources it has been learned that subjects of supply, transportation and finance were discussed between Jordan and Abdullah Sulaiman, Saudi Finance Minister, who returned to Riyadh about March 2. A committee appointed by King assisted Shaikh Abdullah.

Agreement is reported to have been reached on all points and a British plane left here yesterday morning to bring Jordan to Jidda and then to take him on to Cairo. He will be accompanied to Cairo by Shaikh Yusuf-Yassin who will visit his family in Egypt and by Shaikh Hafiz-Wahba en route to his post in London.

The United States has an interest in the three subjects on which agreement is said to have been reached and it seems likely that Jordan may be going to Cairo there to discuss recent conversations and arrangements with Saudi Government. If so Landis may wish to participate and it might be useful for me to be present. Authorization to go to Cairo for that purpose is therefore requested if after talking to Jordan the situation seems to warrant it.

Repeated to Cairo.
