Elevation of the American Legation in Tehran and the Iranian Legation in Washington to the status of Embassies
[310] Memorandum by the Secretary of State to President Roosevelt
Washington, December 22,
[311] The Secretary of State to the Chargè in Iran (Ford)
Washington, January 13, 1944—11 p.m.
124.91/101a: Telegram
[312] The Chargé in Iran (Ford) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, January 15, 1944—6 p.m.
[Received January 16—3:22 a.m.]
[Received January 16—3:22 a.m.]
124.91/102: Telegram
[313] The Chargé in Iran (Ford) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, January 20, 1944—10 a.m.
[Received January 21—7:54 a.m.]
[Received January 21—7:54 a.m.]
124.91/106: Telegram
[314] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Ford)
Washington, January 27, 1944—9 p.m.
124.91/106: Telegram
[315] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Ford)
Washington, February 2, 1944—5 p.m.
124.91/106b: Telegram
[316] The Chargé in Iran (Ford) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, February 5, 1944—4 p.m.
[Received 8:01 p.m.]
[Received 8:01 p.m.]
124.91/107: Telegram