
The Secretary of State to the Egyptian Minister (Hassan)93

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note dated March 14, 1944 conveying a communication, transmitted through the [Page 599] Prime Minister of Egypt, from His Majesty the Imam Yehya of Yemen relative to Palestine.

I should appreciate it if you would be good enough to request His Excellency Mustapha Nahas Pasha to inform His Majesty the Imam Yehya that his message has been received by this Government and that careful consideration has been accorded to the views put forward therein. I should be grateful if the Prime Minister would express to His Majesty the appreciation of the Government of the United States for the friendly spirit which prompted him to send this message.

With reference to the resolutions which were introduced into the Senate and House of Representatives respecting Palestine, it should be pointed out that these resolutions have not passed either House of Congress and, in fact, are not likely to be acted upon at this time.

In communicating this message to His Majesty the Imam Yehya, His Excellency Nahas Pasha may wish to express the assurance conveyed in my communication to you dated March 28, 1944, in which it is stated that although Palestine is primarily a British responsibility, it is the view of the Government of the United States that no decision altering the basic situation of Palestine should be taken until an appropriate time is reached and that at such a time the governments responsible for the establishment of peace and the maintenance of law and justice in the world should come to an equitable settlement of all the questions involved in full consultation with both Arabs and Jews.

Accept [etc.]

Cordell Hull
  1. Text communicated to the Minister in Egypt in telegram 692, March 31, 1 p.m., with the instruction that a reply in the same sense be made to El Sayyid Hussein El Kobsi and that the telegram be repeated to Jerusalem, Baghdad, Jidda, Damascus, and Beirut for their information (867N.01/2307).