- Initiative of the United States to secure cooperation among interested governments on measures to limit and control production and to suppress illicit traffic in opium in areas of the Far East to be liberated from Japanese control
- Japanese treatment of American prisoners of war and civilian
(Documents 979–1028)
- Efforts by the United States to send financial and other assistance to
American nationals held by Japan
(Documents 1029–1106)
- Efforts by the United States to arrange a third exchange of American
and Japanese nationals
(Documents 1107–1130)
- Representations by Japan regarding the treatment of Japanese nationals
by the United States
(Documents 1131–1150)
- Protests by Japan against attacks by the United States on hospital
(Documents 1151–1164)
- Protests by Japan against bombing of allegedly non-military
objectives (Documents 1165–1167)
- Assurance by the Japanese Government that it would not use poison gas
provided the United States also did not use it (Documents 1168–1169)
- Protest by Japan against treatment accorded the Japanese envoy to the
Vatican by American armed forces; protest by the United States against
the conduct of Japanese armed forces toward the American Legation in
Thailand (Documents 1170–1173)
- Protests by the United States against attacks by Japanese naval forces
on survivors of torpedoed American merchant vessels (Documents 1174–1176)
- Violation by Japanese authorities of American diplomatic and consular
property, including archives, in occupied China (Document 1177)
- Decision of the United States and British Governments not to reply to
Japanese peace feeler received through Sweden (Documents 1178–1180)
- Postwar policy planning in regard to Japan and areas under Japanese
(Documents 1181–1226)