740.00116 E.W./8–1944: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé at Algiers (Chapin)
2555. You may inform Massigli in reply to his notes of June 6 and August 16 [14], 1944, reference your airgram A–178 of June 16, your despatch 351 of June 16, your telegram 2693 of August 16 and your despatch 483 of August 19,33 that this Government is of opinion that the issuance of a new governmental declaration regarding German war crimes would not be profitable at this time and might well be inadvisable. You may add that the position of the Allied Governments, including the Moscow Declaration, has been explicitly stated and widely and repeatedly published and that position will continue to be referred to in propaganda and otherwise as opportunity offers. It is believed that the French Committee will understand that our reluctance to follow the procedure suggested results not from any waning interest but solely from considerations of policy.
- Despatches 351 and 483 not printed.↩